Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Syrian Refugees Begin Massing on Israel's Border - Israel Today

Syrian Refugees Begin Massing on Israel's Border

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 |  Israel Today Staff
Syrian civilians fleeing a fresh military offensive by their own government and its Russian allies have begun massing on the border of Israel's Golan Heights.
They say that being as close as possible to Israeli forces is the safest place to be, presumably because Syrian dictator Bashar Assad and Russia are wary of drawing Israel further into the country's bloody civil war.
The Assad regime is feeling confident of late after managing to regain control over most of Damascus and its suburbs, with the help of the Russians.
Now, Assad wants to end the official rebellion (which is largely unrelated to fight against ISIS and other jihadist groups) by retaking the last major rebel stronghold, the Daraa region of southwestern Syria.
The Daraa region borders both Jordan and Israel. It is through Daraa that well over half a million Syrians have crossed the border to find refuge in Jordan. But, the Hashemite Kingdom has now said "no more."
Jordan this week officially closed its border to additional Syrian refugees. It was the worst possible timing for the residents of Daraa, as regime and Russia warplanes began indiscriminately bombing everything in sight in preparation for a major military push into the region.
Waseem Kiwan, a resident of Daraa city, told the AP that the Russians are bombing everything, including hospitals and UN facilities. As a result, many of these Syrians now feel that the "safest place is the border with Israel because the regime and Russian airplanes cannot strike the area near the Israeli border," said Kiwan.
Another observer, Qalaat Al Mudiq, posted photos and videos of the fighting in Daraa, as well as the migration of Syrians toward Israel, to his Twitter profile:

This is a rather remarkable development, considering that most Syrians were raised believing the Israelis to be bloodthirsty and merciless enemies.
Clearly, a great many people no longer believe such lies, as previously evidenced by the flood of wounded Syrians seeking medical treatment in Israel.
PHOTO: Despite being officially at war, the Quneitra border crossing has seen Israel grant entry to thousands of Syrians seeking medical treatment. Will the Jewish state now open its gates to a much larger number of Syrian refugees? (Flash90)
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Supreme Court Rules Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Can't Be Forced to Join 'Sales Team for Abortion' - CBN News Jennifer Wishon

CBN News spoke with Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America about the Supreme Court's ruling. She said, "This just shows you how important elections are in our country."

Supreme Court Rules Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Can't Be Forced to Join 'Sales Team for Abortion'
CBN News Jennifer Wishon
WASHINGTON – Pro-life Californians scored a big win in the Supreme Court Tuesday. In a 5-4 
ruling, justices decided a California law that forces pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise information 
about abortion probably violates the Constitution.

The high court sent the NIFLA v. Becerra case back to a lower court where it says the pro-life 
argument is likely to win on the merits of their claim that the law violates the First Amendment.


Like 'Lung Association Being Forced to Promote Cigarettes': State Turns Pro-Life Clinics 

The justices struck down a second part of the law that requires unlicensed pregnancy centers to 
post a sign that says as much.

"We applaud the US Supreme Court for sending a clear statement today that pro-life Americans 
cannot be discriminated against and targeted by the government. The state of California's insidious 
effort to prevent pregnancy care centers from helping suffering women is appalling," Penny Nance, 
president of Concerned Women For America, said after the ruling.

And Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins says the ruling "put a halt to the 
abortion industry's campaign forcing pro-life advocates to act as a sales team for abortion."

Tired of the liberal media censoring the Christian perspective from the headlines?

The court examined a 2015 California law, called the "Reproductive FACT Act," that forces more 
than 100 privately funded pro-life clinics, many Christian-affiliated, to post notices on the wall 
informing women that free or low-cost abortions are available.

Failure to do so results in fines or getting shut down.

Basically, the law requires pro-life Californians to advertise a practice they believe is murder. 
However, critics say the case is about much more than abortion.

"This is a victory for freedom of speech, freedom of expression and for countless unborn babies. 
We should be grateful for this ruling, and we ought to pray for the crucial work of pregnancy 
resources centers around the country," tweeted Dr. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and 
Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The Supreme Court got it right today with the NIFLA case: the state cannot and must not be able 
to force pro-life organizations to participate in abortion.

This is a victory for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and for countless unborn babies. 
We should be grateful for this ruling, and we ought to pray for the crucial work of pregnancy resources 
centers around the country.

"Freedom-loving women should celebrate the court's wisdom here in allowing all women to serve 
their fellow neighbor as their conscience dictates, free from government interference," continued 

Justice Clarence Thomas delivered the opinion of the court which was joined by Chief Justice 
John Roberts, Justices Anthony Kennedy, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch.

Ryan Anderson at the Heritage Foundation says Tuesday's Supreme Court ruling will likely have 
a positive impact in other areas as well, tweeting: "Reading through Justice Thomas's opinion: what 
he says about professional speech should help protect many other professionals, and not just on
speech about abortion, but also speech about marriage, rightly understood."

Reading through Justice Thomas's opinion: what he says about professional speech should help 
protect many other professionals, and not just on speech about abortion, but also speech about 
marriage, rightly understood.
Brad Dacus, president and founder of the Pacific Justice Institute, agreed.

"Today's decision from the Supreme Court is a resounding reaffirmation of free speech principles 
and a sharp rebuke to the California Legislature," he said. "The so-called Reproductive FACT Act 
was never about objectivity or information—it was a blatant attempt to coerce pro-life advocates 
into promoting the very thing they abhor. We are gratified that the Supreme Court rewarded our 
efforts over the last several years to defeat this insidious legislation."

Justice Stephen Breyer filed a dissenting opinion, which was joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 
Sonya Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan.

This case is expected to affect similar laws in other states.

Research shows when a woman considering abortion sees her baby on an ultrasound prior to making 
her decision, often at a crisis pregnancy center, 90 percent of those mothers choose life.

"I hope leaders in Sacramento will take heed and end the apparent race to appease the radical Left 
with more and more intolerance," said Dr. Jerry Johnson, president, and CEO of the National 
Religious Broadcasters.

Christian Archaeologist Battling For the Bible’s Truth In Israel - Breaking Israel News

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Christian Archaeologist Battling For the Bible’s Truth In Israel

Using the Bible as a guidebook, Dr. Scott Stripling is now digging in Shiloh, which he surmises may be the true site of the biblical Tabernacle

Israel to Rethink UNESCO Exit After Postponement of ‘Palestinian’ Heritage Sites Decision

UNESCO postponed a decision to list the Old City of Hebron, the Cave of the Patriarchs, the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls on its list of endangered world heritage sites

WATCH: The Power of Words

The use and control of words is a critical element in guiding public discourse

ICYMI: Threats and Bias at Presbyterian USA General Assembly Highlight the Importance of Jewish-Christian Coalitions

Nearly all of the 13 resolutions considered by the Middle East committee were anti-Israel in nature and none held the Palestinian Authority accountable for harming Israelis and Palestinians alike

Stop Taking Evangelical Support for Granted

By Michael Freund
Among many pro-Israel activists, long-term US support for the Jewish state is guaranteed, thanks to the country’s growing number of Evangelical Christians
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Eternal Lessons ✡ "Go, Traverse The Country" - Israel365

Go, traverse the country and write down a description of it.
Joshua 18:8 (The Israel Bible™)

לְכוּ וְהִתְהַלְּכוּ בָאָרֶץ וְכִתְבוּ אוֹתָהּ
Hear the verse in Hebrew

le-KHU ve-HEET-hal-KHU ba-a-RETZ ve-KEET-vu o-TAH

What Can We Learn From the Book of Joshua?

The Book of Joshua is full of important lessons. Throughout the book, we are taught that the entire Land of Israel belongs to the Children of Israel. We learn of the borders of the land, and of many key cities. In addition, we are taught that the proper place for the Children of Israel is the Land of Israel under the reign of the Kingdom of Israel. Each tribe has its own inheritance, with the land divided according to divine lots, and they must all see themselves as sections of one great nation. The eternal words of the Book of Joshua speak to the hearts of lovers of Israel. Each of the above mentioned lessons resonates with any contemporary person who feels a connection to the State of Israel.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

In Protesting Ayatollah Regime, Iranians Shout 'Death to Palestine' - Israel Today

In Protesting Ayatollah Regime, Iranians Shout 'Death to Palestine'

Tuesday, June 26, 2018 |  Israel Today Staff
For years, the only images of Iranians engaging the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that were approved for broadcast were of Iranians cursing the Jewish state.
But, for just as long, the older generation of Israelis have been reminding everyone that the people of Iran were previously their warmest allies in the region.
In other words, those anti-Israel demonstrations in Tehran reflected more the ayatollahs' agenda than the genuine sentiments of most Iranians.
On Monday, Iranians took to the streets of Tehran to protest against their oppressive regime. Their primary focus was on domestic issues. But, when they did turn to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, guess what they shouted? "Death to Palestine" was the call replacing the "Death to Israel" they had been so long forced to chant by the ayatollahs.
The protests, which turned violent in several places, were sparked by Iran's crumbling economy, the result of a defiant nuclear program and unrepentant Iranian support for regional terrorist organizations.
Among the chief beneficiaries of Iranian patronage have been the Lebanese militia Hezbollah and the Palestinian terror group Hamas, both of which were founded for and remain dedicated to Israel's destruction.
Iranians have grown tired of their regime involving them in conflicts in which they have no interest at the expense of the nation's economic prosperity.
Videos posted to social media showed the demonstrators chanting slogans like "Death to Palestine," "No to Gaza, no to Lebanon," and "Leave Syria and think of us."
Many Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, remain convinced that were the regime of the ayatollahs to fall, Iran would return to being a close and strong ally to the Jewish state, as it was prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
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