This week's Torah portion (Genesis 37-39) brings us to the story of Joseph, a shepherdamong his brothers. It is no coincidence that so many of our Biblical heroes were shepherds.The simple profession was ideal for two reasons. On the one hand, the abundance of time for quiet reflection and meditation allowed the shepherd to develop an intimate relationship with the Lord. Additionally, shepherds who excelled in their work acquired a deep sensitivity to the needs of each and every sheep in their flock. What he learned as a young shepherd influenced Joseph to become a paradigm for all future generations in the service of God and the service of man. Learn more in the Israel Bible Reading Plan, where we follow the weekly Torah portions read in the synagogue and provide important overviews, insightful topics and guided discussion questions that take place in a “virtual classroom.”
On November 29, 1947, the UN voted to end the British Mandate in the Holy Land. A vote that lasted a mere 3 minutes changed the course of history and brought 2000 years of Jewish exile to an end.
Two divergent stories are found in this week's parsha: the sale of Joseph by his brothers, followed by the story of Tamar and Judah. Our Sages teach a beautiful lesson about the juxtaposition of these stories in the Torah.
Dream play a prominent role in the biblical account of Joseph's life. In "The Mystical Meanings of Dreams" by Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman, the reader is taken into the concealed realms of the mind and the subconscious, as well as into the hidden dimensions of the Torah, in order to understand the origin and significance of dreams. By comprehending the psychological and prophetic nature of our dreams, as well as analyzing the many dreams revealed in the Bible, we learn how to understand dreams and use them to nurture our own spiritual and emotional growth. Paperback, 160 pages
Today's fabulous photo by Zev Rothkoff brings the Bible to life! A modern-day shepherd is overlooking the 4,000 year old city of Shechem, where the biblical Joseph is buried.
Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Connie Hanson of Pocatello, Indiana. Todah rabah!
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I enjoy reading Israel365. Thank you for keeping us informed. Israel is so close to my heart even though I live far away in Sri Lanka. The Lord bless Israel. Shalom Isreal Yvonne
We love ISRAEL...We are praying for the Peace of ISRAEL...and KNOW that GOD is watching over the Apple of HIS EYE... Patricia Edwards, Texarkana, Texas |
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz |