Tuesday, July 23, 2019

We've Expanded Our Tent! - Maoz Israel Report, Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram

Kobi and Shani and their 5 Israeli-born children - Illit, Lahav, Nevaeh, Sela and Nesher
July 2019
By Shani Sorko-Ram Ferguson
From childhood, I had watched my parents build a ministry that impacted much of the Body across Israel and even secretly in areas of the Middle East. Kobi and I had watched them outlast tidal waves of opposition and survive the swirl of challenges that come with success. This story is just a tiny glimpse into my parents' life-long work here in Israel.

Kobi and I want to see that hard work bear fruit decades from now. This is why we are now transitioning into the future leaders of Maoz Israel Ministries.

The Scriptures speak of a time when those who minister begin to transition in their role - from leading - to assisting the younger generation of leaders. (Numbers 8:24-26)

Our tents are now expanding, and we look forward to continuing together with you on this adventure to see all Israel saved!
The Maoz Israel Report is available online in:

Maoz Israel Ministries | PO Box 535788Grand Prairie, TX 75053-5788

"In this Season of Unprecedented, Expect the Unexpected" - Anita Alexander THE ELIJAH LIST

"In this Season of Unprecedented, Expect the Unexpected"

Anita Alexander  THE ELIJAH LIST

Jul 23, 2019
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve Shultz
We are really living in some amazing times with God and He is getting us ready for them.
Yes, shakings and darkness will continue...but that's when we will see amazing moves of God as many prophets, past and present, have said.
Here's just a snippet of what Anita Alexander says in this word of the Lord:
The Lord says, "In this season of 'UNPRECEDENTED,' expect the unexpected. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented strategy to take the land. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented solution to the problem. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented direction to possess and inherit. Expect the unexpected people to..."
There's so much more rich revelation for you in this word. Read it for yourself as you too "expect the unexpected" from God Himself! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to: elijahshopper.com.

"Game, Set and Match!"
I recently had a vision of a tennis match being played. For those of you who know the rules and terms of tennis, the game had been played for 5 sets; it was a very long game. The game was up to match point and it had been going between deuce and advantage for the longest time.
(Match point is when the player who is winning will win the match if they get the next point. Deuce is when the score is tied at 40-40 or higher and either player simply needs to win by two to conclude the game. Advantage scoring refers to the side which wins the next point after deuce – it is said to have the advantage. "Game, set and match" is declared when the match has a winner.)
Prophetically, this picture was speaking of the threshold place where we stand before a breakthrough, when it seems like we are about to breakthrough, only to experience yet another delay or back step. Sometimes this can go on for years.
Many have been back and forth from "deuce" to "advantage" like in the tennis match; they have felt frustrated and weary because the game has just been so long. But the Lord, by the wind of His Spirit and by His strong arm of victory, has come in and is saying that this is the last play, and it's pushing you over from advantage into VICTORY! I hear the decree of Heaven resounding like a trumpet, "GAME, SET AND MATCH!"
Uprooting Impenetrable Strongholds
The Lord often uses everyday examples in my life as a metaphorical, prophetic allegory to prophesy what He is doing with His people in certain seasons. So a few days ago, I was sitting on my back porch, having my morning coffee, and time with the Lord in prayer, and my attention was fixed on my back garden. I heard the Lord say, "It's time to weed this garden." (When I hear Him like this I know I am in for a prophetic lesson.) (Photo via Unsplash)
The next day my daughter Anastasia came to me and said, "Mum, I want to spend some time with you." I said, "OK, so what do you want to do?" thinking she would suggest coloring, or something to that effect. But to my surprise she blurted out, "I want to do some weeding!" Shocked, I looked at her and said, "Sure, let's do this!" I knew God was all over this. The Lord often uses her in my life to align with decrees of Heaven in seasons, and this time was no different.
So we began to clean up the garden. Now there is something you must understand about my garden. We have lived in this particular house for just over 8 years. The entire time we had lived here, and up until this point, there was a certain vine weed that we had never been able to get rid of. Its roots were very deep and very strong, too strong to pull out by hand. It was a nightmare with strangling other plants in the garden and grew so fast and spread roots to other areas of the garden. We hadn't sprayed this weed because we did not want to kill off all our other beautiful plants, so we just maintained it by cutting it back, etc. (I'm not a green thumb or expert gardener by the way, so this just seemed to be the only thing to do at the time.)
This time was different. I actually heard the Lord say, "Anita, pull it up from its roots. This time it will come out."Now, we had an unusual amount of rain this last winter, and the rain had moistened the ground. So away I went. I had to search and discover the roots of these particular weed because the vine just grew everywhere – I had to trace it to the root. I started with with a little bit of elbow grease, and with some effort, it came out by the root!
I was elated! For 8 years this had not been possible. The Lord began to say to me, "Anita, now is the season where I am raining My presence on My people's lives, saturating their hearts, softening hard ground where strongholds have laid for long periods and, in some cases, for generations. But now is the time that those strongholds are coming up by the root; those things My people have not been able to get victory over or have had in their lives as a hindrance, trying to choke off their destiny and calling and intimacy with Me – I am causing them to come out by the roots!"
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
A Season of Manifesting the "Unprecedented"
For a few weeks now I've been hearing the word "UNPRECEDENTED." The Lord has been showing me we are now entering the season of achieving and going beyond things which have not yet been accomplished or discovered.
This season marks a new beginning (8 being the number of new beginnings); a new era of unprecedented breakthrough, unprecedented victory, unprecedented miracles, unprecedented favor. Whatever you have been believing Him for, put "unprecedented" before it and see Him take you exceedingly above and beyond all you could imagine, ask or think!
The Lord is equipping His people with power to inherit and possess all that He has promised them in unprecedented fashions.
Expect the Unexpected!
The Lord says, "In this season of 'UNPRECEDENTED,' expect the unexpected. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented strategy to take the land. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented solution to the problem. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented direction to possess and inherit. Expect the unexpected people to come along side you and be key in partnering with you in your breakthrough. Expect the unexpected locations of birthing. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented miracles to manifest right before your eyes."
Isaiah 43:18-19 (AMPC), "Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Photo via Unsplash)
In order to expect the unexpected according to Isaiah 43:18-19 you must forget the "old way" and you must have "new eyes to see."
The Lord is birthing your breakthrough in a "new way" just as, in the same way, He told the children of Israel to leave space between the ark of the covenant and themselves when they were crossing over, because they had "never gone this way before" (see Joshua 3:4).
We must understand that in order to inherit and go into the land to possess it, this can not be done with old strategies. It must be done with new ones. And we must have fresh eyes to recognize and perceive the new thing, otherwise, we will stay and perish in the old.
Today the Lord says, "Open your eyes and open your ears to the new and unexpected, and watch Me move on your behalf in unprecedented proportions and measures of My Spirit." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Anita Alexander
Revival Flame Ministries

Email: anita@revival-flame.org
Website: www.revival-flame.org
Anita Alexander is a prophetic revivalist who has a heart for revival, healing and transformation. Motivated by an intense love for the Body of Christ, Anita's passion and compassion is to see the Church forsake religion and tradition, awaken to the Father's love and arise and walk in the overcoming identity as sons and daughters of the Kingdom. Anita and her husband Dr. Sasha Alexander travel nationally and internationally ministering in revival fire that brings resurrection life, healing and awakening to the Body of Christ. They are co-founders and senior ministers of Revival Flame Ministries, Golden City Church, and University of the Spirit Ministry Training School and reside in Gold Coast, Australia.
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