Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Nate Johnston: "A Dream I Just Can't Shake: The Whales are Coming!" - The Elijah List

Nate Johnston: "A Dream I Just Can't Shake: The Whales are Coming!"

The Elijah List
July 3, 2018

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a most intriguing word from Nate Johnston of Australia, in which he shares a prolific dream he had about "whales" and what they represent to the Body of Christ.
You will gain a lot of insight in this as Nate shares:
Whales represent the prophetic ministry and/or the current prophetic movement because whales are sensitive, dive deep, and communicate through song – much like prophets who are messengers and revelators of the deep things of God's heart. In the story of Jonah, it was a whale that transported him from the stormy seas to his destiny. The ministry of the prophetic also seeks to realign people with their promises and take them from the stormy seas of life and transport them to their place of purpose and calling. I knew seeing this whale was the Lord highlighting the greater reinstatement and resurgence of the prophetic in a greater way across all streams in the days to come.
Now read on and find out how we can position ourselves for the mighty prophetic movement in the days ahead! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to: elijahshopper.com.

Have you ever had a dream that was more than just a dream? A dream that not only gave you insight but seemed to mark you deeply and change your trajectory? A month ago I had such a dream that I haven't been able to shake since. As I have been processing it with the Lord, I have realized the corporate invitation it carries, serving as a guidepost and commissioning to the prophetic movement. I pray that this dream marks you as deeply as it did me.
The Resurgence
In the dream, I was with many other prophets and leaders at an ocean-side resort, where I could see tons of people partaking in many different recreational watersports and having a lot of fun. As I entered the water, I suddenly felt something grab my legs! I looked down to see a huge humpback whale looking back at me in a friendly way, as if we knew each other well. Then as I looked out over the water, I saw a huge school of whales swarming the resort's shore waters.
"Maybe the uncharted territory you are in right now is the Lord preparing you for birth!"
Whales represent the prophetic ministry and/or the current prophetic movement because whales are sensitive, dive deep, and communicate through song – much like prophets who are messengers and revelators of the deep things of God's heart. In the story of Jonah, it was a whale that transported him from the stormy seas to his destiny. The ministry of the prophetic also seeks to realign people with their promises and take them from the stormy seas of life and transport them to their place of purpose and calling. I knew seeing this whale was the Lord highlighting the greater reinstatement and resurgence of the prophetic in a greater way across all streams in the days to come.
There is an island not far from where I live that had many whales surrounding it, but has been scarce over the years. This island still to this day, has seen less whales than it used to. Instead it is now known for its prolific dolphin population. Dolphins represent the intelligence of man that we rest on when we are void of God's wisdom. But I prophesy that the whales are coming back to the waters!
Awakening a Song and a Time of Acceleration
In my dream, as I was traveling across the water, I realized I could somehow communicate to the whale and would hear it cry out in response! Did you know that a whale starts a song in the beginning of migration that they keep singing and adding to as they travel the large distance to their furthest destination? When other whales join in the song, they sing in unison with their melodies like a perfectly organized choir.
I believe we are in a time where the prophetic voices are beginning to come into unity and release their sound in unison. This sound is shaking the deep places and calling the earth into order and in compliance to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Then the whale swam away from the shore with my legs still in its grip, which felt much like I was wake boarding with my body above the water, traveling at quite a speed that even others on jet skis were finding it hard to keep up. It was exhilarating to say the least. In that moment, I had a thought come into my mind and I said to myself "This is what I was made for!" It was as if for the first time I was experiencing the adventure and ride of being "in the pocket" so to speak, or in my lane. There was nothing more I could have desired in that moment. It was the sense that I was doing what I was created to do.
The water was spraying up all around me and I was still moving at an incredible speed. The Lord spoke to me through this and said, "There is a divine acceleration coming upon the prophets in both revelation and maturity, and I am moving the prophets into position to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath"(Deuteronomy 28:13)! (Photo via Unsplash)
I have done a lot of wake boarding in my life and I know the skill and strength it involves to stay standing up as the boat speeds through the water with you behind it. Just to pull yourself up, you need arm and upper body strength, but as the boat turns, you also need to know how to move with both the stationery water and the moving boat by angling your body as it turns. To learn this I have taken many falls, some fun and some ending up with a few days of bad neck and back pain, and some wisdom to apply for the next time out on the water.
Acceleration is upon us, but it isn't something we just step into, it's a divine grace that God is breathing upon us to SURGE FORWARD with a new momentum and favor. However, it will require a new strength, wisdom, and skill to maintain. When God adds and elevates us higher, He also prepares us to steward it well by increasing our character and ability to carry what He pours out.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Uncharted Territory
As I continued to speed through the water, I noticed that an island or land was approaching in the distance. But because of the sheer speed that the whale was moving us in, it wasn't long until we were nearing the shore. To my surprise the whale didn't slow down at all, but kept its velocity, which meant that we suddenly launched out of the water and landed on the shore. Strangely, we were able to keep moving on the land in the same way and speed like we did in the ocean. I was watching as a we sped through a small town, causing all of the onlookers to drop what they were doing, and pay attention to this uncommon site! After a while I signaled for the whale to turn around and we headed back to the resort.
The symbol of the sea represents the world, or what I felt represented the common place of operation, the bounds of the prophetic as we have known it. The land represents the new territory we as the Body of Christ are moving into. From a logical perspective, whales are not created to operate on land – it's physically impossible – but the Lord is impressing to us that in the days to come He is giving us uncharted territory to occupy and stake a claim in. This will require breaking out of the boxes where we have confined our prophetic expressions, functions, and the way God has called us to shine His light in the day we live.
"I knew seeing this whale was the Lord highlighting the greater reinstatement and resurgence of the prophetic in a greater way across all streams in the days to come."
This excited me to imagine the endless impossibilities that lay before us in the Church, especially if we keep our hearts and ears open to move in ways that may confront our mindsets or cause us to move in greater faith with Him. I also believe that the migratory patterns of whales is significant in this season too because we are in a season of birthing. The purpose behind the migration of whales is to go to warmer waters more suitable for birth. Maybe the uncharted territory you are in right now is the Lord preparing you for birth!
Anointing without a Cost?
As I walked up onto the shore, I noticed a group of people who were all congregating around someone who was talking loudly with great bravado and confidence. Everyone was glued to his words and what he was talking about, but I couldn't seem to understand the point of what He was saying. I was not impressed at all. He began speaking about the whales that entered the waterway and how it was an opportunity to show them off and turn the resort into an ocean-life museum, where people could come and observe them in their cages and tanks. Then two men walked in at his command carrying a huge barrel of stinking, rotting fish, and the man began to mention that he would be feeding them to the whales. At this, the sheer injustice of what he was saying caused me to yell out: "You can't feed that to them!" To which the man replied, "Well you buy them food then, this didn't cost me anything."
I was really grieved at this part of the dream, because this man was trying to cage and contain these whales and even monetize them! In addition to that, He was wanting to feed them rotting fish which would not have been a healthy, sustainable diet for them. It's a scary thing when we see the prophetic as an opportunity to lead people to our own man-made structures, rather than nurturing and raising healthy prophets. The temptation in this hour is  to forfeit the purity we have been entrusted with and fall into self-promotion, religion, or distortion. The rotting fish represents the diet that is not valuing the prophetic anointing upon our lives and not stewarding it with wisdom or governing the motives of the heart.
It reminds me of what King David said in 2 Samuel 24:24"But the king replied to Araunah, 'No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.'"
Fishing with Daddy
As I walked away, quite disturbed from what I just witnessed with the whales food, my heart was instantly comforted by someone who stood in front of me. It was the Father, and He bent down and stretched His arms out to embrace me with a huge smile on His face. Everything else just melted away. It was at that moment that I realized I was around 5 years old and I was walking with the Father towards a jetty, both of us holding a fishing pole. Knowing what I was thinking He looked me in the eye and said, "I'll show you how to catch the right food for the whales." As He said that my dream ended. (Photo via Unsplash)
The words of the Father seemed to burn in my heart and I saw a branding rod clearing out the cobwebs of performance and clutter that can come as a result of "doing" instead of "being". In those simple words, He was powerfully rescuing us from operating apart from rest and dwelling in His peace, as well as a deep awakening to the very source of the prophetic office and function... being with Daddy!
As He led me away from the noise of the committee I saw the future strength of the prophetic movement and how God is inviting us into a place of greater intimacy that will ensure that the whales are safe, free to roam, and healthy for the days to come.
I pray that this dream encouraged you, challenged you, and caused you to burn deeper with a heart to see HIS HEART revealed in the earth! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Nate and Christy Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Email: everydayrevivalists@gmail.com
Website: www.everydayrevivalists.com
Nate Johnston is a revivalist and worshipper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry "Everyday Revivalists," he teaches on intimacy and hearing God's voice which was birthed from a hunger for authentic, real, and powerful relationship with Jesus. Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into Gods sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in Grace and freedom through our identity in Christ. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia.

Charlie Shamp's Prophetic Word about the Supreme Court - THE ELIJAH LIST

Charlie Shamp:
Prophetic Word Concerning the United States Supreme Court

Today's Elijah List Ministries Featured Video Messages...
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I have come to really respect Charlie Shamp as both a prophet and a friend of God.
Please listen carefully to this prophecy. It has the heart of God and the mind of Christ.
Then do me a favor and pray into it!!!

 Steve and Derene Shultz
Steve and Derene Shultz

Tonight while in prayer I heard the Lord say, "Get ready for my Deborah will arise and take her place!"
By Charlie Shamp... Watch It Now
P.S. I want to say a quick THANK YOU in advance! If you are being blessed by this or other Elijah List Ministries Videos, would you consider making a tax deductible financial gift today? Just click on the link(s) below.
Thank you!

Steve and Derene Shultz
Steve and Derene Shultz


Twitter Locks My Account for Telling the Truth About Muslim Slaughter of Christians - MICHAEL BROWN CHARISMA NEWS

For the first time, after more than 35,000 tweets, Twitter has locked my account. Why? Because I told the truth about radical Islam, and I told the truth about the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria. How did this violate Twitter's guidelines?
On Sunday, my article appealing to Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari was posted on different sites. It was titled, "President Buhari, Please Stop the Muslim Slaughter of Nigerian Christians." A subtitle used on one site added, "Muslim herdsmen are massacring their Christian neighbors, and the Nigerian government refuses to act."
My initial tweet announced the article and urged Christians to share it, stating: "I don't often do this, but this is an urgent matter. Christians are being slaughtered in Nigeria—babies hacked up; children brutalized; women raped; people burned alive—while the Muslim govt. does nothing (or worse). PLEASE read and share."
As of this writing, it was retweeted 1,248 times and liked 737 times, and the article itself has been shared thousands of times.
The whole purpose of the article was to alert the international community to the atrocities being experienced by these Nigerian Christians, with the hope that with more awareness, pressure would come on President Buhari, himself a Muslim, to stand and act. (Many accuse him of being complicit in the slaughter.)
On my AskDrBrown Facebook page, Nigerian Christians shared some of their own horror stories. It was heartbreaking to read.
One man posted, "Thanks for speaking out on behalf of the Christians in Nigeria. The mainstream media seems to be quiet and no one seem to talk about it. Truthfully, the future of Nigeria's Christians looks potentially nightmarish with the level of calculated killings across the country."
Another wrote, "Sadly so. Am a Nigerian christian and I don't feel safe to travel to the north eastern of Nigerian because of presence of Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen, kidnapping and killing innocent Christians and the name of Islam. And our government is handling the issue with kid gloves."
But on Twitter, an internet war broke out between some Nigerians accusing me of lying and spreading fake news and other Nigerians backing every word I said. In support, one man posted: "I can furnish you with pictures of babies and women being hacked to death. This is not even an argument. Whoever is defending these ills is obviously part of the illZ be assured that paid bots on this media will vigorously defend the horrible negligence of this administration."
Another posted a map from Amnesty Nigeria documenting the slaughter of Christians at the hands of (Muslim) Fulani herdsmen. The tragic facts are undeniable.
I responded forcefully to those denying the slaughter or claiming both Muslims and Christians were being killed equally, or that this was entirely political and not religious at all.
To one I wrote, "??? Muslims are slaughtering Christians. It's outright religious butchering. That's the truth, regardless of what the local media tells you."
And then, "I deeply disagree with you. We've been following this for years. It's nothing new. Just the Fulani herdsman and President Buhari are adding to the mix. (My last comment to you.) And yes, Muslims kill other Muslims. That's true. But that's the evil of radical Islam."
When I checked my Twitter feed late this morning, I was shocked to see that my account was limited for 12 hours (meaning, I can only send followers Direct Messages and cannot tweet anything of my own, make comments, or retweet or like other tweets).
What was the reason? Twitter listed these last two tweets, with this explanation: "What happened? We have determined that this account violated the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for:
  1. Violating our rules against hateful conduct. You may not promote violence against, threaten or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability or serious disease."
What? Hateful conduct? I was exposing hateful—actually, murderous—conduct. I was not promoting violence against other groups I was calling for the president of Nigeria to combat the violence.
Plus, I stated that Muslims also kill Muslims (an undeniable, almost daily reality) and I made specific reference to "radical Islam" so as not to indict all Muslims.
Yet somehow, I broke Twitter rules and engaged in hateful conduct. What a travesty! Twitter is silencing the very voices calling for justice and urging that innocent children, women and men be protected. How can this be?
I immediately protested their decision and received an automated reply that someone would get back to me within a few days. (This doesn't help much with a 12-hour suspension, does it?) And in order to start the 12-hour countdown, I had to delete those two "offending" tweets, which I did after taking screen shots of everything.
My only hope is that: 1) some of those angry with me for exposing the truth reported me to Twitter; 2) someone working for Twitter misread my factual reports as threats; and 3) Twitter did this entirely in error.
This once happened to me on Facebook, where a meme quoting Hamas was blocked and my account suspended. Facebook subsequently apologized and reinstated the post and my account. They thought I was calling for the extermination of the Jews in Israel. They didn't realize I was quoting Hamas.
So, again, giving the benefit of the doubt to Twitter, I'm hoping this was a simple error. If not, things on Twitter are even worse than I imagined.
Either way, here's how you can help me fight back. First, retweet my initial tweet. Second, share my article with your friends.
The blood of the innocent is crying out from the ground. This is the least we can do.
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Playing with Holy Fire: A Wake-up Call to the Pentecostal-Charismatic Church. Connect with him on Facebook or Twitter, or YouTube.

A Desirable Land ✡ "The Fairest Heritage Of All The Nations" - Israel365

I had resolved to adopt you as My child, and I gave you a desirable land—the fairest heritage of all the nations.
Jeremiah 3:19 (The Israel Bible™)

וְאָנֹכִי אָמַרְתִּי אֵיךְ אֲשִׁיתֵךְ בַּבָּנִים וְאֶתֶּן־לָךְ אֶרֶץ חֶמְדָּה נַחֲלַת צְבִי צִבְאוֹת גּוֹיִם
Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-a-no-KHEE a-MAR-tee AYKH a-shee-TAYKH ba-ba-NEEM v’-e-ten LAKH E-retz
na-kha-LAT tz’-VEE tziv-OT go-YIM

A Desirable Land

Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) describes the Land of Israel as a 'desirable land'. The Land of Israel is desired by all nations since Hashem's (God's) holy presence is so palpable there. Everyone who senses the holiness of the Land of Israel is drawn towards it. One needs to look no further than the modern media outlets to appreciate the ongoing conflicts and debates over the ownership of the Land of Israel. Despite its small size, Israel is indeed the most desired land and is sought after by the nations of the world.
What do you desire?

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