Scott Nary: "Jephthah Awakening – Men Returning to Masculinity" THE ELIJAH LIST Nov 3, 2017
Intro from Jennifer LeClaire:
"The warriors are rising...the Jephthah generation is waking up! Men who are men and men who are after My own heart. These men will see My goodness and will lead from that vantage point. The awakening of the Jephthah generation in men will start as men see My goodness. As they truly behold how much I love them and love others, they will arise to being valiant and bold. Just as Jephthah lived in Tob (Good), These men will see that I am good in all things and their hearts will be smitten and transformed to be strong in Me and the power of My might. (Photo via Pinterest)
Many young men in church are less motivated to move out of their homes and many lack the confidence or ambition to dream big. It has been said that the greatest generation as we know it was the generation that fought during World War 2. These men and women knew what it meant to be masculine and feminine, and in doing so they rallied our great country to victory. (Photo via Wikipedia)
Scott Nary is a prophetic evangelist who travels the nations demonstrating the power of God. He's a "man's man", having left a career as a trainer in the NFL and NHL to pursue God's will to see a great harvest come into the Church.
Scott and his wife are dear friends who I co-labor with in ministry. This is a bold word, but one that needs to be released in this hour!
Jennifer LeClaire
Founder of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries
Founder of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries
"Jephthah Awakening – Men Returning to Masculinity"
"I am raising up a Jephthah generation of men to be pillars in the next great awakening. These men will be full of valor and be the complete personification of masculinity. They will be men after My own heart and they will be fully confident in who they are in Me, and they will have a heart for the children and the children will have a heart for them. They will instruct sons in how to be men and the sons will take over where the Jephthahs left off."
A Falling Away of Masculinity
The Spirit spoke clearly to me that, "In the beginning, I made man in My image and likeness, and I took Eve out of Adam. Male is fully to be male and female is to be fully female. I am releasing the call to awaken the men of God in My house!
"There has been a falling away of masculinity in My house, and I am raising up a new breed of Spirit-filled, masculine saints of God, who will step up to the plate and lead their homes and be a rock for their communities. I am bringing forth a revival of manliness back into My house. Men will act like men and will not be overtaken by Ahab any longer.
"These men will love their families with their full heart. They will honor their wives and be chivalrous once more. These men will lead Bible studies and be the first to volunteer in their churches. Oh, I am calling forth the real men to stand up and see My goodness!
"True masculinity is found in King Jesus"
"An awakening of masculinity will take place in My house and these men will come alongside My intercessors. No more will it be only those who are female that war in intercession for Me. I am releasing the Jephthah generation on men. Just as Jephthah's very name means 'to open' I will use these men to help open the next move of My Spirit.
The Warrior Men Are Arising!
"The men I am rising up will not consult their pasts to decide their futures. These men will have a confidence in themselves that only comes from Me. I will magnify My anointing on their lives so that all of those who are 'empty' with no purpose or goals in life will be drawn to these Jephthahs. They will become transformed in their heart and in their purpose.
"When people see the once "empty" men that were with no vision and no ambition changed into leaders and pillars in their society, they will seek out answers from them. These men will share their faith in Me with a boldness like a lion, and they will once again spearhead a local church evangelism movement that will produce disciples of valor.
The Spirit said, "The men who walk in My strength will be slow to speak and quick to hear. These men will not be social media gossips or cause confusion with My people. My heart will be clear through them. The Jephthah anointing will cause men to mean what they say and say what they mean. These men will be leaders, and kindness will be at the forefront. Yes, masculinity will once more be celebrated in America.
"The men are rising up...pillars in My house."
Jephthah, a Mighty Man of Valor
Jephthah was a mighty man of valor in spite of his background, for he was born from a harlot. In Judges 11:1-8 NKJV, the story unfolds:
"Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valor, but he was the son of a harlot; and Gilead begot Jephthah. Gilead's wife bore sons; and when his wife's sons grew up, they drove Jephthah out, and said to him, 'You shall have no inheritance in our father's house, for you are the son of another woman.' Then Jephthah fled from his brothers and dwelt in the land of Tob; and worthless men banded together with Jephthah and went out raiding with him. It came to pass after a time that the people of Ammon made war against Israel.
"And so it was, when the people of Ammon made war against Israel, that the elders of Gilead went to get Jephthah from the land of Tob. Then they said to Jephthah, 'Come and be our commander, that we may fight against the people of Ammon.' So Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, 'Did you not hate me, and expel me from my father's house? Why have you come to me now when you are in distress?' And the elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, 'That is why we have turned again to you now, that you may go with us and fight against the people of Ammon, and be our head over all the inhabitants of Gilead.'"
This story shows that Jephthah was born in the midst of abandonment. He was the son of a harlot and Gilead was the father. As Jephthah grew, his half-brothers literally pushed him out of his home and out of his inheritance.
Jephthah was known as a mighty man of valor, but he didn't become that way until he faced persecution and the left foot of fellowship and rejected by his peers. He went to a land called Tob and men who the Bible denotes as "worthless" came unto him to be part of his raiding band of misfits. What is amazing in all of this is that he went to a land called Tob, which literally means "good". The "worthless" fellows that came to him literally means "empty".
Many have differing opinions of what masculinity means, but true masculinity is found in King Jesus. King Jesus is the masculine Gospel. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13 KJV).
"The warriors are rising...the Jephthah generation is waking up!"
King Jesus proved that true masculinity is seen in laying down yourself for someone other than you. True masculinity is being courageous in the midst of adversity. Masculinity is what makes a man a man, and there has been an attack on manliness in the modern church.
Men and an Awakening in the Modern Church
In the modern church, the ladies are the ones who volunteer the most, they serve as main intercessors and the males shy away from prayer. The ladies are even the first ones many pastors call on to volunteer because they know that they will step up to the plate and help lead the Church because many of the men aren't committed to serving.
This goes on while many men sit in the church pew not feeling confident to step up and serve, or in all actuality have no desire to lead because they would rather be on the golf course or at the football game or behind a video game controller wasting time while their wives serve in a leadership capacity at the local church. This grieves the Father!
It seems that today in the modern church many young men have succumbed to Ahab, and they lay around feeling sorry for themselves and have the entitlement mentality that they deserve something for free for which they did not work for. These same young and even older males want everyone to pursue them instead of them pursuing others. In relationships, these males want the female to come after them, and even in getting a good job many expect the jobs to just pop right out of thin air.
Many women are frustrated today because they all are looking for real men and haven't been able to find them. That is all about to change! God is restoring men to His original intent – to be leaders and providers in their communities representing God's heart to their families and sphere of influence.
Men of God are rising up and not shying away from embracing their masculinity. Men will be men once again in the Body of Christ. The Jephthah awakening has begun!
Scott Nary
4:20 Fire
Scott Nary was born the son of a coal miner in West Virginia. He has worked in the NFL, NBA, NHL and NASCAR as a trainer and chaplain. Scott travels throughout the world activating the Body of Christ in New Testament Christianity and has seen many salvations, deliverances, and miracles through his ministry.
Through his ministry, 420 Fire based upon 1 Corinthians 4:20, he is establishing power evangelism equipping hubs throughout the US for the purpose of training in spiritual gifts, discipleship and Kingdom reigning in all spheres of influence which is available to every believer.
Crossing denominational lines, his mandate is true unity in the Body of Christ through the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit. Through practical teaching, demonstration, and application thousands of believers have been activated in the gifts of the Spirit. Scott is a graduate of the Reinhard Bonnke School of Evangelism. Scott and his wife, Marcy, reside in Kannapolis, NC.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA