On Rosh Hashana we read the story of the birth of the prophet Samuel to Hannah, who had been childless for many years. During one of her annual pilgrimages to Shiloh, the site of the Tabernacle, Hannah entreated God to bless her with a son, promising to dedicate him to His service. In Hannah’s prayer, she thanks God for granting her wish and praises His greatness. Last week the ancient prayers of Hannah were brought back to life in an inspiring women's prayer event held at the very site where Hannah once stood! The ancient city of Shiloh has been revived, but its residents have suffered a disproportionate number of terror attacks for living in this beloved Land close to Arab neighbors. Help heal the trauma of terrorism in the lives of innocent children who have lost loved ones or witnessed the horror of terrorism first-hand.
Watch this clever animated video about the right of the Jews to the Land of Israel. A great reminder of Who is actually running the show (and it's not politicians!).
Which other nation in the world can boast a city first established by the biblical Joshua 3,500 years ago, which is now thriving with visitors from all ages and walks of life? Only in Israel!
The Four Species, or "arba'a minim" in Hebrew, are four different plants native to Israel. They are used in an obligatory rite during the Festival of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, which is coming up in just a couple of weeks! The species are held together and shaken in six different directions, east, south, west, north, upward, and downward, in acknowledgment of divine dominion over nature. This year, order your Four Species directly from an Israeli farmer!
Women gathered last week to pray at the very site where Hannah once poured her heart out to God at the Tabernacle in Shiloh! The colorful banners bear the names of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, who assembled in Shiloh to receive their inheritance of the Land from Joshua (Joshua 18:10).
Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!
“Thanks for Israel365” - from Northern Ireland and the Fiji Islands!
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Thanks for Israel365, a wonderful program. We view this in LISBURN, Northern Ireland, where many people have a heart for Israel and pray for her every day. God bless you. Ian & Doris Crossett
Thanks for the encouragement Israel365. The LORD GOD of Israel is on your side - who dares to be against you? You are not alone, for we stand with you. Raphael Jordan - Fiji Islands. |
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
RabbiTuly@Israel365.com |