"The Angel and the Scarecrow and Your Harvest"
Several nights ago I had a dream. In the dream I saw a scarecrow walking towards me. He was carrying a silver bucket, full of seeds. For those of you who may never have lived in the country – when the farmers planted seeds, they would often put a scarecrow in the field to scare away the crows, who would come and try and steal the seeds.
Well, I was a surprised to see an angel dressed like that – and he was smiling.
There are times and seasons in the Spirit: times to pray, times to declare, times to receive the answers, and declare the answers. When people pray and give, and give, and minister, etc., guess what? Then there is a time of harvest.
The angel is bringing your seeds of harvest – but when he told me to dig in my hand and get a whole handful of seeds, he also said, "Be sure and re-plant some of the seeds, especially towards Israel."
I immediately had a vision of my friends, Sid and Joyce Roth. I knew that Sid is wanting to get his book into every Jewish household in Israel. It's called, "They Thought for Themselves." I made up my mind to plant some seeds right there and got up and immediately wrote out a check. The other seeds will manifest in the next few days. God is good.
You Will Have Help Defending Your Seed
Now, I have to tell you something else about your harvest field. This is the field where you have watered and planted and prayed, and helped and ministered and traveled, even when you were tired and just wanted to go to bed and close the door.
There is a time to do that, by the way – Jesus did it. Remember when Jesus and the disciples were being crowded out? "So many people were coming and going," that Jesus said, "Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest" (Mark 6:31). I like that – although I love the crowds too sometimes, if God is moving that is.
"No, This is My Harvest"
One time after a battle with the Philistines (the Philistines were notorious for looking around after a battle to see if there was any harvest fields they could rip off), the Philistines saw a field of barley (see 1 Chronicles 11:13); "Ripe pickings," they thought. But good ol' Eleazar (Eleazar was one of David's three mighty men, and Eleazar means "God helps") saw them go after the barley field.
Well, you just didn't mess with Eleazar, and he got in the middle of the barley field and he said, '"NO WAY!" (my words), "That's our harvest." It says God gave him strength and he defeated a whole troop of Philistines.
Another time Shammah – another of David's mighty men (Shammah means "astonishing" or "one to be heard") – saw the Philistines had their eyes on a field full of lentils (see 2 Samuel 23:11-12), so Shammah "took his stand in the middle of the field."
He said, "No way, this is our lentil field." He defended it and struck down the Philistines, and the Lord gave him a great victory. You see, it was harvest time.
Well, for a lot of people now is harvest time. I know it doesn't look like it, I know it doesn't feel like it, and you don't hear too much about it – especially if you listen to the news. But I posted several things about people walking on water recently – even from one island to another in Australia. So God can't be asleep, can He?!
But you have to do your part – it's your field. It's your harvest. Learn to say "no" to the Philistines. Stand up – do some declaring or speaking in the spirit; Jesus said "speak to the mountain," not make a fuss about it and whine about it and get 50 other people to pray about it. "Speak to the mountain," Jesus said. He didn't say, "This is a good suggestion." It wasn't a suggestion.
There is power in your words, you know. "Declare a thing, and it will be established for you." Your heavenly Daddy spoke and the worlds were framed – how about you? You have the same Spirit.
The scarecrow angel is here to help you – no more rolling over – or, as Godfrey Birtill sings: "No more eagles in the chicken coop."
Live in God's Economy
I love you! I have a 2-CD set called "Faith and Angels" that will also help you with this. There are lots of faith stories, funny animal stories, and angel stories.
Live in God's good news economy not in the government's failed economy, but in God's abundant economy. I want to pray a prayer for you that my friend Prophet Rusty Russell prayed for me a while ago. Ready? You have to receive it:
"I pray for divine encounters and a wealth of revelation and fun that causes you to no longer know debt, but to know wealth... We live in God's abundant on-going, never-failing economy." –Prophet Rusty Russell, Gainesville, FL
Yeah God!
"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire." – St. Catherine of Siena
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries
Email: kathiewalters@mindspring.com
Website: kathiewaltersministry.com
Good News Ministries
Email: kathiewalters@mindspring.com
Website: kathiewaltersministry.com
Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA