Thursday, August 8, 2019

"The Great Jewish Leader" outreach video in English is released at last! - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

GJL Part 1
Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
We have been sharing this outreach video with groups in our home, saying that one day we'd send it out with English subtitles. Well, we're delighted to say, "That day has come!"
Because of the tainted history of the Church and the Jewish people, most Jews have a distorted picture of Yeshua, Jesus, so we invited Israelis to read about “a Great Jewish Leader,” share their thoughts about him, and guess who it is. You'll be amazed to see their reactions as they began to see Yeshua in a new light! Many were in awe of His character and deeds, but see for yourself their shock when they found out this leader’s name! Please feel free to share and also LIKE the new Facebook page. Thank you all so much for your prayers for our sons and the other Israelis on the Media Team we support.
RH photo in Galilee
Richard continues to bless so many young adults with what he has learned. It's awesome to see the heart of the Father making him into a father figure to many!
CH and soldiers
We daily pray the Luke 10:2b prayer and we're so grateful for the many divine appointments like these soldiers, so that we can share Messiah's love in Israel and wherever we're sent!
The Prophetic Artists Journey, a gathering of all types of artists to Israel to operate in their Zechariah 1:18-21 callings has begun. Let me know if you feel called to come to Zion!
Highly recommended discipleship course by friends in Jerusalem and in the Galilee!
LSE group
Enjoy an evening in our Galilee home!
CD's and booklet pic
VI Gardens
Thank you for praying for this summer's ministry journey. Carolyn will begin in Ireland and the East Coast of the USA. Then Richard and I plan to meet in Denver and continue to Vancouver Island - all G-d willing of course! Please click here for details and we hope to see many of you along the way!
Media Team Shabbat
Thank you for praying for theMedia Team and their families and for all our loved ones to honor and follow the King of Kings! And please share the new resource Think Again especially with your Jewish friends who are pre-believers in Yeshua!
Blessings from Zion in Yeshua's love,
Carolyn and Richard
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda  15220 
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Australia: Heart of G-d Ministries * Commonwealth Bank *
BSB: 063674 * Account number: 10205464
Make a Difference in Israel carolyn
Amazon Smile
Make your Amazon purchases here and support the ministry at no extra cost! After clicking here, please type in your URL for future purchases to continue support.  
We write L-rd or G-d (a Jewish custom Carolyn grew up with) or יהוה or YHVH but it's all about showing reverence for the Holy One of Israel. Thank you for understanding.
Heart of G-d Ministries | PO Box 461546San Antonio, TX 78246

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Lauren Daigle Takes No. 1 Spot on Adult Contemporary Radio Chart - JENNY ROSE SPAUDO CHARISMA NEWS

Lauren Daigle performs "You Say" live at Dove Awards. (YouTube/GMA Dove Awards)

Lauren Daigle Takes No. 1 Spot on Adult Contemporary Radio Chart

Lauren Daigle hit the No. 1 spot on a secular music chart with her hit song "You Say." Her song took the coveted spot on Billboard's Adult Contemporary radio airplay chart from Maroon 5, ending the 33-week reign of "Girls Like You."
Daigle's music has topped Christian charts for some time, but her high ranking on a secular chart is a significant indicator of her popularity beyond Christian-music listeners. It's the first song to make such a crossover.
"You Say" stayed at the top of the Christian Airplay chart for 17 weeks since September. And its corresponding album, Look Up Child, still dominates Top Christian Albums.
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Unforgivable SIN & BLASPHEMY of the Holy Spirit | End Time Sign of APOSTASY - Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries

Published on Aug 5, 2019

🌿 What does the Bible say Joshua Harris, a mega church pastor and author of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye", disavowing his former faith in Christ and publicizing on Instagram, "I am no longer a Christian”? Pastor Steve Cioccolanti speaks to church leaders about the end time sign of apostasy. How should pastors address Christians' questions and concerns about this famous, fallen minister? What is the difference between him and Jim Bakker who also fell? What is the balance between mercy and justice, or law vs grace? Could his apostasy have been prevented? How can we be sure we will not fall? Get your Bibles out and follow verses that rarely get quoted, let alone preached, from the modern pulpit! The only way to be strong and stable is to restore Biblical balance. ▶️ This 40-minute clip is from a 70-minute sermon you will find at Watch it in full. Spread the much needed message! ✝️ SUBSCRIBE to Ps Steve's Blog for online church members: ✝️ JOIN Discover Church Online: ▶️ STREAM videos on demand: ------------------------------- 🔵 THE DIVINE CODE: A PROPHETIC ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NUMBERS, ✅Paperback VOLUME I - ✅Paperback VOLUME II - ✅ Kindle of VOLUME I (1 to 25) ✅ Kindle of VOLUME II (26 to 1000) 🔵ALL BOOKS ------------------------------- 🔵 SOCIAL MEDIA 🔔FACEBOOK: 🔔 INSTAGRAM: 🔔 TWITTER: 🔔MEDIUM 🔔GOODREADS 🔔 AMAZON: 🔔 BACK UP CHANNEL: -------------------------------- 🎹 MUSIC CREDIT 🎹 Original music made exclusively for Discover Ministries by world-class composer Tom Hanke. Check him out! -------------------------------- 🔵 4 STEPS TO JOIN DISCOVER CHURCH ONLINE: ✝️ 1) Follow us on Patreon and become a Patron: You will get audios, videos, posts and photos not shared on any other social media. ✝️ 2) Tithe to your home church and give offerings on Discover Church Online. Some Christians have been mistaught that tithing is not found in the New Testament, which is false doctrine: read Luke 11:42 and Hebrews 7:8. God teaches that the tithe (10% of income) is His and must be returned to the place that feeds you spiritually. If you reside in a geographical location without a Bible-teaching church, you may treat us as your online church. ✅ Separate to tithes, you can sow offerings to any ministry that feeds you according to Galatians 6:6. Offerings can be any amount. We believe the $58 seed is prophetic. Contribute to God's ministry: ✝️ 3) Pray with and for Discover Ministries (Colossians 4:3, 2 Corinthians 1:11) Here are some model prayers you can start with: ✝️ 4) Spread Jesus, the Word of God, to your family and friends. YouTube links are one easy way. Books and DVDs are another way. Before giving Christian books or videos, first pray in faith for the people you want to be saved. For help refer to a model prayer from Pastor Steve’s life called “6 Steps” and use it right away! ✅ BE PART of an END-TIME NETWORK of like-minded believers who want to collaborate and have massive impact on the world online and offline. Join DISCOVER CHURCH ONLINE today! ------------------------------- 📬 SUBSCRIBE to our friendly E-NEWS 📬 -------------------------------- ✝️ BUY Christian books, DVDs, CDs, MP4s, MP3s, Gifts: ▶️JUSTICE SERIES (Solving Injustice, videos-on-demand): ▶️JUSTICE FOR KIDS (1 DVD): ✅ FIND freedom in Christ's Life & Teachings. ------------------------------- ✅ YES, I'd like to help Discover Church build on the newly acquired land. Here's my gift towards the $1.5 million building campaign goal: 🌷DONATE via PayPal: 🌷DONATE via credit card: ✅ By GIVING you have a part in this end-time ministry preaching the Gospel, defending religious freedom & spreading the Truth! (c) Steve Cioccolanti. All rights reserved.

Prayer Is NOT a Worthless Response: What Greg Laurie, Jack Graham, and Franklin Graham Say About the Shootings - CBN News Steve Warren

Prayer Is NOT a Worthless Response: What Greg Laurie, Jack Graham, and Franklin Graham Say About the Shootings
CBN News Steve Warren
Prominent Pastors Greg Laurie and Dr. Jack Graham say the mass shootings in America are clearly the result of a spiritual crisis in the nation.
In a five-minute Instagram video posted Sunday, Laurie and Graham discuss the shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio and what Christians need to do in response to the senseless violence and hatred. 
Laurie, the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, said there are two issues. First, there's evil in the world and man is basically sinful. Second, Jesus makes it clear that Satan is the one who "comes to steal, kill and destroy." 
Laurie said that Bible verse proves that anytime someone kills someone else, it's inspired by the devil. "This is an act of pure evil motivated by Satan himself," he said of the shootings.
"It really seems to me," he said, "that we really need to be praying in our nation for a spiritual awakening because we're seeing more and more of these acts of violence and so many other problems in our country as well." 
Graham, the pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, explains, "All of us are involved in some kind of a spiritual battle -- a warfare that's going on increasing. A battle that is getting hotter and hotter right now and predictably so. In fact, the Bible tells us in the final hours of human history that perilous times will come. Difficult, dangerous times will come." 
Graham also addressed those who mock the power of prayer, who say government action is the only solution to these shootings.
"People even want to minimize prayer. 'Well, all you want to do is pray.' The most important thing we can do for people right now is to pray," he said. "Pray that God will comfort them. Pray for our community. Pray for churches. Pray for spiritual awakening. Pray for revival. Because, if this is a war against evil against Satan himself, then God has promised us a victory. And that victory is in Christ and Christ alone."
Both pastors know what it's like to experience violent tragedies in their families. Laurie's son was killed in an auto accident, and Graham's father was murdered. 
"I've heard it said, 'Oh you know these Christians, 'thoughts and prayers,' that's worthless.' Well, you know what? It's not worthless," Laurie explained. "You talked about your own father that was murdered and our son tragically died in an automobile accident. And I know that people were praying for me. And I didn't say, 'Oh, I don't want your thoughts and prayers.' I welcomed them. And we need to be praying now for the families of those who were killed in these tragedies in Texas and Ohio."
Laurie asked Graham what he would say to someone who's lost a loved one right now. 
"I would say turn to God. Trust in God completely," Graham responded. "I know these things are inexplicable, unexplainable, mysterious. When you are a victim of something you can't explain, you often want to quit. You want to give up.  But I would say turn to Christ, he will comfort you. The Holy Spirit is our comforter. To every family member and friend, I know we have been comforted by God's love, by God's grace in tragic times. And God will fulfill his promises in every person's life who will call upon him."
The pastor of the Prestonwood Baptist Church also reminded viewers that this is the perfect time to be preaching the gospel. 
"There's never been a better time to preach the gospel than right now," Graham said. "Against the backdrop of all of this violence, all of this hate, all of this evil that we see rising, the political divisions, social unrest that we have. And that's why Greg I'm so grateful for you and the Harvest Crusade, and the churches that are able to be light in the darkness."
Laurie also reminded viewers to be praying for all the families enduring these tragedies in Texas and Ohio and to be praying for a spiritual awakening in America. 
Meanwhile, evangelist Franklin Graham is also weighing in, posting on Facebook Saturday, "Our hearts break for the residents of El Paso, Texas…. I join with Governor Greg Abbott who said, 'We ask God to bind up the wounds of all who've been harmed.' We have sent rapid response chaplains from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to the area to help."
In another message posted Monday, Graham wrote: "The Word of God tells us to 'mourn with those who mourn,' and that is what our nation is doing. We grieve the tragic and devastating loss of life in El Paso and Dayton this weekend. The number of victims of the mass shootings is much higher than the headlines reveal, because each mother, each father, each sister and brother, each wife and husband, is also a victim—a victim of the heinous and senseless evil unleashed by two murderous gunmen. Their loved ones have been stolen from them."
"As we mourn with these families and communities, let's continue to sincerely lift them up in prayer before the Lord," Graham reminded his followers. "He is the only one who can comfort and wholly heal their broken hearts."

Arresting the Raging Spirit of Violence Cindy Jacobs Prophesied - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

A spirit of violence has been loosed. This is not my prophetic utterance, but a snippet from the pivotal prophetic word Cindy Jacobs released just weeks ago.
While massacres are unfortunately nothing new, if you believe Cindy's prophecy—and you should—it's time to fall on your knees and lift up your voice in intercession. The spirit of violence will rage stronger in the days ahead if intercessors do not stand in the gap and make up the hedge.
From schools and malls to nightclubs and churches, the spirit of violence makes no exception for race, culture or nationality. It does not discriminate against the rich, poor or middle class. It takes no prisoners—it instead kills, steals and destroys lives.
In 2007, the Lord warned me of the impending darkness. He said, "Yes, it will grow darker before My light shines brightly from this nation again." The darkness will continue to rise through a spirit of violence and other demonic cohorts as the enemy understands his time is short. Our job is to be the light. Intercession is one way we release light.
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Cindy issued a sober "shields up" warning urging prayer just weeks ago. Many responded, but many more need to wake up and rise up so we can shake up the enemy's plots and plans for more murder and mayhem. With the recent forward movement toward righteousness in America—especially on the pro-life front—the enemy is actively seeking people to work his murderous agenda to make up for his losses.
While many in America are grieving the massacres in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas, we weep with those who weep. But let our weeping include groans of intercession. Let our tears be prayers to the Lord of Hosts. Let our shields quench the fiery darts of the enemy. We've been warned, yet violence erupted like a volcano anyway.
These back-to-back massacres represent the first fruits of the spirit of a new wave of violence manifesting what could turn into a tsunami of terror if we don't hit our knees. How will we respond now? How can we pray? (Decrees and prayers modified to the first person.)
  1. Repent on behalf of the violent sins in our nation, past and present.
  1. Plead the blood of Jesus over the nation.
  1. Decree based on Isaiah 60:18 (NKJV), "Violence shall no longer be heard in our land, neither wasting nor destruction within our borders; but we shall call our walls Salvation, and our gates Praise."
  1. Decree based on Psalm 72:14, "God will redeem our life from oppression and violence; and precious shall be our blood in His sight."
  1. Pray according to Ezekiel 7:23 (ESV), "Forge a chain! For the land is full of bloody crimes and the city is full of violence."
  1. Pray according to Psalm 18:48 (NKJV): "He delivers me from my enemies. You also lift me up above those who rise against me; You have delivered me from the violent man."
  1. Pray according to Psalm 55:9, "Destroy, O Lord, and divide their tongues, for I have seen violence and strife in the city."
  1. Pray according to Matthew 16:19, using the keys of the kingdom to forbid the operation of the spirit of violence.
  1. Pray according to 2 Timothy 1:7 to break the power of fear, because God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
  1. Pray according to Luke 8:17 for the exposure, disbandment and destruction of networks—both human and demonic—of violence in the earth
  1. Of course, pray for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones.
Please, pray. Shields up!
Jennifer LeClaire is senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, founder of the Ignite Network and founder of the Awakening Blaze prayer movement. She is author of over 25 books. Find her online at or email her at
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.