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"I see him but not now; I behold him but not near; a star shall come forth from Jacob, a scepter shall arise from Israel and crush the head of Moab and tear down all the sons of Seth." Numbers 24:17

"What should I do? I'm a Muslim"
After a fruitful time of ministry in public schools in Germany, several students asked this question. So we told them to look to the founder of each religion.
"What did Mohammed do? He stealed, killed, and destroyed. And what did Yeshua do? He healed the sick, delivered the possessed, had showed compassion to the poor and lost, etc. So who do you want to follow? No one can force you to believe; it's your choice."
The students replied, "We will follow Yeshua!"

On October 27th at 3 AM Carolyn and I were travelling south from Haifa to the Ben Gurion Airport. When we started to head east we beheld a site that almost took our breath away. In the eastern sky were three bright lights on the horizon. Two of them looked like they were joined together with one being much brighter than the other. My first thought was that it was man-made - perhaps drones. But they were too big and bright to be drones - and they weren't moving. They were stationary and appeared to be hovering over Judea, near Jerusalem or Bethlehem.
We checked the internet and found an article from a Jewish site, The Times of Israel with this headline:
As planets align, some see return of Jesus' Star of Bethlehem
The rare convergence of Venus, Jupiter and Mars this week has some wondering if it's time to cue the Magi
Could this be a similar phenomenon to what the Magi had seen in the sky which led them to Bethlehem 2,000 years ago? I later found out that there were four planets; Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Mercury in the sky along with Regulus, the king star. If that wasn't enough, on that same night in the western sky, we saw the first full moon after the fourth blood red moon of the tetrad. This amazing planet/star configuration was in the eastern sky while the full moon was shining in all its glory in the western sky. Truly awesome!
This is a simulation of what we saw:
I discovered that in the year 2 BC this extremely rare planet/star configuration could be found in the skies over Israel. G-d announced the coming of His son the first time with a special sign in the sky. The second time, when Yeshua returns, G-d will announce His return with signs in the sky. Could it be the same sign that we were privileged to see?
When we arrived in Munich Germany we were invited to the leadership meeting of The Gathering, a meeting at the Olympic stadium where thousands of German believers were gathering. During a special meeting a Persian man declared that a group of 40 Iranians were sojourning to Israel. They would be bringing precious gifts to Israel just as their ancestors, the Magi, did over 2000 years ago. When we heard this we almost fell off our seats. Carolyn looked at me and said, "Do you know what the L-rd told me to put in my purse before we left Israel - a bottle of Frankincense? I've never done anything like that before." When we shared with the Iranian believers they were overwhelmed and gratefully accepted our offer to anoint them with the frankincense.
Do you remember the promise the Magi made to Herod as they were leaving him on their way to Bethlehem? They said they would report what they had found, but they were later warned by G-d in a dream to go home another way. 2,000 years later that promise is being fulfilled. Their descendants have returned and they are reporting what they have seen - that Yeshua is the Messiah, the King of Israel! As they travel through Zion they're telling Jewish Israelis that they used to shout "Death to Israel", but after finding Yeshua, they now love and pray for her. Outstanding!
Upcoming Journey
We look forward to a ministry journey in Texas and Louisiana from Nov. 11-29. If you'd like to join us at any of these meetings, please check our website schedule for dates and times. Shalom y'all!
Thank you for standing with us as we reach the lost with the love of our Messiah Yeshua!
Blessings in Yeshua's love,
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
First Century Foundations * Canadian charitable tax #10780-1771-RR0001
We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd. Thanks for understanding.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA