Friday, June 22, 2018

Indictment Reveals Hamas Paid Gazan Family $2,200 to Accuse IDF of Killing Baby - Breaking Israel News

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Indictment Reveals Hamas Paid Gazan Family $2,200 to Accuse IDF of Killing Baby

A Hamas leader paid the parents of an eight month-old baby girl, to wrongfully blame the IDF’s use of tear gas for her death
“He who deals deceitfully shall not live in my house; he who speaks untruth shall not stand before my eyes. (Psalms 101:7)

IDF Demolishes Apartment of Terrorist Who Killed 2 Soldiers

On Thursday morning, the IDF demolished the house of Alaa Kabha, the Palestinian terrorist who killed two IDF soldiers, Capt. Ziv Daus and Sgt. Netanel Kahalani, on March 16 by ramming them with his car
“Justice done is a joy to the righteous, To evildoers, ruination.” (Proverbs 21:15)

Strategic Affairs Ministry Unveils BDS ‘Network of Hate’

Gilad Erdan revealed a map of the network of ties between 42 of the most prominent Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) organizations in the world and their ties with terrorist organizations Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
“But if you carefully obey his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.” (Exodus 23:22)

Israeli Company Wins First Prize in Counter-Terrorism Competition

An Israeli medical technology company won first prize in an international competition for startups developing anti-terrorism technology
“And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, “Let us rise up and build.” So they strengthened their hands for the good work.” (Nehemiah 2:18)

Review of Israel Land Sales Reveals Bias Against Jews

A review of the some 200 state land tenders featured on the Israel Land Authority website has found that the authority systematically limits tenders for land in Arab communities to “local residents.”
“The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine. For you are strangers and sojourners with me.” (Leviticus 25:23)
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Israeli Police Describe Terror Kite and Missile Attacks

Israeli police released an explanatory video describing the terror kite and missile attack threat against residents of Israel's south


The above is one of the most beloved Biblical description of the Land of Israel. Rashi, a medieval Biblical commentator, explained this description literally: Milk flows from the goats, and honey comes from the dates and figs of the Land of Israel...
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Facebook Blocks 'Trump Prophecy' Ads - CALEB PARKE/FOX NEWS

Facebook Blocks 'Trump Prophecy' Ads

The producer of "The Trump Prophecy," a faith-based film about a man who said he heard from God in 2011 that Trump would one day be president, says Facebook has "almost been abusive" in seeking information from the production company, which was just trying to place an ad on the site.
Facebook is blocking ads from the production, which is a partnership between ReelWorks Studios and private Christian school Liberty University's cinema department, alleging it is too "political."
Facebook did not return Fox News' request for comment.
"The name 'Trump' requires a reaction. Unfortunately people try to come up with a conclusion before they know what the story is about. We're not doing political ads but that's what we're being accused [of]," Rick Eldridge, the film's producer and financer from ReelWorks Studios, told Fox News.
However, Eldridge said the movie does include reflections from several different world leaders answering questions about what it means to "make America great again" and what the current administration means for Israel and world peace.
When "Prophecy" producers tried to appeal the ban of their ads, Facebook responded by saying "the text and/or imagery you're using qualifies as political, based on the definition we're using for enforcement."
"I know issues with Trump are often charged, but if you watch the movie it's not really about Trump as much as the events that occurred leading up to the election," said Stephan Schultze, the film's director and head of the cinematic arts department at Liberty.
Unlike the book it is based on, which gathers the accounts of retired firefighter Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert talking about Trump prophecies, Eldridge said the movie only focuses on one prophecy from Taylor: that Trump would become president and impact the relationship between America and Israel.
One of the more controversial claims Taylor has made, that is not included in the movie, is that President Barack Obama will be charged with treason and that Trump will release cures for cancer and Alzheimer's disease that the pharmaceutical industry has kept secret.
While the film's producers say the film is not political, Facebook blocked its ads for this very reason.
"We think it's going to help unite this world but that's a message Facebook doesn't want us to tell," Eldridge, who has also produced "Four Blood Moons" and "The Ultimate Gift," said.
According to Schultze, 63 students, in addition to some faculty members, at Liberty gained "real life, real hands on experience" working on the film. The class runs like a real production, he said. Each student has two roles, as they help with every aspect of the film.
"In the six years since its inception, we've done five movies – two of which have gotten national theatrical release," Schultze added.
Liberty's state-of-the-art facilities were part of the reason Eldridge was excited to partner with the Christian school.
"We didn't debate religion. We didn't debate politics. We just told a story and everybody had a good time with it," Eldridge said.
But one student didn't want to be associated with the movie, so that student worked on another project.
Outside of the department, however, a petition started by an anonymous person who said they are a Liberty student expressed outrage through a petition, demanding the school to "cancel" the "heretical film project," though it is unclear how many of the 2,000-plus signees are affiliated with the school.
Last year, LU President Jerry Falwell, Jr. called the actions of a few LU graduates threatening to forgo their diplomas as "grandstanding" and a "joke" to protest Trump's commencement address.
Eldridge said he hopes the film gives people a better understanding of what to pray for based on the Bible verse 2 Chronicles 7:14.
"I think the story is really at its core about prayer and it's about calling our nation to prayer," We are a divided nation in a lot of ways, but when you look at leadership,... when you look at it from a biblical perspective, we are called to pray for our leaders...whoever is in authority over us."
The faith-based film will be released in 1,000 select theaters nationwide on Oct. 2 and Oct. 4.

This May Be the Funniest Verse in the Entire Bible | Surveys Show 'Sharp Differences' Between Jews in US and Israel | The Untold Story - Standing With Israel

Standing with Israel newsletter
Friday, June 22, 2018
This May Be the Funniest Verse in the Entire Bible
Let me explain.

Surveys Show 'Sharp Differences' Between Jews in US and Israel
"Disunity can lead to tragedy."

How Israel Is Helping Save the Seas
Yet another example of Genesis 12:3 in action.

The Untold Story of U.S. Christians Unearthing Israeli Archaeology
In Jerusalem, archaeology serves as a tool for proving the Jewish people's roots in the land.

Are We Seeing Ps. 102:16 Come to Pass in a Greater Way?
More Jewish immigrants are settling in Jerusalem. Is this biblical prophecy underway? 

Strang Report podcast
Strang Report podcastHot topics affecting your Christian faith. Challenge your beliefs each week with topics on U.S. and International politics, missions, Christian movements, persecution and global outreach. Join host Steve Strang, founding editor and publisher of Charisma magazine, as he discusses these topics and challenges you to know what Christians are experiencing nationally and globally. Listen now
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Anne Graham Lotz on Life After Billy Graham, and the Message He Wrote to Her 40 Years Ago that She Just Found - CBN News Julie Blim

Anne Graham Lotz on Life After Billy Graham, and the Message He Wrote to Her 
40 Years Ago that She Just Found
CBN News Julie Blim
Last February, the world mourned the loss of Reverend Billy Graham, especially the evangelist's 
children. Now the daughter whose preaching style most closely resembles the style of "America's
 Pastor" is speaking about how the family has handled his passing.

CBN's Scott Ross talked with Anne Graham Lotz, the second of the five Graham children, 
about the family and why she's pushing so hard now for the church in America to rise up in prayer.

She spoke about the day her father died, and how peaceful his passing was.


Why Billy Graham Was a Modern Moses: Anne Graham Lotz Points to Powerful Prophetic 
Significance of His Death

Anne Graham Lotz: Her Book, America, and Remembering Billy Graham (Extended)

"He was getting ready to have breakfast, took a few breaths, and he was in heaven. You know, 
no struggle, no pre-warning. Just, he was there," she said.

Lotz says the family is staying close since Billy Graham's passing, but it's been tough.

"You know, I think we're doing all right. It's been difficult in many ways. We're all scattered. 
I talked to one of my sisters last night. I talked to Franklin day before …and so we'll stay in 
touch. But without that home base, it's going to be different," she says.

Lotz says she misses so much about her father, from the tender moments they shared to the 
depth of his biblical knowledge.

"Well, of course, Daddy's missing. And to think of what I miss the most is just everything," 
she says. "It's knowing that I can't go home to see him anymore. Even in his last few years 
when he was weak, I just loved to sit there and hold his hand. Or stroke his head, or he was
 affectionate when I would lean down to kiss him, he would just – he was so warm and 
would embrace me."

"But he loved God's Word. And I miss hearing his comments. But, you know, the sweet thing, 
I've written a new book on the Holy Spirit that'll come out next spring. And I was thinking I 
wish I had Daddy to talk to. You know, I wish I could discuss this with Daddy. And I looked 
up in my bookcase and he had a book on the Holy Spirit that I don't know, it's maybe 40 years 
old. And so I pulled it down and in the flyleaf, he'd written the most beautiful thing to me. 
And I read it, it was like talking to Daddy about the things I wanted to talk about."

While Lotz has her family to care for as a mother to three grown children and grandmother 
to three young ladies, she continues to minister to audiences around the globe, spurring them 
to a deeper devotion to Christ.

Lotz has powerfully proclaimed the gospel for 30 years in her own right. And she continues 
that ministry with her newest book: The Daniel Key, all about the power of prayer and how 
Daniel engaged in spiritual warfare.

"I believe that the enemy has unleashed an attack on God's people, on the leaders of God's people, 
on the children of God's people," she says. "And of course it goes back to our choices. We've 
made choices as a nation that have taken us away from God's Word, taken us away from the truth, 
taken us away from faith. And our foundation of faith is crumbling."

But Lotz says the prayer of Daniel in chapter 9 is powerful, proving Christians have the authority 
to change the world through prayer.

"When we go into prayer, there is a spiritual battle that ensues. Where the enemy, who is the devil,
and all of his, you know, demons, if he can't keep us from prayer, then he wants to distract us in 
prayer or he wants to keep our answers from coming," she says.

"And so it's just – it's a battle, but we have the victory in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
There's no spirit that we'll ever face that's greater than the authority that we have been given in 
Jesus' name."

"I believe that there is hope if God brings His Spirit, pours out His Spirit, and we have revival 
in the church. If God's people will wake up and they'll start living for Him and loving Him and 
paying the price for taking a stand for Him and sharing the Gospel, then I believe revival, 
the church could greatly impact our nation."

"I believe Jesus is soon to come. In fact, I said it at my father's service. I felt that God had told 
me a long time ago that when my father went to heaven, that that would be a shot across the bow 
and that would be a wake-up call to the whole world. And that the Gospel will be preached to 
the whole world, which it was."