Tornado aftermath in Dayton, Ohio (Photo: Operation Blessing)
'Pray For Us All!' Storm Damage Makes Midwest Look 'Like Someone
Dropped a Bomb in Our City'
Dropped a Bomb in Our City'
More tornadoes struck the Midwest Wednesday, at least two twisters touching down in northern Texas, damaging homes and injuring at least one person.
One resident says the storm saying it felt like it was actually suctioning them up.
Storm survivor Linda Myers said, "I saw the door moving and I had a hold of her arm and I was like, 'Lord please don't suck her out', because for a minute it was just so strong, it was like going in and out. But thankfully the door didn't open and we were all good in the hall."
The Texas twisters were bad, but not as massive as the mile-wide, EF-4 tornado with top winds of 170 miles an hour that churned up cities and towns west of Kansas City.
With more than 500 tornadoes reported in the last 30 days, May is now the most active month of tornadoes since 2011.
Meanwhile, rivers in Oklahoma and Arkansas are overflowing their banks. Tulsa's mayor calls it the worst flooding in the state's history, telling residents near levees to "relocate."
Eight states along the Mississippi River are seeing the longest lasting floods in 90 years. The continuous rains make this the worst flood season since 1927.
Meanwhile, CBN's Operation Blessing is on the ground in the Dayton, Ohio area where 13 tornadoes were recorded Monday night.
The Operation Blessing crew reports, "We drove past houses where the roofs were ripped off and debris was strewn across the road, and came to a stop in front of something that let me know we were exactly where we were supposed to be. There was a sign – a piece of mangled tin ripped off someone's roof, cast among a pile of shattered tree branches – with these words scrawled across the surface in purple and blue marker: Pray For Us All!"
You can help meet the needs of these tornado victims - click here to help Operation Blessing.
Operation Blessing has connected with Dayton Vineyard Church which will be used as a relief facility.
"It looks like someone dropped a bomb in our city," the church's Worship Pastor Drew Pinson told Operation Blessing.
"There was a specific neighborhood we drove through," Drew continued, "and I just started crying. I thought to myself, 'This is my city.' Just a few moments later, we braced ourselves to enter what many at Dayton Vineyard Church described as a 'war zone'."
Operation Blessing teams are assessing damage and setting up a base of operations for volunteers to help clean-up debris. Water is a huge need in the area.
OB's US Disaster Response, along with the Hunger Strike Force, is bringing a truckload of water, disaster relief kits, hygiene items and pre-packaged meals. Their mobile command center is also on its way, along with trucks carrying suplies and tools for volunteers.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA