Oct. 25, 2017
Greetings readers of this Love for His People blog!
So why are 5 more days to go, until I "retire" from my fulltime Accountant's job, so important to me? Well, because I have never retired before! Hitting #63 on the birthday calendar in November (Thanksgiving Day no less with all of America celebrating!) is certainly a good reason also.
I remember way back around 1996 or so when my Dad, Louis James Martin, retired from working over 30 years at the Viking Pump Foundry in Cedar Falls, Iowa. It was a big deal! Thirty years with one company isn't heard of much these days, with businesses and such hiring, firing, letting people go after a few months or years. One of the main reasons is so they don't have to pay the big benefits that one could rely on later in life, and especially medical coverage.
Yes, at one time, if you served long enough with a company, showing appreciation both ways, they acknowledged your loyalty and commitment to them. Not so much anymore. No wonder kids in the workforce move on from job to job after 2-3 years. No one has much understanding of commitment anymore.
Our family threw a big celebration for Dad, with co-workers and neighbors in attendance. Yes, retiring from a daily grind was a big deal.
My CCCP desk/cubicle for accounting. I like the pictures I had!
At noon on October 31, 2017, the Lord is releasing me to give full focus to our ministry Love For His People, Inc. No more 40 hours of weekly data entry, Accounts Payable and Receivable, payroll entry and general journals. Nor the weekly 10 hours of commute up and down Interstate 77 each 6 am or return at 4 pm. Done! Ended!
Founded by my good wife Laurie and I in April 2010, to primarily bless the people of Israel and encourage others in the nations to do so, the work of Love For His People for these past 7 years has been ongoing, but there is only so much one can do in the work week when other commitments fill the time. But the release is coming!

But as I shared on the many social media platforms He prophetically conveyed to me years ago, He has been faithful to bring us thus far.
And now we are ready for the blastoff - another prophetic word given and time to be released.
Some of you too have waited for the time to come and to be released. Let me tell you, it will come! You will see prophetic words over your life fulfilled, and the One Who called you by name is Faithful and True to make it happen, Even as He said it would!
So hang on. Things are about to get even more exciting.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
P.S. Missions the Lord takes you on are for His Gospel to reach the nations with His love. I hope you will support this ministry as we do so.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA