Friday, August 9, 2019

Do the Golan Heights belong to Israel? - Maoz Israel Report, Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram

August 2019

The Golan Heights Part 3:
The Golan Heights are a beloved destination for Israelis looking to escape daily pressure during the summer and winter months. Many of the trails can take the casual hiker through ancient sites inhabited by the Israelites of old.

Yet, on the international scene, this area continues to be a point of the eternal bias the UN continually applies to Israel. So, what can we learn about the Golan Heights in the real world in which Israel lives?

Missed previous articles?
No matter how many nations rise up against Israel, God continues to be faithful to His promises - to protect Israel and never uproot her again. (Amos 9:15)

Maoz Israel exists because of God's promises - that All Israel will be saved. This is our heart's desire, and we pray it is yours, too.
The Maoz Israel Report is available online in:

Maoz Israel Ministries | PO Box 535788Grand Prairie, TX 75053-5788

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Hadassah Lerner, His Lighthouse Inc, Co-Founder, coming to Strength For Israel gathering Sept. 6, 2019

Nissim & Hadassah Lerner

Yeshua HaMashiach!

Hadassah Lerner, His Lighthouse Inc, Co-Founder, 
coming to Strength For Israel gathering Sept. 6, 2019

Aug. 8, 2019

Greetings friends.

For over 5 years we have had the joy of connecting with Nissim and Hadassah Lerner in Jerusalem, Israel. Having stayed often in their home, spending time with their children and grandchildren, and meeting those they have long assisted in making aliyah, after doing so themselves from Virginia over 15 years ago, we now have the honor of having Hadassah speak to the Strength For Israel gathering September 6, 2019, in Fort Mill, South Carolina. (Details below.)

Along with husband Nissim, having proven themselves faithful in welcoming and housing those immigrating to Israel already, the Lord has now given the Learners a new organization, His Lighthouse Inc. to see established and built in the Land of Israel. The Lord gave the initial vision to Nissim early this year.

After hearing Hadassah speak at the Aliyah Conference in October 2017 and give a very in-depth history of what it was like for them to make the move, I know you too will want to hear her.

They are preparing to now help the others coming, as in a "tsunami", as she expects and is planning for.

From what I have heard from them already, when with them in May 2019 in Jerusalem, our ministry is excited to join hands with them in this God-given endeavor.

Plan on joining us and hear first hand what the Lord is doing in Israel in these days, and how He is moving, literally, Jews from around the nations back to their land.


Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Strength For Israel co-leader

 Hadassah and Nissim - May 2019 in Jerusalem

The Lerners and Martins - Jerusalem, May 2019

Laurie Martin and Hadassah Lerner at Jerusalem Messianic sysnagogue May 2019

In the Charlotte, NC and Rock Hill, SC area in Fort Mill, SC
(On the former Heritage USA grounds, in The Barn!)

Further details here: Strength For Israel

 Strength For Israel leader David Peterman

Messianic worship led by Steve & Laurie Martin

Other locations Hadassah has scheduled as of Aug. 8, 2019.

Williamsburg,VA  - August 28
Harrisonburg,VA  - August 31

Burlington,VA  - September 3

Charlotte,NC (Fort Mill, SC)  - September 6   Contact: Steve Martin,

Suffolk,VA  - September 12

For all locations: Contact Hadassah Lerner

For all locations: Contact Hadassah Lerner

Israel and the Church Study #5 of 7 - Israel's Military Defense - Dr. Peter Wyns, Antioch International Church

Israel and the Church Study #5 of 7 - Israel's Military Defense - Dr. Peter Wyns, Antioch International Church

CFM annual Israel tour 2020 brochure is available now.

Streamed live 11 hours ago
Dr. Peter Wyns continues his study on Israel and the Church

Let the 2020 Race Begin: Evangelicals, Pastors Set To Mobilize, Change America - CBN News David Brody

Worshipper in church.
Let the 2020 Race Begin: Evangelicals, Pastors Set To Mobilize, Change America
CBN News David Brody
Roughly 400 pastors and faith leaders will descend on Lynchburg, Virginia later this week as two major evangelical forces unite together in the beginning efforts of a 2020 national ground game aimed at restoring Judeo-Christian principles across the country and mobilizing an evangelical army of pastors to lead the way. 
The closed-door two-day event will be held at Liberty University, one of the largest evangelical universities in the country and is organized by the American Renewal Project, led by influential political mechanic David Lane. They're bringing in the pastors for the affair, many of whom are expected to take part in a political training session as they mull whether to run for local or statewide office. 
"The Pastor and Pews events have been extremely valuable in mobilizing church-going voters and illuminating critical issues for elections," said former presidential candidate and Fox News Contributor Mike Huckabee. 
Huckabee, a former pastor himself, has spoken at these events many times before and understands their value. 
"I am convinced that the pastor and pews model was instrumental in the 2016 election of President Trump and has been instrumental in numerous statewide elections for congressional, US Senate and gubernatorial races."
President Trump won 81 percent of the white conservative evangelical vote in 2016 and during it all, the American Renewal Project was on the ground and extremely active. In the 60 days before the General Election, ARP spent $9 million in six battleground states, including some big prizes like Florida, Ohio and North Carolina.  Now they're back at it looking for a repeat. 
"It is the single, largest, most cohesive voter bloc in the last election," said Doug Wead, a noted historian, and best-selling author and advisor to two U.S. Presidents. "Now its all about voter ID and turnout."
With all the extra vitriol, animosity and energy aimed at Trump this time around, the president will need a similar showing or even better to win in 2020.  
"Evangelicals propelled Donald Trump to victory in 2016 and if he's going to win again in 2020, it must be an all hands on deck approach," said Scott Lamb, senior vice president for the office of communications and public engagement for Liberty University. "Pastor events like this one truly are the Ground Zero launching pad for mobilizing the evangelical crowd." 
Of note, some members of President Trump's unofficial evangelical advisory group are expected to attend including Pastor Paula White and evangelical leader Johnnie Moore. 
The emphasis of the American Renewal Project event will be focused on pastor involvement; not only to get their flocks to the polls but also to possibly get involved in politics themselves. The genesis for this started back in 2014 when Lane's pastor, Rob McCoy, ran for the California State Assembly. He lost a very close race but in the process, assembled hundreds of volunteers from the church. Lane says it was after that race that he heard from the Lord about this idea of pastors running for office in an effort to change the moral fabric of America. He asked his network of pastors to pray about it. It's caught on like wildfire.
In 2015, the first "Issachar Training Sessions" began. The men of Issachar are mentioned in the Bible. They were, "men who understood the times." (1 Chronicles 12:32) 
What followed? In 2016, roughly two hundred pastors stepped up to run for office. Two years later in 2018, the figure was about 300 more. In 2020, the goal is to have 1,000 pastors running across the country. 
"David Lane's Pastors and Pews training sessions are having an effect across the country," Newt Gingrich told CBN News
You only need to look at the state of Missouri for proof. In 2018, six pastors in the, 'Show Me State' ran for state legislator and five of them were elected. Three of them won seats in the Missouri House, which just this year, passed a ban on abortions after eight weeks of pregnancy, without exceptions for rape and incest. 
In this 2020 cycle, CBN News has learned that two more Missouri pastors have announced they will run in GOP primaries for the Missouri House. 
The pastors' movement, engineered by the American Renewal Project takes plenty of prayer and persistence. In California, Pastor Rob McCoy, who lost that close election back in 2014, never gave up in the desire to be a light for Christ in his community and local politics. He is now the mayor of Thousand Oaks, California.  
Meanwhile, ARP has been extremely active in recruiting pastors to the cause. In 2018, nearly 600 California pastors took part in the Issachar Training Sessions.  The hope is that if just a couple dozen of them ran for office in Southern California in 2020, it would be a game-changer in the very liberal state.
"In California and Missouri we have evidence that trained and courageous pastors can change history," Gingrich said.
Most Conservative Evangelicals see a culture spiraling out of control and drifting further away from Judeo-Christian principles. They are well aware of America's spiritual roots and it was pastors, especially back in the Revolutionary War period, that led the way speaking out boldly from the pulpit on the moral and cultural issues of the day. This effort is clearly an attempt to see a new generation of pastors step up. 
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), a former Southern Baptist church leader himself, who has spoken at past ARP events, told CBN News the time is now to rise up. 
"Some in our society try to silence people of faith so their voices are not heard," Lankford explained. "But faith leaders, like any other American, have a role in our government and in our elections.  We are grateful to live in a country where any person can speak and organize.  If people of faith sit in silence, we surrender our right to speak out for the importance of every life and to wisely stand up for our core values in this culture."

'Dark Forces' and Jezebel's Spirit Make Their Way Onto the Political Scene - MICHAEL BROWN CHARISMA NEWS

(Photo by Sebastiaan Stam from Pexels)
Even though she spoke for just under nine minutes in last week's Democratic debate, presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson was declared the "winner" by 47% of viewers via a Drudge poll.
Why? Her words were powerful, says author and national radio host Dr. Michael Brown, especially those referring to a "dark psychic force of the collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country."
"She was closer to the truth than she realized," Brown says. "Her talk of this 'dark psychic force of collectivized hatred' is right on track, only not in the way she imagines. More accurately, she should have spoken of a 'dark spiritual force,' one that I and others have referred to as Jezebel.' It is a spiritual force that is also working powerfully through the Democratic party."
Brown writes in his new book, Jezebel's War with America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide, that the evil spirit of the biblical figure Jezebel who lived 3,000 years ago is alive and well today.
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Released yesterday, Jezebel's War with America focuses on the fact that the spirit of the biblical figure Jezebel is at work through a fascination with witchcraft and sorcery, radical feminism coupled with the extreme pro-abortion movement, along with other spiritual and cultural forces in an attempt to destroy America. Brown's eye-opening book not only unveils a satanic plot, beginning with an all-out assault on the church, but it will equip every believer with tools to defeat the enemy in their own personal lives as well as in the nation.
"While there is certainly a rising tide of 'collectivized hatred' that the president has helped stoke, there is an ominous rise in this 'collectivized hatred' from the left as well," Brown says. "Ask yourself an honest question: Have you seen any hatred greater than the hatred expressed at the Women's Marches? Have you seen any hatred greater than the hatred expressed at the pro-abortion protests at the Kavanaugh hearings?
"That is the spirit of Jezebel, a wicked queen who died almost 3,000 years ago, the matriarch of radical feminism," Brown continues. "She—meaning a coalition of demonic forces—is behind this ominous, rising, dark, spiritual tide. According to the Bible, Jezebel was also a seductress, and today, there is an epidemic of sexual seduction through porn and the internet. No generation before ours had to deal with websites devoted to helping you find your adulterous partner. No generation before ours had to deal with elementary school children getting exposed to pornography. This, too, is Jezebel at work. She is driving this dark spiritual movement."
Let's not forget, Brown adds, that this wicked queen was a murderer, slaughtering the prophets and killing any who stood in her way. And, as a devoted idol worshiper, Jezebel was doubtless familiar with the horrific practice of sacrificing babies to these pagan deities.
"This murderous spirit lives on today in the 'Shout Your Abortion' movement, in the passing of laws that legalize abortion right up to the moment of delivery, in the defense of infanticide," Brown says. "In Jezebel's day, living, breathing babies were offered up on the altar of idolatry. Today, these precious lives are offered up on the altar of convenience and career. It is not hard to connect the dots. The same demonic forces that operated through Queen Jezebel 3,000 years ago are operating again today. The stage is being set. The conflict is upon us. Jezebel is being exposed."
Brown also points out that in the Bible, Jezebel is associated with sorcery and witchcraft.
"Is it any coincidence that, today, with the rise of radical feminism, we also see the rise of witchcraft, with some of these witches trying to put hexes on the 'patriarchy'?" Brown asks. "Is this not the spirit of Jezebel at work again? And it just a coincidence that, as of this writing, 6 out of the 10 most-read books on Amazon are Harry Potter titles? As 'innocent' as these books may be, they are still books glorifying sorcery and wizardry, with children as their target audience. And back to politics, soon after the debate, Breitbart reported that "'Witches' for Marianne Williamson Launch 'Occult Task Force." Need I say more?"
Dr. Michael L. Brown is founder and president of AskDrBrown Ministries and president of FIRE School of Ministry. The author of more than 35 books, including Saving a Sick America (2017), he is also the host of the nationally syndicated daily talk radio show "The Line of Fire," as well as the host of shows on GOD TV, NRBTV and METV. His syndicated columns appear on many leading websites, and his scholarly publications range from biblical commentaries to articles in Semitic journals and theological dictionaries. He has served as an adjunct or visiting professor at seven leading seminaries and has debated gay activists, agnostic professors and Orthodox rabbis on university campuses.
Jezebel's War with America by Dr. Michael L. Brown is released by FrontLine, an imprint of Charisma House, which publishes books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians.
Dr. Michael Brown ( is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is His latest book is Jezebel 's War With America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide. Connect with him on Facebook or Twitter, or YouTube.
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