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Today's Elijah List Ministries Featured Video Messages...
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Lance Wallnau is a highly respected voice, not only in the Body of Christ but in many of the 7 mountains of influence. We had a profoundly impacting time with him at our recent annual conference earlier this year. We had the honor of interviewing our guest speakers “on location” at our conference and they all gave outstanding revelation.
Lance Wallnau has been invited to many of the top leaders in our nation’s events including ones where President Trump attended and has also laid hands in prayer with others over our president!
In this recent interview with Lance you’ll find out key revelation such as:
- How Lance received revelation BEFORE elections that — Donald Trump is a wrecking ball and the next President would be an Isaiah 45 president.
- Prophecies being fulfilled through political events right now.
- How to stand in alignment "right now" with who God is raising up in media, government, academia, etc.
- How 2020 is going to be the collision of worldviews and much more!
Enjoy this exciting episode with Dr. Lance Wallnau and I encourage you to get a hold of our conference set and it’s not only for this year but far beyond! To view those products click here.
Steve and Derene Shultz Founders, Elijah List Ministries

Let's stand in alignment with the vessels that God is raising up right now... — Lance Wallnau
Lance Wallnau with Steve Shultz...
CLICK HERE to watch this episode on demand NOW on ELIJAHSTREAMS.com
Did you miss an episode? CLICK HERE to watch more exciting prophetic episodes on ELIJAH STREAMS! |
| The reviews are in! And people are saying our annual conference this year was the BEST they've ever attended!
Not only was it a life-changing event, but it brought miracles, signs and wonders on top of it!
Call 866-967-3665 right now to order our "What is Heaven Planning for 2019?" conference set… ask for offer number 1021.
Don't be fooled by thinking, "This is ONLY about the year, 2019" — as it's FULL of prophetic revelation for this year AND beyond!
Here is what you'll receive from our powerhouse line-up of speakers: Dutch Sheets, Katie Souza, Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow and Lance Wallnau...
Dutch Sheets reveals: WHAT is coming to America, God's verdicts and decrees, and what happens when the next Supreme Court Justice is nominated, and WHEN major revival begins!
During Katie Souza's sessions, not only were people 100% healed from pain, sickness and trauma, but the very metal placed in bodies from previous injuries—disappeared as well. YOU too can receive Jesus' healing power to manifest in YOUR life—right now!
During Johnny Enlow's session, many found out just what their mountain of influence is AND received incredible activation and confirmation—as angels showed up in a mighty way to work with Johnny!
Also, Johnny's wife, Elizabeth Enlow, shares the importance of being "re-oriented" with God and provides 5 "non-negotiable anchors" that will help YOU navigate the days ahead!
And finally… you'll hear Dr. Lance Wallnau's historical message to the Church in this hour!
This power-packed set is all yours with special pricing for you, our Elijah Streams viewers!
You can order this 8-session bundle in 4 different ways:
- A DVD video set for $59
- An Audio CD set for $49
- An MP3 Audio Download set for $39
- Or our best value: a USB Drive which has both audio and video files, and is yours for $59
Don't wait another moment!
Ask for offer number: 1021
To order by phone, call the toll-free number listed below, or to order online CLICK HERE.
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Please Specify Offer Number: 1021
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(866) 967-3665
P.S. I want to say a quick THANK YOU in advance! If you are being blessed by this or other Elijah List Ministries Videos, would you consider making a tax deductible financial gift today? Just click on the link(s) below.
Thank you!
Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders, Elijah List Ministries
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA