Now Think On This
Steve Martin
“Then Jacob took a stone and set it up as a pillar.” (Genesis 31:45, NASU)
We all have milestones in our lives. Those special days that come and we note them in special ways. We commemorate what has happened, who has done a tremendous thing, or an accomplishment has come about that we want to remember. These have touched our hearts with joy, and we want to remember the good that we have experienced. And sometimes they were a time of sadness, that our minds will recall years later, lest we ever forget.
On many occasions the good Lord of Israel spoke to His children, instructing them to set up stones, build an altar in fact, on a specific spot. This location would be marked, for themselves, their children, and the grands that followed behind. They would have a place to come back to, in order to remember that which had been done, most often miraculously, on their behalf.
(Photo: My hand in the creek bed where David most likely collected stones and killed his enemy, Goliath. Israel May 2008).
After seeking, searching, going after the reward set before us, and then having reached that point, we too must place a stone for memory’s sake. We must note that an achievement has taken place. We will want to recall later exactly what the Lord did in our life then - enabling us to get through it all, to finish that portion of the race, and then enabled to receive the hard-earned reward awaiting each of us who have pressed on to the finish line.
Through it all, by never giving up, never quitting, defeating those days of discouragement that come to all, all the time determined to do what it takes to get through that hour, that month, those years. And when it is accomplished, we set down the milestone right there. Later on, we will be able to look back and say, “Yes, the Lord brought me through that. He was there, all the times, holding my hand, carrying me often, encouraging me along the path. I got to finish line in the race He had set before me.”
Today, look back and think of the milestones you have laid down, knowingly or knowingly, and give thanks to the Lord Jesus for what He has done in your life.
Remember those times when you thought you just couldn’t get through another day, and yet you did. He brought you through.
Remember what you said, when you stood before that mountain, and spoke out loud, “I just can’t cross this one!” And then you found yourself on the other side, carried on the wings of the angels He sent specifically to you, to get you there on the other side.
Recall the people He sent your way, who gave an encouraging word at just the time you really needed one; who wrote a heart-touching note or simply sent a text, that helped you do it one more time, when before you had told yourself you couldn’t do it one more time. But now you did. You made it, and now you can leave that stone of remembrance.
“I am trusting You My God. I am trusting You my God,” sings Jason Upton in my earphones right now. Yes, the ultimate act of worship – trusting the One Who enables, Who gets us through, Who instructs us to leave a milestone, helping to recall what He has done. He knows there will be times when we will need to look back at that time, that place, and say once again, “Yes, He is my Savoir. He brought me through it again.”
“For Adonai is good, his grace continues forever, and his faithfulness lasts through all generations.” (Psalm 100:5, Complete Jewish Bible)
Trust in the Lord. Call on His name. Trust and believe in Him today, tomorrow, until the very end. And then lay down that milestone and say with all your heart, “We did it, Lord. You brought me through. You helped me finish this race.”
Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).
Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
P.S. I mark this day as the one when I retire from my accounting job, the last leg of this race, completing 52 years of serving in organizations, companies, and Christian ministries. I have finished this race, and am now ready to start the new one set before me! Yeah God!!!
The following letter is from my good friend at work, Meir Jones. Thank you, Meir, for your very encouraging word! Ahava my friend!
Steve –
May this new journey you’re taking, lead you to amazing heights of Shalom!
It’s not often, one meets a kind soul that encourages and befriends within the business world. You, my friend, did both!
May the laughter we shared, continue to fill the days and hours, while you do His work.
Keep smiling and know all is well.
Shalom, Meir
Meir Jones, Steve Martin - Charlotte Center City Partners Oct. 26, 2017
Gift from my Greek lady boss, Eleni Saunders - Charlotte Center City Partner
Oct. 31, 2017 Charlotte, North Carolina USA
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Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This - in the Year of our Lord 10.31.17 - #326 – “Milestones”
Tuesday, 5:00 am My retirement day!
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA