Wednesday, July 24, 2019

DIVIDED AMERICA 2020: Is It Too Late? (Civil War of Pro-Life vs Abortion under Trump)

DIVIDED AMERICA 2020: Is It Too Late? (Civil War of Pro-Life vs Abortion under Trump)

Published on Jul 20, 2019

🌷❤️Pastor Steve Cioccolanti was asked, "Is it too late? Do you have hope?" He gives signs of hope, of revival, even of a Great Awakening. The pro-life movement is making great strides in the past few months under the Trump administration.

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 ✅ Your SUPPORT of this Christian ministry is GREATLY appreciated. (c) Steve Cioccolanti. All rights reserved.

News & Politics

Angels All Around - Dr. Peter Wyns, Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC

Angels All Around - Dr. Peter Wyns

Antioch International Church
Fort Mill, SC

Streamed live on Jul 21, 2019

https://www.antiochinternationalchurc... Angels are all around to protect, provide, and comfort.

"Be Encouraged. Our God Wins." - Steve Martin book. Just published. Now available on Amazon.

"Be Encouraged. Our God Wins." - Just published. Now available on Amazon.

July 24, 2019

All of us need more courage. We are called by God to be on a specific mission, to carry out His command to take the Gospel to all the nations. Some will do it while communicating in friendship among their neighbors. Others will be a light in the work office, being there to speak hope and encouragement to the other staff members who may be struggling to make ends meet or who need a word of truth and love in helping the difficult child at home.

Still, others will hear the call to join a mission organization, or travel through contacts in their church congregation, to bring the light of the Gospel to the distant land.

But more likely our need for courage proves itself most in the ongoing struggle we face daily as we stand strong against the winds of change, the forces arrayed against believers, who are committed to adhering yet to the principles and foundational stones found in the eternal Word of God. Even as the Bible itself is mocked, lied about, and spoken as irrelevant to this day and age, we who have been taught the truth must be the ones to stand strong upon it.

I dedicate this book to the next generation of those who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and have been shown mercy and grace.

My heart and prayer are for our sons and daughters to have a life-changing experience of who the Lord is, who He wants them to be, and what they can do to impact this world with the spiritual gifts and calling that rests on them.

The world is awaiting how they will impact it with the truth of the Gospel. If ever we needed them, it is now.


Be encouraged in your daily walk with God, for when it is all said and done, our God wins!

God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and God the Holy Spirit – the Three in One – rule from their heavenly throne. Together they are daily involved in the lives of men, women, and children in all the nations. The establishment of their kingdom here on earth is taking place. And one day Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach, will set up His earthly throne in Jerusalem, Israel, the place where He left from in 33 AD, promising to return to that same place.

Knowing the last chapter recorded at the end of the Book, the Word of God, the Bible, as revealed to John the Apostle, we know that from the beginning in Genesis, to that ending chapter in Revelation, the Lord has been preparing His people and bringing about His plans and purposes.

Both believing Jews and Gentiles are seeing His work and getting involved.

These messages are to encourage you, including among them I trust, in your walk with the Living God of Israel.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, North Carolina USA

"Be Encouraged. Our God Wins." - Just published. Now available on Amazon.

Justice Department Launches Antitrust Probe of Big Tech - Associated Press

Justice Department Launches Antitrust Probe of Big Tech
The U.S. Department of Justice opened a sweeping antitrust investigation of big technology companies and whether their online platforms have hurt competition, suppressed innovation or otherwise harmed consumers.
It comes as a growing number of lawmakers have called for stricter regulation or even breaking up of the big tech companies, which have come under intense scrutiny following a series of scandals that compromised users’ privacy.
President Donald Trump also has relentlessly criticized the big tech companies by name in recent months. He frequently asserts, without evidence, that companies such as Facebook and Google are biased against him and conservative politicians.
The Justice Department did not name specific companies in its announcement.
The focus of the investigation closely mirrors a bipartisan probe of Big Tech undertaken by the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust. Its chairman, Rep. David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat, has sharply criticized the conduct of Silicon Valley giants and said legislative or regulatory changes may be needed. He has called breaking up the companies a last resort.
Major tech companies already facing that congressional scrutiny declined to comment on the Justice Department’s probe.
Amazon had no comment. Facebook also did not have an immediate comment.
Google directed requests for comments to the testimony its director of economic policy, Adam Cohen, made to the House Judiciary Committee last week. Cohen reiterated the company’s benefits to consumers.
Apple referred to comments from CEO Tim Cook, who told CBS last month he doesn’t think “anybody reasonable” would call Apple a monopoly.
Shares of Facebook, Amazon and Apple were down slightly in after-hours trading.
One antitrust expert believes the DOJ investigation may prompt regulators to interpret U.S. competition law in new ways.
University of Pennsylvania law professor Herbert Hovenkamp said the companies may have been their abusing market power by collectively buying hundreds of startups in recent years to devour their technology and prevent them from growing into formidable rivals.
Traditionally, antitrust regulators have only sought to block acquisitions involving large companies in adjacent markets. But Hovenkamp says U.S. antitrust law is broad enough for regulators to consider the potential damage wrought by relatively small deals, too.
Earlier, the Washington Post reported that the Federal Trade Commission will allege that Facebook misled users about its privacy practices as part of an expected settlement of its 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal.
The federal business watchdog will reportedly find that Facebook deceived users about how it handled phone numbers it asked for as part of a security feature and provided insufficient information about how to turn off a facial recognition tool for photos.
Advertisers were reportedly able to target users who provided their phone number as part of a two-factor authentication security feature.
The FTC didn’t respond immediately to a request for comment. 
Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. 


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Spell That Must Be Broken Over America | Dr. Lance Wallnau

The Spell That Must Be Broken Over America 

| Dr. Lance Wallnau

Published on Jul 23, 2019
Go to to watch the entire Rise And Fall Of Nations Bible Study Series and download the notes.
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