Friday, July 26, 2019

11 Surprising Facts About the Bible You Probably Didn't Know - CHANSHI CHIBWE CHARISMA NEWS

(Photo by Joseph Redfield from Pexels)
11 Surprising Facts About the Bible You Probably Didn't Know 
Many people are familiar with the Bible, whether they subscribe to its beliefs or not. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Bible is the most-sold and widely distributed book in history with total sales exceeding 5 billion copies since 1851. Guinness estimates in the last 3,000 years, there have been around 5 trillion copies sold, although it's impossible to substantiate the exact number. There are approximately 100 million sold each year, allowing it to continue to lead the charge of bestselling nonfiction book in the world.
That said, there are not many people who don't recognize the Bible, but many may not know the surprising facts wrapped around the most famous book of all time. Here are 11 surprising facts about the Bible that will serve you well at your next cocktail party.
1. The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the world.
We suppose it shouldn't come as a shock the most widely book in the world would also be the most stolen, according to True Bible Facts. From its popular stay in hotel rooms and home libraries, the Bible more than any other book gets swiped from shelves.
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2. More women read the Bible than men.
According to a 2017 study 2017 by the American Bible Society, women are 20% more likely to read the holy book than men.
3. There are 185 songs in the Bible.
According to the Overview Bible Infographic, Nearly 85% of the songs in the Bible are in the book of Psalms. Throughout the rest of the Old and New Testament, you'll also find songs of praise to God or prayer for relief. See Infographic [here].
4. The Old Testament Took 20 times longer to write than the New Testament.
While the Old Testament was written over 1,000 years, the New Testament took approximately 50-75 years to write.
5. The Bible was written by over 40 different authors.
The Bible is known as God breathed by His servants. Forty servants exactly are responsible for penning the words we read and reflect upon today.
6. The last word in the Bible is 'Amen'.
Appropriately so, the final word of the Bible ends with "Amen", such as the end of a prayer: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen" (Rev. 22:21).
7. The 'Sinner's Bible' features a shocking misprint.
In the 17th century, a Bible published by Robert Baker mistakenly recorded the seventh commandment as: "Thou shalt commit adultery." The horrifying error was only caught after almost 1,000 copies were distributed, according to Reader's Digest. Today, only nine copies remain of the now infamously nicknamed "Sinner's Bible."
8. Half the women in the Bible are nameless.
According to figures reported in a study by Rev. Lindsay Hardin Freeman about 1% of the dialogue in the Bible are words spoken by women, 86 total. Of those 86 women, nearly 50% are unnamed.
9. It takes twice the time to read Game of Thrones than the entire Bible.
According to a graphic by Personal Creations, the Bible would take approximately 43.79 hours to read. That is only half the time they calculate it takes to read R. R. Marin's A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones).
10. The Bible mentions dogs but it does not mention house cats.
The Bible mentions 125 animals throughout its chapters. Unfortunately for cat-lovers, the dog has about 42 references; however, no record of mention of the house cat.
11. Bible simply means "book" or "scroll."
Bible is derived from the Latin word biblia or the Greek ta biblia. It means "the scrolls" or "the books." According to Encyclopedia of Britannicabiblia is derived from one of the oldest cities, Byblos, which was responsible for supplying paper products to the ancient world. 
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

"Prophetic Word for the Middle East & Clear Vision for 2020" - Daniel and Amber Pierce THE ELIJAH LIST

"Prophetic Word for the Middle East & Clear Vision for 2020"

Daniel and Amber Pierce  THE ELIJAH LIST

Jul 26, 2019
Intro from Chuck Pierce:
Steve Shultz
Dear Seeing Ones:

Daniel and Amber just sent me an incredible update from Dubai. The Lord met Daniel and gave him a vision of the Middle East.
In this decade of seeing, God has refined our vision so we can begin to decree in new ways.
Daniel and Amber's report below will help you pray with new insight and faith for the year ahead! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Chuck D. Pierce and Team
Glory of Zion International Ministries

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

My wife Amber and I are writing to you from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. When I woke up on the third day of our stay here, my spirit came alive as God began speaking to me in intercession. As I began to pray, it was like a window opened up to Heaven and I could suddenly see the heart of God for the Emirati people and the people groups of the Arabian Peninsula.
Improved Relationships and Realignment
There is a new season coming of improved relationship with Israel among the nations, and as those relationships come into sync with the heart of God, a blessing will be decreed from the mouth of God over many lands and many waters! As the spirit of Persia arises, it will continue to cause the nations of this region to draw closer. There is a realignment taking place on the Arabian Peninsula and in the Arab nations that will bring many face-to-face with the God of Israel and the Lord of hosts. I heard God speak to Yemen and say, "Peace be still!" and I heard Him speak to the strait of Hormuz and say, "Peace be still!"
A Crack in the Foundations of Islam
On a recent morning, God told me to go down to the waters of the Persian Gulf and decree that He is a God who breaks the bow and bends the spear and tells the wars to cease. Then God showed me a crack in the foundations of Islam and told me to decree a shaking that would cause the crack to widen and the five pillars to crumble before His voice!
From here, in the UAE, I decree that the voice of God will be heard like the sound of a rushing wind, and that His Spirit will usher in the truth of who God is. (Photo via Pexels)
Dubai: Arab Media Capital for 2020
When I got up that same morning, I looked at a copy of the Gulf News that had been left in our hotel room. On the front page was an article titled: "Why Dubai has been chosen Arab Media Capital for 2020." After reading this article, I began to pray that Dubai's voice in the Arab nations would grow even stronger, and that God would use the voice of Dubai and the UAE to begin to unite the Arab world. I also prayed that this strengthening voice would be used like a trumpet in the Middle East to proclaim a powerful testimony in days to come.
Pray that God would ignite a burning fire of revival on the Arabian Peninsula and that a seed of revelation would begin to grow, even now, in this moment!
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Additionally, Amber had a word concerning 20/20 vision and coming into a new clarity. I believe that the year 2020 will be a time when many nations see God defining their vision in ways that could not have been imagined:
A Time for Vision to Become Clear!
God had me read Habakkuk 2 this last week. In this passage, Habakkuk is crying out for God to restore justice. God tells him to write the vision and make it plain. You see, God uses the clarity of vision to set a course for the restoration of justice for His people and in the nations. We should expect that God will release clarity into our vision in 2020.
In this chapter, the Lord replied to Habakkuk's cry: "...Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay." (Habakkuk 2:2-3)
We must remember that God has appointed a time to release revelation and make it plain! Please pray that in every appointed time, God's people would be able to grab ahold of His word and see the vision plainly as it has been written and decreed in Heaven! (Photo via Unsplash)
"Has not the Lord Almighty determined that the people's labor is only fuel for the fire, that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing? For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." (Habakkuk 2:13-14)
God's desire is to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Please stand with us in prayer that the Lord's glory would cover the earth, and that His revelation would become clear in the Arabian Peninsula.
Join us in declaring that His Spirit will become known in all nations and to the ends of the earth! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Amber and Daniel Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Daniel and Amber Pierce have been sown into the Land of Israel as a first fruit of Glory of Zion Ministries. They have lived and served in Jerusalem with their two small children for the past seven years. Daniel and Amber have recently established a ministry center in the heart of Jerusalem with a desire to help cultivate worship, prayer, and discipleship for the Body in Israel, as well as the nations who gather there.
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"Need some encouragement? - Now Think On This message by Steve Martin

July 26, 2019

Greetings friends of Love For His People ministry.

Need some encouragement today? Who doesn't?

Even as the nations rage, the summer days have heated up, and the Halls of Congress allow many to speak freely, truth or no truth, our God wins. He wins daily, and in the very end, after all is said and done, He wins! Thank You, Lord!

When I inquired of the Lord as to what my next book title should be, He replied, "Be encouraged." So thus it is. And the best thing about it is that we can be filled with His hope and expectation because He wins. He wins as it clearly says in the back of The Book. Our God wins and He will have the final triumphant re-entry back to this planet to rule and reign over the nations.

With its publication this week, I know it will be such to those who read it. You can order it online now here: Be Encouraged. Our God Wins.

Let your faith rise up. Let hope spring anew. Let the Lord of all, seated on the throne, enlighten you with eyes to see His operations and outworkings.

Be encouraged.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, NC USA

P.S. Join us Friday, August 2, 2019, for our next Strength For Israel at Antioch International Church in the main auditorium - The Barn. We will also have a friend from Israel come greet us.

Now Think On This

by Steve Martin

“For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15:4-6, NASU)

All of us need more courage. We are called by God to be on a specific mission, to carry out His command to take the Gospel to all the nations. Some will do it while communicating in friendship among their neighbors. Others will be a light in the work office, being there to speak hope and encouragement to the other staff members who may be struggling to make ends meet or who need a word of truth and love in helping the difficult child at home.

Still, others will hear the call to join a mission organization, or travel through contacts in their church congregation, to bring the light of the Gospel to the distant land.

But more likely our need for courage proves itself most in the ongoing struggle we face daily as we stand strong against the winds of change, the forces arrayed against believers, who are committed to adhering yet to the principles and foundational stones found in the eternal Word of God. Even as the Bible itself is mocked, lied about, and spoken as irrelevant to this day and age, we who have been taught the truth must be the ones to stand strong upon it.

(Read the rest: Encouragement)
You coming? Look here: Paul Wilbur is coming back to Antioch International Church, with full concert! Hosted by Peter Wyns and Christians For Messiah Ministries. Also conference with Michael Brown and Rick Joyner.
by Steve Martin

Be encouraged in your daily walk with God, for when it is all said and done, our God wins!God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and God the Holy Spirit - the Three in One - rule from their heavenly throne. Together they are daily involved in the lives of men, women, and children in all the nations.

The establishment of their kingdom here on earth is taking place. And one day Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach, will set up His earthly throne in Jerusalem, Israel, the place where He left from in 33 AD, promising to return to that same place.

Knowing the last chapter recorded in the end of the Book, the Word of God, the Bible, as revealed to John the Apostle, we know that from the beginning in Genesis, to that ending chapter in Revelation, the Lord has been preparing His people and bringing about His plans and purposes.Both believing Jews and Gentiles are seeing His work and getting involved.

These messages are to encourage you, included among them I trust, in your walk with the Living God of Israel.

Paperback or Kindle. Amazon Paperback $12.95 Kindle $2.99
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People
Love For His People, Inc | P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134