Joni Ames
March 9, 2018
"God is Redefining Your Future!"
Joni Ames, Rock Hill, SC
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
It's time to write down your passions and walk them out with the Lord no matter how "mature" you think you are as Joni shares:
I'm now in my early 60s and just graduated with a doctorate in theology last year. When I graduated high school in 1972, I wrote in my yearbook that I wanted to become a published author. I was 17. Some 46 years later, and my first book will be out this fall. A "suddenly" came for me after waiting many years for it to come to pass. We're in a time of "suddenlies" that have taken a long time to happen. But God has prepared us for this time and placed everything in order. It is a season in which those things are finally beginning to occur.
Being in my 60s myself, I feel I'm just getting started and getting my second wind. Now, Joni does write this as a word for women, however I encourage both men and women to read through this because both will benefit greatly with practical steps into your calling! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"God is Redefining Your Future!"
Joni Ames, Rock Hill, SC
A Mighty Throng
God is calling His Psalm 68:11 great company (army) of women forth for such a time as this. "The Lord announces the Word, and women who proclaim it are a mighty throng..." (Psalm 68:11).
God is redefining your future. There's more to life than what you've experienced. This time is for you. You've taken care of everyone else, and now it's time to take care of you. It's time to be equipped and activated into what you are called to – whether that means to utilize the gifts in everyday life or full-time ministry.
If you are discontent with your life, don't let it frustrate you. If you don't like you, change you! Only you can do it for you; you're the boss of you. If you are a more mature aged woman, you're in the midst of a change of life in more ways than one. You're now going to do that which you've waited a lifetime to do.
An Acceleration of "Suddenlies"
I'm now in my early 60s and just graduated with a doctorate in theology last year. When I graduated high school in 1972, I wrote in my yearbook that I wanted to become a published author. I was 17. Some 46 years later, and my first book will be out this fall. A "suddenly" came for me after waiting many years for it to come to pass. We're in a time of "suddenlies" that have taken a long time to happen. But God has prepared us for this time and placed everything in order. It is a season in which those things are finally beginning to occur.
"...So the service of the Lord was set in order. Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced that God had prepared the people, since the events took place so suddenly." (2 Chronicles 29:35-36)There's an acceleration of the "suddenlies" in this period. Acceleration means a change in velocity which means a change in speed, direction, or both. The power of God is showing up in services in amazing ways. It's a new day. Batons are being passed down to the next generation now as the elder mothers and fathers of the faith have been passing. Will you rise up and take yours? All we've been through and what's going on is causing us to become His Bride without spot or wrinkle.
Are You Bored or Depressed? You Don't Have to Stay There!
What is the greatest passion of your heart? Something you'd like to accomplish that you haven't yet done?
I firmly believe that the reason some people suffer from anxiety and depression is that they are not doing what they were meant to do. Often, they've been so down by the cares of life and convince themselves they don't even know what they'd want to do if they were given the freedom and finances to accomplish it. Life sometimes hands us a curve ball that we didn't expect and sends us reeling in an unexpected and even unwanted direction. But we don't have to stay there.
The important thing is to recognize you need to make a change. You can figure out what all that means along the way. What we don't want to do is to keep stuffing our feelings down and ignoring the situation. When that happens, we end up miserable and make everyone around us miserable as well.
I encourage those I mentor to take a piece of paper and write down these things:
1. A work history resume.Where is Your Passion and Authority?
2. A spiritual resume of all the ways you've volunteered or worked in the church.
3. A list of the things you've overcome in life, whether it's smoking, a divorce, or more serious things.
4. An honest list of what you are most gifted to do. Don't be too humble. Be real.
5. What would you honestly like to learn? This can be a musical instrument, something artistic or crafty, flying a plane, or anything you'd have to go to school or take lessons for.
6. Write a bucket list of places you want to go and things you want to do before you die. Not because you're going to die – but because it's time to truly live.
7. Develop a vision board or scrapbook of pictures of the items in #5 and #6. The Word tells us to, "Write the vision and make it plain so that they may run who reads it" (Habakkuk 2:2-4).
Whatever you have a passion for you will do well in. Just go for it. Whatever you have been through, you have authority in. Those are key clues for you regarding the areas you are called to. If you are not doing what you are passionate for you will be unhappy. Change can be difficult, but it may be very necessary in order to move forward in the area that will give your life purpose and meaning. It's never too late. American folk artist Grandma Moses began painting as a successful artist at the age of 78. Sarah in the Bible had a baby in her 90s. You can birth that which you are called to no matter what age you are as well.
Never give up on your dreams. Never. As they say: "Where there is a will, there is a way."
Let's pray: Lord, thank You for the women that will read this. Help them to take hold of and run with what You've called them to do and to never give up. In Jesus' name, amen. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Joni Ames
The Ministry of Joni Faith Ames
Joni Ames is an itinerant prophetic minister, writer, teacher, encourager, mentor, mother and grandma. Joni has taught in churches of many varied denominations including: conferences, government offices, Christian businesses, Women's Aglow groups, Full Gospel Businessmen groups, house groups, prisons, and wherever the Lord leads. Joni believes that the Lord wants to encourage and activate the Laborers as we continue to move into the harvest and does share specific types of teachings (activating others in personal prophetic ministry, intercession, etc.).
Joni believes that the job of the five-fold ministry is "for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry," (Eph. 4:11) and that "...the whole Body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." (Eph. 4:16)
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA