Monday, May 21, 2018

Carolyn Hyde - Ashira L'Adonai (I Will Sing To The Lord) - Beautiful worship song in Hebrew!

Carolyn Hyde - Ashira L'Adonai
(I Will Sing To The Lord) 

-Beautiful worship song in Hebrew!

Carolyn Hyde Ashira L'Adonai Medium

Ashira Project

Published on May 10, 2018

Carolyn Hyde's new single Ashira L'Adonai (I will sing to the Lord) is her first song produced with Ashira! Download now:
You can find her full discography at:
lyrics: וַאֲנִי בְּחַסְדְּךָ בָטַחְתִּי יָגֵל לִבִּי, יָגֵל לִבִּי בִּישׁוּעָתֶךָ אָשִׁירָה לַיהוָה כִּי גָמַל עָלָי אָשִׁירָה לַיהוָה מִי יִתֵּן מִצִּיּוֹן יְשׁוּעַת יִשְׂרָאֵל, יְשׁוּעַת יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּשׁוּב יְהוָה שְׁבוּת עַמּוֹ יָגֵל יַעֲקֹב יִשְׂמַח יִשְׂרָאֵל, יִשְׂמַח יִשְׂרָאֵל -- I trust in Your mercy My heart rejoices, My heart rejoices In Your salvation I will sing to the Lord, For He has been good to me I will sing the Lord’s praise Oh, that out of Zion would come Salvation for Israel, salvation for Israel When the Lord restores His people, Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad I will sing to the Lord! -- Lyrics taken from Psalm 13:6 and Psalm 14:7 Music composed by Carolyn Hyde and Eli Ben-Moshe Produced by Eli Ben-Moshe Vocals: Carolyn Hyde Guitars: Alan Serruya Bass: Avi Perrodin Drums: Gabriel Aisenman Percussion: Gabriel Elbaz Orchestral instrumentation and programming: Stefan Mihaescu and Eli Ben-Moshe Piano: Stefan Mihaescu Cover Art - Yulia Tishin Recorded, edited and mixed by Eli Ben-Moshe at Sakh Hakol Studios, Jerusalem, and Future Vision Studios, Haifa, Israel Mastered by Brad Blackwood at Euphonic Masters, Memphis, TN Executive Producers - Kobi and Shani Ferguson This song was produced as part of the "Israel Worship Initiative"

Grandeur - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Then he said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!'" And he said to me, "These are the true sayings of God." (Revelation 19:9-10, NKJV)

Amazing isn’t it – a wedding that cost $45,000,000! And I thought $10,000 for such an event was extravagant (which it is, for many families.)

That, I repeat, was a mere $45 million as the estimated price paid for the marriage ceremony of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England, according to some reports (CBS). About $40 million went to cover security needs, with over 100,000 as the estimated spectator size lining the route after the wedding, and thousands more invited guests gathered in and around Windsor Castle. So overall about $5 million was spent just for the wedding itself. (Still unfathomable!)

The UK taxpayers cover those security costs, leaving the family to reportedly pay for the wedding themselves. (Doesn’t the father generally cover most of that, as here in the USA? I guess it is different among the royals.) 

Meghan’s dress was reported to be around $340,000 alone. I am sure the military provided Harry with his uniform, so they saved there if that was a concern.

When I see such grandeur (meaning splendor and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style) I get somewhat cynical and judgmental at the very use of such funds. After all, could not that money have been spent on the needs of the poor, which I am sure also line the streets in the nation’s cities? (Didn’t England’s own Scrooge say that once in regards to the poor?)

And yet I recall a message once given by a Bible teacher, outlining the ways the Lord demonstrates some of His majesty through the specifics each nation represents of His glory, if only as just a glimmer. What England and other monarchs through the ages have shown is quite royal, and yet even that is nothing compared to the overwhelming glory of the King of the universe. By their earthly demonstration of a kingdom and its royalty, we are able to see, again as if only a glimmer, how much our Eternal King, His Only Son and Holy Spirit are preparing for those who believe and have accepted His salvation. That salvation, by the way, paid in full, bought solely by the precious Blood of Jesus, the Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach.

When I take some time to ponder the majesty and glory of heaven, I simply cannot comprehend it all. And yet, the grandeur it represents will certainly cause this temporal world’s presentation to be far short of that which is to come.

“Who compares with you
among gods, O God?
Who compares with you in power,
in holy majesty,
In awesome praises,
wonder-working God? 
(Exodus 15:11, THE MESSAGE)

What a hope we have, for those who are trusting in the saving grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, He Who came sinless, lived among us, was brutally crucified, dead and buried, and then Who magnificently rose on the third day, fulfilling all prophecies to that point concerning the Messiah. He Himself is soon to return on His mighty steed, taking up His throne in the city of the Great King, Jerusalem, Yerushalayim. What a day that will be!

Nothing compares to that which is to come, and yet He allows us to see some glimpse of it while we remain here on earth.

While I still have a bit trouble with such immense wealth some have here for a few decades of life, my Lord tells me that the mansion and eternal life laid up for myself and many others far exceed that which we know now.

So while it is good to celebrate marriages (between one man and one woman) as we await the mighty big one that is yet to come, between Jesus and His Bride, we say “Even so, Maranatha! Come quickly Lord Jesus! Your marriage supper will have it all!”

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This #351 - in the year of our Lord 05.21.18 –Grandeur”, Monday, 9:45 am

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