Ahava Love Band
Steve & Laurie Martin
Messianic worship music
Full worship time recording
Aug. 20, 2017
Greetings LoveMusic! listeners.
During our almost 40 years of marriage (Oct. 7, 2017!!!), Laurie and I have been involved with the worship teams, choirs, and any form of church music we could (including leading worship in home groups). Using the gifts the good Lord, the Living God of Israel has given us, we loved to sing His praises, worship His Name, and help bring others into the presence of the Holy Spirit.
From the days of Victory Church in Peru, Illinois (1977-1980); our years with Shiloh Fellowship/New Covenant Christian Church in East Lansing, Michigan (1980-1987); then seven years in Fort Lauderdale with Good News Church and Cornerstone Church (Davie, FL) from 1987-1994; onto the season with All Nations Church in Charlotte, North Carolina (1994-2000)...we have been involved with Christian music.
During those years we developed a love for Israel and His Chosen people, as we sought to walk in the full word of the Bible. Our hearts and voices then began to express our love for Messianic music, and it was especially revealed through the music we sang. With songs from Paul Wilbur, Barry and Batya Segal, Joel Chernoff and others having influence among us, we shared their music.
Then we walked through our years with other churches in the Charlotte, North Carolina area - Cornerstone Church (Pineville), St. Giles, Antioch International Church (Peter Wyns) MorningStar (Rick Joyner), and now attend Transformation Church (Derwin Gray) in Indian Land, South Carolina. (We were once called "wandering Jews", though of the Gentile flavor!)
Ahava Love Band - Charlotte, NC Highway To Zion assembly
(L-R) Gid Anthony, Laurie Martin, Ron Bowen, Steve Martin, Wane Daroux, Patty Paquette
Along the way, we gathered friends and had a few bands, with our desire to share Jesus (Yeshua) with believers and not-yet-believers. Thus Steve Martin & The Raiders and Ahava Love Band (various phases) came forth. Band members who were with us the longest included our big friend Little Big Eagle (bass), Ron Bowen (drums), and Wane Daroux (bass).
Steve Martin & The Raiders 2001
(L-R) Bernie Lemke, John Rust, Ron Bowen,
Steve & Laurie Martin, Little Big Eagle, Mark DeVito
Also playing with us during those years were Mark DeVito (keyboard), John Rust (guitar), Bernie Lemke (keyboard), Gid Anthony (guitar) Patty Paquette (keyboard), Toni Bogart (keyboard) and Tom Fahey (guitar). We love them all!!!
Our last time leading worship occurred on September 21, 2013 at the One New Man worship gathering with our friend Warren Marcus in Charlotte. Cathy Hargett (Highway To Zion) and her dance team joined in the Saturday evening celebration.
As I always enjoy doing, I brought along my Canon PowerShot camera, placed it on the tripod, and recorded the time of praise and worship. Thus the video you shall see. Not spectacular or professional, but I believe our love (ahava in Hebrew) for the Lord and His people comes forth. I trust you will listen and worship the Lord along with us.
Maybe someday we will sing again in public, and lead worship. What a great joy that will be! Or the Lord may just have us wait until we are in the eternity realms singing His praises - in the glory land of heaven above. That will be the ultimate fulfillment of that desire which He Himself placed within us from the times of our birth.
Be blessed in your blessing others today.
Ahava and shalom. Always.
Steve Martin

Steve and Laurie Martin Co-Founders Love For His People, Inc. (photo -Morris Ruddick at his home Denver, CO 2014)
Ahava Love Band - our last time...
YouTube - Published on Sep 24, 2013
The Messianic worship team, Ahava Love Band, led praise and worship for the One New Man meeting during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). Sept. 21, 2013 in Charlotte, NC. Warren Marcus heads the weekly Saturday night meeting at Steele Creek Church in Charlotte, NC.
Team members: Steve and Laurie Martin (lead vocals), Ron Bowen (drums), Wane Daroux (bass guitar), Patty Paquette (keyboard and vocal), Tom Fahey (electric guitar).
Song selection included Paul Wilbur's: "Lord God of Abraham", "Where Does My Help Come From", "Let God Arise". and "Kadosh". We also sang the Vineyard song "We Will Dance" and one sung by Robert Stearns "Holy is the Lord." Also spontaneous songs "Beautiful Bride" and "Coming of the Lord."
Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.
Team members: Steve and Laurie Martin (lead vocals), Ron Bowen (drums), Wane Daroux (bass guitar), Patty Paquette (keyboard and vocal), Tom Fahey (electric guitar).
Song selection included Paul Wilbur's: "Lord God of Abraham", "Where Does My Help Come From", "Let God Arise". and "Kadosh". We also sang the Vineyard song "We Will Dance" and one sung by Robert Stearns "Holy is the Lord." Also spontaneous songs "Beautiful Bride" and "Coming of the Lord."
Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.
The Messianic worship team, Ahava Love Band, led praise and worship for the One New Man meeting during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). Sept. 21, 2013 in Charlotte, NC. Warren Marcus heads the weekly Saturday night meeting at Steele Creek Church in Charlotte, NC.
Team members: Steve and Laurie Martin (lead vocals), Ron Bowen (drums), Wane Daroux (bass guitar), Patty Paquette (keyboard and vocal), Tom Fahey (electric guitar).
Song selection included Paul Wilbur's: "Lord God of Abraham", "Where Does My Help Come From", "Let God Arise". and "Kadosh". We also sang the Vineyard song "We Will Dance" and one sung by Robert Stearns "Holy is the Lord." Also spontaneous songs "Beautiful Bride" and "Coming of the Lord."
Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA