Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Iranians to Israel: "We Love You, and Know You Love Us" - Israel Today

Iranians to Israel: "We Love You, and Know You Love Us"

Tuesday, June 19, 2018 |  Israel Today Staff
An Israeli reporter in Russia to cover the World Cup caught up with fans of the Iran national team just after its match against Morocco, and some of what they had to say was eye-opening.
A group of three Iranian men pleased with their team's 1:0 win over Morocco went on to tell the Israelis watching from home: "What you saw in there, those are the people of Iran, not what you see on TV (referring to the frequently televised anti-Israel marches in Tehran). We love you, and I know you love us."
Another fan declared: "The Iranian people love Israel!"
Click here to watch the clip. The news commentary is in Hebrew, but the Iranian fans speak in English.
PHOTO: Ynet screenshot
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Monday, June 18, 2018

Change the Tires, Trade the Car - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Change the Tires, Trade the Car
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.” (Job 22:28, New Living Translation)

Dreams are another supernatural way the good Lord speaks to us. He gives us warnings, direction, hope, inspiration, or some other bit of knowledge for ourselves, a family member, or a group of people. When He gave me the following dream last night, following some prayer afterward as to its meaning, I knew it was for me.

But then now I think it may also be for a few of you. Read it, and if you sense an affirmation in your spirit, then too consider the possibility that the Lord may want to speak a confirmation in your heart as well.

Here goes.

The small car I was driving on the roadway seemed to be losing air in the front right-hand tire, and I thought it had picked up a nail. There was enough air left in the tire to get to my intended destination, but when I got out and looked at the tire, it wasn’t a nail or another object after all. In fact, after arriving, the rubber was totally coming off the rim! It reminded me of those tires that are re-treads, and after some good mileage had been traveled, they just fall off the main tread. You see remains of them often along highways where semi-trucks had lost the re-tread.

I then checked the left front tire, and the rubber was also starting to fall off. These had lasted just long and far enough to get me to my intended destination.

Further into the dream, I realized that it just so happened that I had stopped the car near a tire store, and the attendant said he had some tires to replace these two with. I responded with an OK, but then thought, “I am going to be trading this car in for a bigger one. I don’t need the higher priced tires. I’ll get some others instead.” And so I did.

I did not know at this time what the next car was going to be, but I believed it was to be a larger vehicle which I was going to need for the upcoming days.

I then woke up.

When I asked the Lord what this was about, and trying to recall the details, I felt He was letting me know that a change was coming soon, and that the vehicle I had been driving had gone as far as He wanted it to go, to the very end of the line in this season. A bigger replacement vehicle was coming, as I looked to trade this one in. The smaller car would still be used by someone else, who would need it for their purpose, but it would not be big enough for the purposes and plans He had next for me.

Sometimes our Lord removes those things which have completed their service for the intended purpose, knowing that the next time or season will require the need a "larger vehicle” or a different location in order to fulfill the call on our life.

As for the tires “falling off the rim” dream image, it may seem drastic, but I believe that sometimes the Lord has to cause such a drastic adjustment to come in order for us to “wake up” to the fact that He has something more for us. Otherwise, we may be content to stay as we are.

I know that is true.

Change is needed to keep us prepared for what is ahead. Change gets us from one point to another, as we “move” in the Lord’s leading. Without change, we would stay in one place, keep doing the same thing, and miss an opportunity He wants to give to us.

Change requires faith. Staying put isn’t always what the Lord desires. We must be open and willing to do as instructed, or as the next open door becomes known. We then must be willing to step through that entryway into the next mission.

Be thankful for those times when He “pushes” us to get there. A little encouragement from above is needed for us who tend to wait too long for the “next” to come. It may be that the “next” time is now.

And one more thing. Don’t despise the small vehicle you had been riding in, for it got you to the destination just arrived at, having served its purpose for that time. Be thankful that because of it, you are now at the next transfer point, to receive the next vehicle which will take you further on the road, onto the next journey.

As I said earlier, I know this dream was meant for me, and I highly suspect there are a few others who many consider this is for you too.

Move in faith as He leads. Change cometh!

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This #345- in the year of our Lord 06.18.18 –Change the Tires, Trade the Car”, Monday, 11:15 am

I will give thanks to You, O L-rd, among the nations, and I will sing praises to Your name. 2 Samuel 22:50 - Richard and Carolyn Hyde, Heart of G-d Ministries

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Journey through Australia

We are so blessed by the reception from Australians as we bring worship and testimonies from Zion. 
The times of worship have been deeper than ever here Down Under and we are so grateful for the many meetings with people who were in need of healing with whom we could minister to personally.  We were especially blessed to be able to minister in several churches with many Aboriginal believers and places where the people had never had a message about Israel before. Divine appointments abound and we praise the L-rd that we can be in the right place in the right time. 

At the sea we met a woman who said, "I grew up in a strict church so I don't follow Jesus now."  After sharing Yeshua we were delighted at how open she was.  We left her with plenty of joy and truth to ponder.  

While sharing with another woman, she said she's a Christian but has a hard time believing the Bible and doesn't have a personal relationship with Yeshua.  We spoke with loving concern and pray she'll take to heart what we said about knowing Yeshua and being able to hear His voice.  So many lost, so little time...

Praise G-d for these testimonies after several meetings:
 "After last night's meeting, I experienced a breakthrough in an area of my life where I had blockage!"
"Over the years I confess I lost interest and became complacent about Israel but tonight after this meeting, I caught the fire and will pray for Israel every day now!"

I will give thanks to You, O L-rd, among the nations and 
I will sing praises to Your Name. 2 Samuel 22:50

The Continuing Saga with the MOI, Ministry of Interior

Three times over the past few years prescheduled dates in court were canceled the night before by the MOI.  They claimed that they needed more time to build their case against our family, particularly against our son Ariel.  Never once has the MOI stated why they will not grant Ariel's wife citizenship.  Although not Jewish, Shayla is married to an Israeli Jew and therefore is entitled to full citizenship.  The MOI also won't give a reason as to why they are pursuing the removal of our citizenship as Israelis.

But at last the judge told the MOI, "No more delays!"

So on June 7 Ariel and Shayla went to court in Jerusalem.  The lawyer Shira, from Calev Myer's law office, said she was surprised and pleased, as she had never been previously given the opportunity in similar cases to present as much evidence as she did.  Shira explained the recent guidelines established by the Vice-Attorney General, which supposedly overseas the MOI policies, which states that if you made Aliyah more than ten years ago, your citizenship may never be removed.  The MOI attorney insisted on viewing evidence of this as she had never heard this before and neither had the judge!  So right there in court, Shira presented this guideline and another related one that gave even more weight to their case.  The judge told the MOI lawyer that Ariel's case seems to be very strong so what will you do about this?  The answer given was that the MOI needs more time.  The judge said he wouldn't wait for them but instead he'd establish guidelines to move forward, so hopefully an end is in sight!  

But is it really?  Will we, Israeli followers of Messiah ever be completely accepted?  
While speaking with Ariel after the court date, Richard asked him if he ever worries about this.  Ariel replied no and we agreed that we also never worry about this.  It's like the peace of G-d has covered our family through this season and we know that the prayers of you, the saints, have much to do with this!

Normally in a court case the defendant doesn't speak.  But Ariel asked to address the judge and gave him the following Scripture.  It was definitely a good word in season!  Hopefully a ruling will come soon but meanwhile we will continue to share the love of our Messiah Yeshua with the lost.  It's a great privilege and a calling on our lives from the Holy One of Israel!
Psalm 94:14-15
For the L-rd will not abandon His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance.  
For judgment will again be righteous and all the upright in heart will follow it.  

LSE Singapore group
The good guys
Come to our Galilee home for an evening of worship, Israeli folk dancing, sharing testimonies & dinner served on our roof with a gorgeous view of the Sea of Galilee, Golan and the Jordan Valley!
Thank you for praying for these young men and other young Israeli believers whom we have the honor of supporting in ministry in Zion through the Yeshua Project.
Please feel free to share Scripture verses on photos that I took mostly in Israel, although this photo is in Australia.  Enjoy more on my Facebook page and thanks for clicking on LIKE if you like the page!  
RH CH Singapore
Thank you for your love and prayers as we continue to bring worship and the Word out of Zion to Australia for another month.  We pray for G-d's presence in your midst, His peace in your hearts, His protection to cover you, His provision to support you and His anointing to increase in your lives!
In Yeshua's love,
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda   15220  
USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada:  First Century Foundations  
Canadian charitable tax #10780-1771-RR0001  *   Phone: 1-877-628-2800
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada * www.firstcenturyfoundations.com 
Australia:  Heart of G-d Ministries * Westpac Bank * BSB: 734 070 * Account: 737 481
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We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 
Copyright © 2018
Heart of G-d Ministries, PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246