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There are many ways in which we can battle against the Devil and his schemes. Through prayer, worship and constantly fixing our eyes... |
 | | Lottery-Winning Woman Gifts Pastor $700K, But He Is Now Suing For MORE
When a North Carolina woman won $127 million in the Powerball lottery, she decided to do something amazing - she gifted $700,000 to her... |
 | | Todd Friel Slams Perry Noble For Starting Up New Church
"Perry Noble has decided to get back into ministry. Anybody shocked?" asks broadcaster Todd Friel. "Of course not. Pray for his soul.... |
 | | What Does The Bible Really Say About A Total Solar Eclipse?
There is excitement and trepidation building in anticipation of the total eclipse due to take place over the skies of the United States on M... |
 | | Comedian John Crist Launches Hilarious 'UberChristian' Rideshare Idea
Christian comedian John Crist has launched a new Redesshare App, 'UberChristian,' in his latest spoof video. "Always worried about the... |
 | | Robert Jeffress On Trump: "There Is Not A Racist Bone In His Body"
Pator Robert Jeffress has addressed the mounting concern of the mainstream media that President Trump has racist tendencies. Trump... |
 | | Leah Remini Reveals Sick Child Abuse Took Place In Scientology Church
Actres Leah Remini has made a damning documentary about the controversial Church of Scientology. Remini, who was a scientologist for... |
 | | Hillary's Pastor On Her Faith: "She's A Deeply Committed Disciple Of Christ"
As Methodist minister Bill Shillady releases his new book on the daily devotionals that he sent to Hillary Clinton during her presidential c... |
 | | 'I Thought I'd Killed Myself, But Jesus Resurrected Me!'
Brandon Henderson was addicted to opioid drugs, and was taking 30 roxys a day, up to 70 milligrams. But one day, he pushed it to... |
 | | This Video Of A Kid Dancing In Church Will Make Your Day
Sometimes, you just find a video that makes you smile. This is one of those occasions. A video popped up on the 'Church of Laugh' Face... |
 | | Joyce Meyer: 'If You Make Godly Choices You Might Lose A Few Friends!'
Preacher and author Joyce Meyer has reminded us that the right choices are not always the popular ones, and encourages us to follow... |
 | | Sarah Palin on Iceland's Down Syndrome Abortion Rates: "It's So Evil"
Sarah Palin, the former vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor, has one word to describe Iceland's campaign to "eliminate" Dow... |
 | | US Muslims As Concerned About Islamic Extremism As Anyone, Pew Reveals
Most American Muslims are just as concerned about Islamic extremism as the rest of the general population, a new Pew Research Study... |
 | | 15 Ways You Can Encourage Your Pastor Today
When I wrote my second book 5 Ministry Killers and How to Defeat Them, I surveyed over 2,000 pastors through LifeWay Res... |
 | | Brooklyn Church Removes Robert E. Lee Plaque
A 105-year-old plaque commemorating Robert E. Lee was removed from a church in Brooklynon Wednesday as the nation still faces the... |
 | | Prophecy: Will The Eclipse Spark The Destruction Of North Korea?
Much is being made of this total solar eclipse that is due to take place at the end of the month. But could it signify the beginning of the... |
 | | What Does God Think Of White Supremacy? Read These 4 Bible Verses NOW
In light of recent events in Charlottesville, Christians around the world are asking 'What does God really think of white supremacy?' Well,... |
 | | What a Beautiful Name - Anthem Lights
In a stunning new release, Chad Graham from Anthem Lights performs a cover of 'What A Beautiful Name.' With stunning vocals, beaut... |
 | | Why Many Of Our Churches Are Still One Color
"What’s wrong with our church?” It was a sincere question. The elder wanted to know why there seems to be a steady... |
 | | Teen Apologizes For Painting Racial Slur Across Pastor's Car
A teen who pasted a racial slur across a Collierville pastor's car has apologized, saying it was "meant to be funny." "I didn't think... |
 | | How Ray Comfort Gets Inside Atheists' Heads
Renowned street evangelist Ray Comfort is back with another documentary challenging the atheist worldview, The Atheist Delusion.... |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA