Showing posts with label Achieving Greatness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Achieving Greatness. Show all posts

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Achieving Greatness ✡ "Satisfy The Famished Creature" - Israel365

And you offer your compassion to the hungry
And satisfy the famished creature

תָפֵק לָרָעֵב נַפְשֶׁךָ וְנֶפֶשׁ נַעֲנָה תַּשְׂבִּיעַ

ישעיהו נח:י
ve'-ta-FEK la-RA-av naf-she-KHA ve-ne-FESH na-a-na tas-BEE-ah

Shabbat Inspiration

One of the roles with which God tasked the Prophet Isaiah was to shift the people of Israel's focus from politics to morality. Having witnessed the fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, Isaiah must explain these tragedies to the people of Israel. More importantly, Isaiah must instruct the people on how to improve their attitudes and actions if they wish to see a healthier political atmosphere. While the people of Israel were preoccupied with the collapsing political system, they began to neglect their ritual obligations and their society fell into immorality. In Chapter 58, Isaiah outlines the actions needed to be taken to ensure that Israel remains a moral and ethical people. The Prophet's message is clear: If the people can improve their personal lives, live in justice and peace with each other and serve God with sincerity, then the political turmoil will disappear. Meir Panim is hard at work following the dictates of Isaiah to create a moral and ethical society by ensuring that no Israeli goes hungry. Thanks to their phenomenal efforts and the generosity of their donors, Meir Panim quickly surpassed their fundraising goals and have raised enough funds to provide tens of thousands of warm, nutritious meals to Israel's needy.

Stones Hidden for 1,700 Years

Eight stone courses of the Western Wall that had been buried under an 8-meter layer of earth were recently uncovered in excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the Western Wall Tunnels in Jerusalem.

Working Together to Reach Our Goals!

Meir Panim’s crowdfunding campaign was launched with the goal of raising $140,000 in order to provide 40,000 meals from their five soup kitchens throughout Israel. With a dollar-for-dollar anonymous donor matching funds, the organization reached its goal in record time.

Today's Israel Photo

Photo of a conversation in 'Makhane Yehuda' market in Jerusalem.
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Shalom Chaverim, it is such a pleasure getting good news from Israel on a regular basis. You are doing a marvelous job. Thank you, shalom,shalom. Yaakov & Hannah Coetzee, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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