Josh Martin - 2014
Josh Martin is 36!
June 28, 2014
Following are some photos of our son,
Joshua Louis Martin, our first born one.
We are proud parents for how you have grown,
As a man, with all the good you've sown.
Taken over the years,
with family, friends and more,
We thought it would be fun to share
With all we know, who love and care!
We love you Josh!
Dad & Mom
Josh, Chelsie, Dylan Joy, Jensen, Daniel and Logan - a few years ago.
(Brother Ben did some artwork with this one...)
The Florida trip in 2013.
A little jib and jabbing for Josh!
At sister Hannah's wedding Oct. 2013
Helping the youngest one, Jensen, at Chelsie's brother Caleb's wedding in Florida - 2014
Father's Day June 15, 2014 in North Carolina
Ben, Hannah & Josh
East Lansing, MI - 1983?
Fort Lauderdale, FL - 1988
May 2014 for Mother's Day in Charlotte, NC
Josh, Christen, Ben and Hannah
Some family vacation in Kentucky - 1997?
Fort Lauderdale - 1987?
Kindergarten - East Lansing, MI - 1983?

The Bacon family - 2014
East Lansing, MI - 1984?
May the good Lord continue to guide, provide, direct and fulfill your heart's desire in the coming years Josh.
Love you,
Dad & Mom
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA