July 11, 2019
"What Are God's Prophets Saying through the Recent Earthquakes?"
Charlie Shamp and Chad Taylor
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I have come to know and watch both of them over the years and have seen them give highly accurate and sweeping words.
Included are words given late last year about California from Charlie Shamp, and a word given in 1999 from Chad Taylor, as God was speaking about coming earthquakes.
Now please hear this...it does not take a strong or accurate prophet to prophesy earthquakes in California. Little earthquakes happen every single day in California. What we must do when we receive such a word is to discern just HOW accurate and HOW relevant a given word is compared to other such earthquake words.
Hear God's heart now as you read these words by Charlie Shamp and Chad Taylor. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"A Prophetic Sign: The California Earthquake on July 4"
Charlie Shamp, Nashville, TN
Prophetic Word Released on November 14, 2018:
The California Earthquake on Independence Day was a prophetic sign of freedom coming to the state!
I also saw that California is entering into a time of increased earthquake activity over the next two years. I saw sizable shakings coming! Some will say this is judgment upon the state, but it is not!
For the Lord would say unto you, California, "There has been tremendous weight laid upon you over the years, but I will break the bands of wickedness off the land. Yes, there will be a shaking, but the yoke is breaking, the burden is removing; revival harvest is coming. What the enemy will do, God will turn it to your good! For as the land shakes I will remove the yoke and a mighty revival will begin to flow.
"The state will rumble and shake and bondage will break! Watch, for a shaking will come that moves the mountain, and the ceilings of limitations will break under the power of My right hand. Did I not say, 'Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land and I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory.' Did I not say, 'The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine!'
"Watch as I shake the land and new gold is found in mines as a sign."
(To read full, original word click here.)
Charlie Shamp
Destiny Encounters International
Email: charles@destinyencounters.com
Website: www.destinyencounters.com
Charlie and Brynn Shamp are the founders of Destiny Encounters International. They have a true passion for revival and the glory of God. Compelled by the heart of the Father to seek and save the lost, they are releasing God's love to the world seeing the captives delivered, the sick healed, and lives changed. Charles and Brynn believe that through outreach, missions, and crusade evangelism, one life changed can impact a nation and transform a generation. Charles and Brynn have answered the call to lead a generation in the movement of both the Word and the Spirit. With the power of an encounter they are truly unlocking a generation's destiny one heart at a time.
"Earthquakes Are Coming!"
Chad Taylor, Thomasville, Georgia
This prophetic word, originally released November 11th, 1999, was brought to my attention recently. I will include the link on my website here as well. When you see historic things happen in the natural such as the recent earthquakes in California – without a doubt it is pointing to things in the spirit.
Earth Quakes Are Coming
The Lord says:
"For in this hour the plates and the foundations are being moved. Places that have seemed safe and stable are shifting out of place. What was called "firm" in this hour will be moved. Even on the day of Pentecost it was preceded by chaos, even so now shall it be – chaos before Pentecost. Even as the ground shook on the day that I first released My Spirit so shall the ground shake, it shall shake and the mountains will be removed. The high places will be made low, the low places high in this day that I will do these things.
"Even on that day that the ground shook and the graves were opened and the old saints walked again, the graves shall be opened in this hour and the mantles of those that walked the earth and caused it to shake then, so shall these mantles walk the earth again. They will be released on My people with signs, wonders, and miracles. The earth is about to shake, the elements are going to be moved, and My heart will be revealed in these things. Even from the grave they will hear My voice, for this day is upon you, when even those in the graves will hear My voice. They shall hear, 'LAZARUS, COME FORTH!'
"The governmental foundations will tremble and fall under My hand, and in its place will My Kingdom be established. A great shaking is upon you. When it happens then you will say, 'It was told to us these things must first come to pass and then Pentecost....' I will open your eyes as on the road to Emmaus and your hearts will burn inside of you, as these things are brought to your remembrance. The foundations will shake and the veil will be rent in two.
"'Signs in the heavens above and the earth beneath, blood, fire and pillar of smoke.' I will confirm My word with signs following. It is the hour that the anointing of the 'two witnesses' will be revealed. Nothing will be able to destroy the sound of My voice, nothing will be able to stop My hand," says the Lord. "The earth will shake and the pillars will be moved. For in this shaking My precious stones will be revealed, the diadems, My jewels. I will dress them with an ephod of My glory, they will shine! It is time! Now it is time! 'Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you...' (Isa. 60:1).
"The ground will tremble at the sound of My army. The ground will shake and the foundations will be moved. For the spiritual plates are shifting. The graves are opening. The mantles are rising to walk on the earth once again. 'Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers...' (Malachi 4:5-6)
"'The LORD shall go forth as a mighty man, He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: He shall cry, yea, roar; He shall prevail against His enemies' (Isa. 42:13). For I will utter My voice before My camp and the earth will tremble! The fortified cities will shake and the walls will fall.
"The darkest places shall be revealed, the grossest darkness will fall back under the weight of this glory. Chains and bonds will melt when touched by this flame, this light. My glory will be seen by all the earth, it will be seen but not comprehended. It will be revealed but not extinguished. The smoke of the chaff will fill the sky. Great will be the days that are upon you. They will eclipse the days of Moses and Aaron, they will blot out the days of Joshua and Hur. They will say of these days, 'We have never seen such a thing...'
"Now I say to you! Open your eyes! I say, open your eyes! '...For those who are with us are more than those who are with them...' (2 Kings 6:16). '...Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city...' (Acts 18:9-10).
"Now is the time that the earth will shake, 'Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also Heaven' (Hebrews 12:26). '...Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed' (Acts 16:26). The prisons shall shake, and those things that have bound My people shall be loosed! The doors of the prisons will be opened and the captives will go free!
"'And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, AND THEY SPOKE THE WORD OF GOD WITH BOLDNESS' (Acts 4:31 [emphasis added]). Great boldness is coming upon My army, they will have no more fear and intimidation, they will roar out of Zion with fire on their lips! They will rule the nations with a rod of iron. The earth will tremble and shake. The gates of bronze shall give way and be broken 'and the King of glory shall come in.'
"'The wicked flee when no man pursues, but the righteous are as BOLD AS A LION' (Proverbs 28:1 [emphasis added]). You are My roar," says the Lord! "You are My feet, and You are My hands. You will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. You will say to the blind, 'See!' and they will see. Now is the time of My visitation. Chaos before Pentecost.
Prepare yourself for the shaking, 'a great earthquake,' for it will come to pass quickly, but the prisons shall be shaken and the doors opened, and the boldness of the Lion of Judah shall rest upon you to take and possess the land in these days. A boldness to cross over the Jordan, and enter the land. 'Prepare...for within three days you will cross over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess it' (Joshua 1:11)."
Chad Taylor
Consuming Fire Ministries
Email: info@consumingfire.com
Website: www.consumingfire.com
Chad Taylor is known around the world for his three critically acclaimed books, Why Revival Still Tarries and The Cry of the Harvest, including the newly published sequel to the Cry of the Harvest, a Vision of the Harvest. After 15+ years as a prophetic voice to the nations and a full-time minister on television, radio and conferences, his passion and attention is often found elsewhere; with the broken, bedraggled, and unreached masses that are yet to be touched with the matchless love of Jesus.
Chad has been called Prophet, Evangelist and a modern-day Revivalist but you will most likely find Chad under a bridge, a street corner and an inner-city basketball court than the meeting hall and if you're in his company long enough you will be as well! Chad currently resides in Georgia with his wife and three children.
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