Friday, June 15, 2018

Celebrating Israel's 70th: Vision For Israel (Barry & Batya Segal) in Fort Mill, SC, USA

Celebrating Israel's 70th: Fort Mill, SC

“Then they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob My servant, where your fathers dwelt; and they shall dwell there, they, their children, and their children’s children, forever; and My servant David shall be their prince forever.” ~ Ezekiel 37:25

It’s Israel’s 70th year as a modern nation!

Vision for Israel requests the pleasure of your company at the celebrations at June 16, Fort Mill, SC.
There will be prayer and intercession for the nation of Israel, special times of praise and worship, and great teaching on Israel and the fulfillment of prophecy.
All proceeds from this event will go to provide a new, fully-fitted ambulance for use in Israel.
Location: 8400 Regent Parkway  Fort Mill, SC 29715  10 am - 10 pm

Click to watch a video promotion of event:

Here are some of our guests:
Sister Sledge

Praise and Worship:
Paul Wilbur

Dr. Michael Brown
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. "Jerry" Boykin
Sid Roth, Host of It's Supernatural (recorded video message)
Jonathan Cahn (recorded video message)
Samuel Tyler
Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda
Peter Wyns
Al Wood, former NBA player
Marcus Lamb of Daystar TV (recorded message)
Kevin Basconi
Sam Nadler (recorded video message)
Barry & Batya Segal
And More…

We hope to see you there!

Nearby Hotel Accomodations:
Heritage International Ministries (0.5 miles from venue)
375 Star Light Dr
Fort Mill, SC 29715
(803) 802 5544
Ask for preferred rates with Vision for Israel event.

TRUMP Will Win Nobel PEACE Prize | ART of the DEAL w Kim Jong-Un & Dennis Rodman ~ Steve Cioccolanti

Published on Jun 15, 2018

🔵 Watch this video all the way through - you will miss too much if you watch only the first few minutes! Pastor Steve Cioccolanti downloads 5 of the Biggest REVELATIONS from the Singapore Summit/ Sentosa Agreement between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un, with revelations about Dennis Rodman, and a message for South Korean pastors. ------------------------------- MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO ✅ Join Discover Church Online via PATREON: (this is the first step to build clean social media) ✅ LIVESTREAM the End Time Conference with Bill Salus and Steve Cioccolanti: (after 23 June, go to for replay) ✅ GIVE LAND to Discover Church: ✅ DONATE via PayPal: ✅ TRANSLATORS (Korean or any foreign language) who'd like to volunteer, email:, subject "Translator" ✅ BUSINESSMEN wanting to bring God into North Korea, email:, subject: "Opportunity in Korea", with your LinkedIn profile ✅ PASTORS wishing to invite Pastor Steve to minister in their church: 🔵 4 BOOKS by PASTOR Steve CIOCCOLANTI (Amazon fastest for North Americans. Discover Ministries best quality & cheapest for all other nations) ✅ FROM BUDDHA TO JESUS (in 7 languages) ✅ THE DIVINE CODE FROM 1 to 2020 (out of stock) ✅ 30 DAYS TO A NEW YOU ✅ 12 KEYS TO A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD (Children's Book) -------------------------------- 🔵 MUSIC CREDIT: Original music made exclusively for Discover Ministries by world-class composer Tom Hanke. Check him out! -------------------------------- ✅ 4 STEPS TO JOIN DISCOVER CHURCH ONLINE: 🔵 1) Follow us on Patreon and become a Patron: You will get audios, videos, posts and photos not shared on any other social media. 🔵 2) Tithe to your home church and give offerings on Discover Church Online. Some Christians have been mistaught that tithing is not found in the New Testament, which is false doctrine: read Luke 11:42 and Hebrews 7:8. God teaches that the tithe (10% of income) is His and must be returned to the place that feeds you spiritually. If you reside in a geographical location without a Bible-teaching church, you may treat us as your online church. 🔵 Separate to tithes, you can sow offerings to any ministry that feeds you according to Galatians 6:6. Offerings can be any amount. We believe the $58 seed is prophetic. Contribute to God's ministry: 🔵 3) Pray with and for Discover Ministries (Colossians 4:3, 2 Corinthians 1:11) Here are some model prayers you can start with: 🔵 4) Spread Jesus, the Word of God, to your family and friends. YouTube links are one easy way. Books and DVDs are another way. Before giving Christian books or videos, first pray in faith for the people you want to be saved. For help refer to a model prayer from Pastor Steve’s life called “6 Steps” and use it right away! ✅ BE PART of an END-TIME NETWORK of like-minded believers who want to collaborate and have massive impact on the world online and offline. Join DISCOVER CHURCH ONLINE today! ------------------------------- ✅ Subscribe to our friendly E-NEWS -------------------------------- ✅ BUY Christian books, DVDs, CDs, MP4s, MP3s, Gifts: 🔵 A GUIDE TO THE MILLENNIUM (MP4): 🔵 500 YEARS SINCE MARTIN LUTHER'S INCOMPLETE REFORMATION (1DVD OR CD): 🔵 A CHRISTIAN TOUR OF ISRAEL - NEW! (Play-on-Demand video): 🔵 2 SECRETS OF THE JEWS: From Abraham to Modern Israel (1 DVD) ✅ STREAM videos on demand: ✅ FIND freedom in Christ's Life & Teachings. ✅ Your SUPPORT of this Christian ministry is GREATLY appreciated.

Beneath the Surface: The Untold Story of US Christians Unearthing Israeli Archaeology - Breaking Israel News

BIN HeaderBiblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Beneath the Surface: The Untold Story of US Christians Unearthing Israeli Archaeology

“By digging down into the earth of the holy land and finding our answers in there, we established our roots here and showed…we’re not interlopers or migrants, we‘re not survivors of the Holocaust that Europe dumped here,” Oren.
“Go and tell Hizkiyahu: Thus said Hashem, the God of your father David: I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. I hereby add fifteen years to your life.” (Isaiah 38:5)

Return of Lost Tribe of Menashe Signals New Stage in Redemption

Rabbi Freund brings home 225 Bnei Menashe as part of the prophesied return of Israel that follows the return of Judah.
“And you, O mortal, take a stick and write on it, “Of Yehuda and the Israelites associated with him”; and take another stick and write on it, “Of Yosef—the stick of Efraim—and all the House of Yisrael associated with him.” (Ezekiel 37:16)

Russia Marks ‘National Day’ Celebration in Jerusalem

The Russian Embassy in Israel marked its “National Day” celebration on June 14, and for the first time in Israel’s capital, Jerusalem.
“A time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:8)

Police: Bomb-Making Attempt Causes East Jerusalem Explosion

An explosion in Shuafat Refugee Camp in east Jerusalem late Wednesday night occurred during an attempt to build an explosive device, Israel Police said after a preliminary investigation.
“Do not plan evil against your neighbor, who dwells trustingly beside you.” (Proverbs 3:9)

Hamas Threatens Israel With Thousands Of Burning Kites

Hamas warned Thursday that it would dispatch some 5,000 burning kites into Israel from the Gaza Strip to coincide with Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan.
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” (Isaiah 43:2)
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Israeli-Arab: Coexistence Only Possible in Israel

Mohammad Zoabi, an Israeli Muslim Arab, explains how Israel promotes coexistence and pluralism


Both in the Bible and in modern times, the Children of Israel battled to take possession of the Land of Israel. Moshe (Moses) led the Children of Israel in battle agains
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Breaking Israel News

Charles Shamp: "A Tsunami Wave Over the Nation! Trees Planted and Uprooted in the White House!" - The Elijah List

Charles Shamp: "A Tsunami Wave Over the Nation! Trees Planted and Uprooted in the White House!"

The Elijah List Jun 14, 2018

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I sure appreciate prophetic voices like Charlie Shamp who have taken a bold stand in this nation and other nations as well. He is certainly becoming a great prophetic voice to this generation and is quite accurate in his words.
As we have just witnessed another historic week in the news, we wanted to send out this powerful encouragement by Charlie which he just released on June 7. In this article Charlie shares this awesome word of the Lord:
I heard the Lord speak, "I have extended an olive branch of peace to the United States of America and will extend Donald Trump's presidency into a second term by the power of My right hand. What I have done in the White House will happen with every 'branch' of government in the United States for I will pull out corruption and plant trees of righteousness that will bear much fruit.
Saints, read this prophetic exhortation over our nation and our government, and let's continue to lift up our leaders in prayer! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

I was recently in prayer and was taken into a vision in the spirit. I looked and saw these deep-seated, old roots of corruption in the foundation of the White House.
In the vision, the White House appeared to be shaped like a very old tree with its branches withering. Suddenly, the hand of the Lord came and pulled it from the ground. Another White House was put in its place, one where its roots revealed righteousness and peace. The hand of the Lord planted it into rich soil and it began to flourish. Its branches contained beautiful fruit. As I looked at this tree, it seemed to be an olive tree.
Trees in the White House
I was again lifted up and taken to the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Supreme Court where I saw them all uprooted and replaced with new trees where the foundations were righteousness and peace. They too began to flourish and bear fruit and appeared to be olive trees with multicolored fruit. (Photo via Unsplash)
I heard the Lord speak, "I have extended an olive branch of peace to the United States of America and will extend Donald Trump's presidency into a second term by the power of My right hand. What I have done in the White House will happen with every 'branch' of government in the United States for I will pull out corruption and plant trees of righteousness that will bear much fruit.
"Even now, the ax is laid to the root of these corrupt trees. Every tree which does not bear good fruit will be cut down, pulled out and thrown into the fire! There will come forth new terms filled with peace. Branches will grow out of righteous roots. The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon America again – the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord which will return once again across the land."
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
A Tsunami Wave of Revival
I again looked and saw a massive, red tsunami wave coming to America. Suddenly, it crashed against the shores and covered the nation. I thought, "No. Does this mean a disaster will come?" I heard the Lord say, "I will come to America with another wave of revival. This will be the third wave and will crash against the shores so intensely that the nation will awaken to righteousness again.
"I will cover this nation with My Blood. Cities will experience the salvation of My hand. I will empower My Church to preach the message of the Cross and multitudes will run to alters on street corners and stadiums as I cover the nation with the Blood of My Son from sea to shining sea."
"I Will No Longer Allow Your President to Stand On His Own"
The Lord spoke to me again, "As a sure sign of these things coming to pass, there will be a wave of conservatives elected during the midterm election in November 2018. It will be Breaking News. They will carry the House and the Senate and I will uproot, replant and rebuild the nation.
"I will tie the three branches of government together; for a person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. I will no longer allow your president to stand on his own. Even now, I have called others to come alongside and help bring the nation back from the dead and they will take their seats in the coming days."
I saw the House of Representatives stay in the hands of the Republicans and will move much more to a conservative position. I could see into the Senate and saw the Republicans gain nine seats. Those that took their place were considerably more conservative then those who had previously been there. I heard the Lord say, "Yes, nine will be a sign – a sign that righteousness has been birthed in the nation and earth." I saw three more constitutional conservatives were appointed to the Supreme Court by President Trump before 2020. (Photo via Flickr)
I was so stirred in my heart at the sight of the nation, it was no longer surviving... it was thriving. Waves of outpouring, renewal and revival were all around. I saw tangible glory clouds coming down.
God will have His way in the coming days, but we must stand and continue to pray. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Charles and Brynn Shamp, President and Founders
Destiny Encounters
Charles and Brynn Shamp are the founders of Destiny Encounters. They have a true passion for revival and the glory of God. Compelled by the heart of the Father to seek and save the lost, they are releasing God's love to the world seeing the captives delivered, the sick healed, and lives changed. Charles and Brynn believe that through outreach, missions, and crusade evangelism, one life changed can impact a nation and transform a generation. Charles and Brynn have answered the call to lead a generation in the movement of both the Word and the Spirit. With the power of an encounter they are truly unlocking a generation's destiny one heart at a time.