Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Gideon's Shield: This is How Israel Will Defeat Hezbollah - Israel Today

Gideon's Shield: This is How Israel Will Defeat Hezbollah

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 |  Israel Today Staff
Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah boasted on Tuesday that his organization's military is now stronger even than the vaunted Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
The Shiite militia was established in Lebanon by Iran's Revolutionary Guards to push the IDF out of the country and pose a long-term threat to the northern regions of the Jewish state.
In 2006, Israel fought a full-scale war against Hezbollah, and many, including reservists who were called upon to take the field, complained that the IDF was not allowed to make full use of its capabilities and defeat the enemy.
Next time around (and experts believe that will be soon), things will be different, vowed IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Gadi Eizenkot.
"If you look 150 km. around us, you will not find a brigade or corps as strong as these in their capabilities," Eizenkot told IDF soldiers this week as they completed a massive training exercise simulating a coming war with Hezbollah.
Having analyzed the tactics of Hezbollah and other Islamist militias engaged in Syria's civil war, the IDF knows that it must become more nimble to counter hit-and-run attacks and the use of offensive drones.
One of the ways it intends to enable ground forces to react more effectively to Hezbollah is by shielding them from terrorist cover fire.
Gideon's Shield is a new technology developed by the IDF and its partners that will protect infantry, tanks and armored vehicles from incoming heavy mortar fire, which Hezbollah used to great effect in 2006.
The system has been called a "mini Iron Dome," after Israel's enormously successful anti-missile shield that protects the southern Negev region from incoming Hamas projectiles.
The following video includes animations of Gideon's Shield in a battlefield scenario. All audio is in Hebrew.
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Why Messianic Jews Have Second-Class Citizenship in Israel - EITAN SHISHKOFF CHARISMA NEWS

What is the place of Messianic Jews in Israeli society? When a Jewish believer in Yeshua applies to become an Israel citizen under the "law of return," is he or she received as any other Jewish person returning to our biblical homeland? When seeking to buy or rent property as a Messianic ministry, is there discrimination? When a modern-day Israeli disciple of Messiah applies for employment, will that believer have equal opportunity to be hired?
While the answers to these questions can be nuanced and varied depending on the situation, the bottom line is that we do not enjoy equal rights with other Jewish returnees to the land of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
  • Citizenship? Currently, the Department of the Interior will not even grant citizenship to an applicant who is known to be a Messianic Jew.
  • Property rights? We have been turned down on several occasions when attempting to rent property for our congregational meetings.
  • Employment? Employers, particularly those whose business depends on Orthodox customers, may reject an employment application for the reason of faith in Yeshua alone.
Disrupting the Status Quo
To know why these conditions of intolerance exist—especially ironic in a nation whose history is filled with vicious victimization— requires only a basic knowledge of Jewish history for the last 2,000 years. Justifiably, most Jewish associations with Jesus and Christianity are anything but positive—excruciating would be more like it. We can protest that "Jesus is Jewish. The New Covenant is based on the Hebrew Scriptures and its context is first century Israel." But those facts are yet largely unknown. Change, however is beginning to happen. And accelerating that change is the goal of this article.
This situation presents us, as Messianic Jews, along with all of our friends throughout the world, with a profound responsibility. With no exaggeration, we have been handed an opportunity to stand against this colossal misjudgment—that (a) One cannot believe in Jesus and remain a faithful Jew, and (b) Israeli society has no "place at the table" for its Messianic Jews.
Historic Examples of Success
Two examples from other ethnic groups encountering societal prejudice inspire me. If other people groups have overcome bigotry, especially through the courageous acts of highly motivated leaders, can we follow a similar path?
In his book, Profiles in Audacity, Alan Axelrod chronicles the history-changing initiatives of W.E.B. DuBois and Mahandas Gandhi. DuBois refused to accept a second-class status for African-Americans. Gandhi stood against the demeaning colonial rule of the Indian people by the British Empire. Both men dedicated long decades of their lives to rallying the hearts of their respective peoples. At the same time, they used every available means (short of violent revolution) to address the injustices suffered at the hands of the dominant race. Gandhi's bold, non-violent opposition to British oppression ultimately gained independence for India. DuBois, the first African-American to receive a Ph.D. from Harvard University (in 1895), wrote and spoke tirelessly on behalf of full rights for all African Americans. We are witnesses that his efforts changed history.
Time for Action
Why do I believe that now is the time to challenge the second-class status of Yeshua's Israeli followers?
  1. Many Israelis are tired of our society's values and agenda being set by the ultra-religious.
  2. The faithful service of several thousand young Messianic Jews, serving in the Israeli Defense Force, has created an excellent reputation for our nation-wide movement.
  3. Our devoted friends in the nations are steadily gaining more influence in Israel. Our government is listening to the input of the evangelical church, acknowledging a dramatic reversal. Instead of anti-Semitism. These Christians are now standing resolutely with Israel. If the issue of full rights for Israeli Messianic Jews is addressed by Christian leaders, the government of Israel will hear it.
Let's take inspiration and courage from past leaders like Gandhi and DuBois. The status of Messianic Jews in Israel can be changed. It must change. It's up to us. 
This article originally appeared at

Lana Vawser: "A Season of 'Radical Recompense' for God's Daughters!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Lana Vawser: "A Season of 'Radical Recompense' for God's Daughters!"

THE ELIJAH LIST Aug 15, 2018

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Women of God...this is one word from the Lord through Lana Vawser that you DON'T want to miss out on reading...and I mean really reading thoroughly, over and over again.
This word that Lana recently sent out is a NOW word that both women and men need to hear...and men—we need to support the women that God is mightily raising up in this day!
Just read this most profound and powerful revelation by Lana:
Instantly, I knew that the Lord was making a decree about the new chapter He is leading His daughters into. It is a season of RADICAL RECOMPENSE. Not only will there be recompense for what has been stolen and lost, but what has been endured by the daughters of God – the battles, the opposition, the onslaughts. The Lord has seen and now the justice of God is going to be demonstrated powerfully. Not only will the Lord restore what was lost, but there is going to be significant INCREASE in the RECOMPENSE and RESTORATION.
I pray all of God's daughters out there....receive the most incredible RADICAL RECOMPENSE that only comes from your heavenly Father. Please do me a favor and forward this most extravagant word from the Father to everyone you know! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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Daughters of God, this is a significant moment for you. This is a significant season. The battle has been intense because of the tremendous breakthroughs the Lord has for you. The battle has been intense because of the new chapter the Lord is opening up over your life. It's not something to fear, it is something to rejoice in. For the enemy has come against many of you time and time again to attempt to sift you, but the Lord is decreeing that He is now shifting you. He is moving you. You are not going to remain in the same place. The Lord is building momentum in your life and He is moving you. He is moving circumstances, moving mountains, removing boulders and making a way where there is no way.
Making a Way Where There is No Way - Your Book of Destiny
The Lord is opening this new chapter in the book of destiny that He has written over your life and things will NOT remain the same. I want you to hear that today. I felt it strongly on the heart of God for you. The enemy has told so many of you that things will never change. That's a lie! The opposite is true!
"The WEIGHT of so many years is being lifted off the daughters of God and a season of deep REST and JOY awaits."
The Lord is shifting and changing things, even if you don't see it in the natural yet. The Lord is making a way where there previously has been no way. For many of you there have been giants in your land for SO LONG and they have refused to move. They have continued to taunt, oppress and torment you! Well, those giants are being driven out of your land by the hand of God. The Lord is moving powerfully, even if you don't see it yet. He is setting things up that are far beyond what you have imagined or dreamed.
In a vision, I saw the Lord opening the book of destiny over the daughters of God. Suddenly as it opened, the wind of the Spirit began to blow strongly and the pages were turning. The pages filled with decrees, plans and the blueprints of God for His daughters. Yet at the same time as the pages turned, I could see the destiny He had written for His precious ones and I had this strong sense of fire — the fire of battle and opposition. The atmosphere was full of this sense of "relentless battle" for so many daughters of God.
"Look How They Have Remained Devoted to Me"
The Lord with tears in His eyes and His heart full of love and compassion for His daughters, spoke so gently... "Look at their faithfulness in the fire. Look how they have continued to stand and cry out to Me in the midst of their pain and their torment. Look how they have remained devoted to Me."
Suddenly, I began to see visions before my eyes of so many daughters of God pressing through the fire. They were standing, decreeing, holding His hand and looking to Him; offering Him a sacrifice of praise in the midst of the fire being turned up seven times hotter. (Photo via Unsplash)
I could feel the heart of the Lord so intensely. He had seen. He had heard. His heart was moved. He was moved by the hearts of many of His daughters who have been through the fire, yet remained in a place of intimacy and tenderness toward Him. They were continuing to draw close; continuing to trust even in the midst of the most difficult of onslaughts. Their faithfulness and trust of the Lord rose to Him like a sweet smelling fragrance. It was such beautiful worship to Him. My eyes fell back upon the book and I saw a new chapter open and suddenly the pages stopped turning...
As I looked down at the page of this new chapter, suddenly I saw the Lion of Judah's face appear in the pages and He began to ROAR. There was a violent roar that came from His mouth with such authority the whole Earth shook at the sound. As He roared, I heard the word "RECOMPENSE" shouted over and over.
Instantly, I knew that the Lord was making a decree about the new chapter He is leading His daughters into. It is a season of RADICAL RECOMPENSE. Not only will there be recompense for what has been stolen and lost, but what has been endured by the daughters of God – the battles, the opposition, the onslaughts. The Lord has seen and now the justice of God is going to be demonstrated powerfully. Not only will the Lord restore what was lost, but there is going to be significant INCREASE in the RECOMPENSE and RESTORATION.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Again, the atmosphere decreed: "Everything will change. Things will not remain or look the same." There truly is SIGNIFICANT change upon the daughters of God. The landscape is truly about to suddenly change.
I then began to hear the word "SUDDENLY" booming over and over again. I could feel His heart for the many daughters of God who have been waiting such a long time for the promises of God to be fulfilled. There has been a LONG wait for many. I then heard Him decree: "There is a turning in the waiting. A turning in the waiting. A turning in the waiting...suddenly."
"The battle has been intense because of the tremendous breakthroughs the Lord has for you."
I knew this was a decree of God that was SHIFTING the season. Where many daughters of God have been in such a long period of waiting, they are now entering a new chapter where it will be marked by "suddenly" after "suddenly"!
This isn't wishful thinking. It's not being "hopeful" or "positive". It is a strong decree of the Lord. The stage is set by the hand of the Lord for a NEW CHAPTER and it will be however He chooses to move, however He chooses to bring forth the "recompense" and "suddenly" and in whatever timing He chooses. The WEIGHT of so many years is being lifted off the daughters of God and a season of deep REST and JOY awaits.
Revelation, Blueprints and Awakened Authority
I looked at the book of destiny again and suddenly at the outset of this new chapter I saw a HUGE portal open up. The words boomed around me, "There is a portal of encounter that has opened up for the daughters of God – an invitation unlike any other to know Me like they have not known Me before. There is an invitation upon My daughters to 'come up higher'. Where they have been through the fire, I am now bringing them up higher.
"I am releasing revelation from My Word as well as strategy, vision and blueprints for the future, unlike anything they have seen or carried. Some of the most unexpected plans and surprises I have for My daughters that I have held up until now, in this season, I am beginning to reveal. That is why there has been a significant battle against My daughters; fear, distraction, despair, discouragement and many other things have all been to keep them from this new realm I am inviting them into.
"There is such an awakening of their authority in Me that is taking place. The enemy is trying so hard to bog them down with circumstances; to weary them so much that they cannot fight, but My breath is blowing upon My daughters right now and encounters with Me and My power are taking place that will suddenly catapult them into this new realm of revelation and divine wisdom and insight."
This is the Season I've Been Waiting for!
Not only is the Lord making things right, bringing forth a heavenly, divine alignment with significant shifts and breakthroughs for you, He is opening up this new chapter over your life that is going to look like no other chapter you have been in before. It will be glorious! Your heart will be full of joy at the breakthrough of God and at the revelation and encounters that you will have with Jesus. Your heart will breathe deeply again saying, "This is the season I have been waiting for."
The Lord is restoring your song! He is restoring your heart to sing again; to hope, to dream, and to believe. This is a significant season for you right now. Things are going to radically change and this new chapter that is opening up over your life is going to be a season where you will see the power of God move unprecedentedly.
The decree I can hear is: "CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE!"
Things are moving, shifting and changing and the faithfulness of the Lord will be displayed in power. He has seen and heard. He has and is moving on your behalf. You are about to see the GOODNESS of the Lord in the land of the living in greater ways. It's your time! It's your turn!
"I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." (Psalm 27:13) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.

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