-Clearing Knowing The Lord
-Clearing Knowing The Lord
Now Think On This
Steve Martin
“The Message that points to Christ on the Cross seems like sheer silliness to those hell-bent on destruction, but for those on the way of salvation it makes perfect sense. This is the way God works, and most powerfully as it turns out.” (I Corinthians 1:18, THE MESSAGE)
Clarity. Do you know what it means? Many people don’t. They walk around in uncertainty, misdirection, unknowing in their thinking, or just plain stupefied. They want to know the answers but end up looking in the wrong place and finding even more confusion. Looking for answers in all the wrong places. Reminds me of a song, doesn’t it?
What to do and how to do it. Where to find what you are looking for. “What is truth?” as he asked even way back then when Truth stood right there in front of him.
We all need clarity. We need something on which we can stand on, knowing what is right, what is wrong, and where to turn when mounting chaos seems to break down everything we have known to be true.
In our home group gathering last night, a small group of us, consisting of my good wife Laurie and I, joined by three of the next generation, had a discussion on the supernatural, and why people seek what they seek. People are looking for direction, power, or an adventure to replace the boredom in their monotony. They end up going in the wrong direction, having seen the signposts that used to give direction torn down. Removing the proven ways of life have brought shameless acts of death.
When it all has been said and done, is it really true that your opinion is better than mine, or your ways are higher than my ways? So it would seem. How we have become so prideful in our quest for more knowledge, losing wisdom in its wake.
What then was right, has now become wrong. O how we are so mighty, with lofty methods built on shifting sand.
It didn’t happen overnight that the solid foundation was removed from under our feet. It has taken decades, leaving that which many once stood on seemingly done away with, a crumpled pile of brick, cement and iron rods in its place.
Rather than having certainty, we have welcomed ambiguity. Having removed proven commands for life, we are left with the belief that anything goes, anytime, anywhere. If you want it, do it. If you don’t have it, take it from one who does. My right replaces your right, even if it was wrong in the beginning.
Remove the commandments that once kept all in place, and you are left with each doing their own thing to promote their own agendas. Life is what you make it, even if it destroys you and others in the fatal end.
There yet remains a remnant that know the truth, that haven’t fallen for the big lie, that holds firmly to the belief that God remains on the throne, He is the Solid Rock on which we stand, and His Word is eternal, from the beginning to the end. There is nothing or no one on this earth which can destroy His work and end up with life apart from Him.
You who know the truth, stand strong. You have the answers, because you know the Answer. Do not let your beliefs be eroded and left on the side of the road as others have already done.
Clearly, clarity is found in knowing Jesus, Yeshua. His salvation is eternal, and found in no other.
Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).
Now think on this,
Love For His People, Inc.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This - in the Year of our Lord 10.01.17 - #319 – “Clarity” – Sunday 7:07 am
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA