Showing posts with label Ezra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ezra. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2016

Dutch Sheets: God Is Not Done With America - DUTCH SHEETS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

(Courtesy of Dutch Sheets Ministries)

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
A demonic tide of destruction has been unleashed upon our nation, and is taking ground at an increasingly rapid rate. Politically, economically and humanistically, there is an agenda to make this nation never again look the way it has looked before. Yet, God has not given up on America! He has great a plan and a purpose for this nation and He is calling on us to partner with His heart and His strategy in this critical hour.
Discouraged Hearts, Defeated Plans
The book of Ezra paints a picture of where we are today, as well as God's desire to awaken, revive and restore a nation whose God is the Lord. The Israelites began rebuilding the temple after it had been destroyed because of their sin. While they were hard at work, the people of the land—the enemies of God—discouraged the people of Judah, causing them to be filled with a paralyzing fear.
Counselors were also hired to work against the people of God, and frustrate their strategy. This resulted in a 16-year delay in the rebuilding of the temple—the place, in that day, where God's presence and glory dwelled.
In many ways, America currently finds herself in this sort of delay. After making great advances in kingdom building, many have let discouragement and fear gain a foothold in their hearts. They've laid down their tools and folded their hands. Others are busy with good kingdom works, but don't dare challenge the status quo, much less, the systems aimed at shredding the moral fabric of our nation, destroying the institution of the family and stripping us of our religious freedoms.
As in the days of Ezra, "wicked counselors," known today as lobbyists, are diligently and strategically opposing God's people to advance the antichrist agenda in every sector of society. This is a fulfillment of the first few verses of Psalms 2, which describe those who hate God and take counsel together, devising plans to contend against Him and His people. These counselors think they've overthrown God's rule and conquered His people and, in their arrogance, openly decree this.
Notwithstanding, Psalm 2 describes several terrifying things God does in response. First, He laughs a mocking laugh of derision toward them. Then, He asserts that His Son will rule the earth. Lastly, God takes His rod and begins to break and shatter kingdoms in order to reestablish His reign in the earth. The good news is clearly laid out here—in the end, we win!
Fellow warriors, we cannot fear that if we resist the government and the political activists, we might be taken out. Neither can we fear that we might go to jail, lose our government funding or tax-exempt status, or have our business shut down for speaking the truth or refusing to marry same-sex couples. Yes, these things are already happening—some are already paying a high price to stand for righteousness—but we cannot cower and live in a paralyzing fear. We must only move in the fear of the Lord.
Repentance and Restoration
The account from Ezra that I've told thus far is only half the story. After a 16-year delay, upon seeing the hunger and desperation of the people, God raised up a company of leaders who worked together to steer His people toward repentance and the restoration of the temple.
First, God raised up two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, to boldly awaken the people to their true condition, and to His desire for them. The moment God's people responded in repentance, God began to work in their behalf. He frustrated the plans of the lobbyists and gave the people of Judah favor with the politicians. Everything they needed for the restoration of the temple was provided.
The most amazing part of the story, in my opinion, is how God's spokesmen (the prophets Haggai and Zechariah), God's government (Joshua the priest) and civil government (Zerubbabel the governor) came together to lead the people into reformation. In response to their obedience and righteous partnership, the Lord blessed them by decreeing that the glory of the latter house would be greater than the former.
Zechariah later prophesied to Zerubbabel saying, this mountain in front of you is going to be brought low and become a plain. Not by might or power but by my Spirit, you will tear it down with shouts of grace, grace! This is a picture of what God wants to do in America!
If the church wakes up from her slumber, heeds the voice of the prophets and begins to partner with righteous government leaders to take her stand, the Lord will make a way for our nation's biblical foundations to be restored. His glory will fill our land once again. God's desire is that you would contend for and see revival in your city and nation!
Church, we cannot become so busy making money and building our own houses, that we lay aside the often painful and sacrificial work of restoration required for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done in America.
It is OK to grieve, like Jeremiah or Nehemiah, over the condition of our nation, but we must not give in to discouragement and fear. God is calling forth an army of faithful followers who will come up out of their discouragement to boldly push back the darkness.
Many leaders in government, health, education and ministry are having to make a decision right now—am I going to make my stand or am I going to compromise and yield to the enemy's plans? I, for one, say what America's founding fathers said upon signing the Declaration of Independence and, thereby, committing an act of treason against the crown: I pledge my life, my fortune, my sacred honor—everything to stop this insidious plan of hell. Will you join me?
Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized teacher, conference speaker and author of The Power of Hope. He has written more than 20 books, translated into over 30 languages. His first work, Intercessory Prayer, sold nearly a million copies and is being used to empower believers worldwide for passionate prayer and societal transformation. He and his wife, Ceci, make their home in the Dallas area.
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dutch Sheets: God Is Not Done With America

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media

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American flag
(Courtesy of Dutch Sheets Ministries)
A demonic tide of destruction has been unleashed upon our nation, and is taking ground at an increasingly rapid rate. Politically, economically and humanistically, there is an agenda to make this nation never again look the way it has looked before. Yet, God has not given up on America! He has great a plan and a purpose for this nation and He is calling on us to partner with His heart and His strategy in this critical hour.
Discouraged Hearts, Defeated Plans
The book of Ezra paints a picture of where we are today, as well as God's desire to awaken, revive and restore a nation whose God is the Lord. The Israelites began rebuilding the temple after it had been destroyed because of their sin. While they were hard at work, the people of the land—the enemies of God—discouraged the people of Judah, causing them to be filled with a paralyzing fear.
Counselors were also hired to work against the people of God, and frustrate their strategy. This resulted in a 16-year delay in the rebuilding of the temple—the place, in that day, where God's presence and glory dwelled.
In many ways, America currently finds herself in this sort of delay. After making great advances in kingdom building, many have let discouragement and fear gain a foothold in their hearts. They've laid down their tools and folded their hands. Others are busy with good kingdom works, but don't dare challenge the status quo, much less, the systems aimed at shredding the moral fabric of our nation, destroying the institution of the family and stripping us of our religious freedoms.
As in the days of Ezra, "wicked counselors," known today as lobbyists, are diligently and strategically opposing God's people to advance the antichrist agenda in every sector of society. This is a fulfillment of the first few verses of Psalms 2, which describe those who hate God and take counsel together, devising plans to contend against Him and His people. These counselors think they've overthrown God's rule and conquered His people and, in their arrogance, openly decree this.
Notwithstanding, Psalm 2 describes several terrifying things God does in response. First, He laughs a mocking laugh of derision toward them. Then, He asserts that His Son will rule the earth. Lastly, God takes His rod and begins to break and shatter kingdoms in order to reestablish His reign in the earth. The good news is clearly laid out here—in the end, we win!
Fellow warriors, we cannot fear that if we resist the government and the political activists, we might be taken out. Neither can we fear that we might go to jail, lose our government funding or tax-exempt status, or have our business shut down for speaking the truth or refusing to marry same-sex couples. Yes, these things are already happening—some are already paying a high price to stand for righteousness—but we cannot cower and live in a paralyzing fear. We must only move in the fear of the Lord.
Repentance and Restoration
The account from Ezra that I've told thus far is only half the story. After a 16-year delay, upon seeing the hunger and desperation of the people, God raised up a company of leaders who worked together to steer His people toward repentance and the restoration of the temple.
First, God raised up two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, to boldly awaken the people to their true condition, and to His desire for them. The moment God's people responded in repentance, God began to work in their behalf. He frustrated the plans of the lobbyists and gave the people of Judah favor with the politicians. Everything they needed for the restoration of the temple was provided.
The most amazing part of the story, in my opinion, is how God's spokesmen (the prophets Haggai and Zechariah), God's government (Joshua the priest) and civil government (Zerubbabel the governor) came together to lead the people into reformation. In response to their obedience and righteous partnership, the Lord blessed them by decreeing that the glory of the latter house would be greater than the former.
Zechariah later prophesied to Zerubbabel saying, this mountain in front of you is going to be brought low and become a plain. Not by might or power but by my Spirit, you will tear it down with shouts of grace, grace! This is a picture of what God wants to do in America!
If the church wakes up from her slumber, heeds the voice of the prophets and begins to partner with righteous government leaders to take her stand, the Lord will make a way for our nation's biblical foundations to be restored. His glory will fill our land once again. God's desire is that you would contend for and see revival in your city and nation!
Church, we cannot become so busy making money and building our own houses, that we lay aside the often painful and sacrificial work restoration required for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done in America.
It is OK to grieve, like Jeremiah or Nehemiah, over the condition of our nation, but we must not give in to discouragement and fear. God is calling forth an army of faithful followers who will come up out of their discouragement to boldly push back the darkness.
Many leaders in government, health, education and ministry are having to make a decision right now—am I going to make my stand or am I going to compromise and yield to the enemy's plans? I, for one, say what America's founding fathers said upon signing the Declaration of Independence and, thereby, committing an act of treason against the crown: I pledge my life, my fortune, my sacred honor—everything to stop this insidious plan of hell. Will you join me?
Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized teacher, conference speaker and author of The Power of Hope. He has written more than 20 books, translated into over 30 languages. His first work, Intercessory Prayer, sold nearly a million copies and is being used to empower believers worldwide for passionate prayer and societal transformation. He and his wife, Ceci, make their home in the Dallas area.
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Monday, April 14, 2014

Passover lamb for all

So they slaughtered the Passover lamb for all the returned exiles, for their fellow priests, and for themselves.

EZRA (6:20)

וַיִּשְׁחֲטוּ הַפֶּסַח לְכָל בְּנֵי הַגּוֹלָה וְלַאֲחֵיהֶם הַכֹּהֲנִים וְלָהֶם

עֶזְרָא ו:כ

va-yish-kha-TU ha-pe-SAKH li-KHOL b'NAY ha-go-LA vi-la-a-KHAY-hem ha-ko-ha-NEEM vi-la-HEM

Today's Israel Inspiration

Ezra lived at a very exciting time, when Persian King Darius allowed his Jewish subjects to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. At times, Ezra becomes frustrated that the people are not in fact returning with the proper enthusiasm, yet his righteous leadership brings the nation closer to God, and, among many spiritual accomplishments, the Passover-offering resumes in the rebuilt Temple. Today Israel Returns is assisting scattered Jews as far as Kaifeng, China to come closer to God and the Jewish nation. For the first time in over 200 years, a Passover seder will be held in China! Be part of the miracle and download a Passover Haggadah in time for tonight's Seder!

Hebrew Music Monday

Passover is one of the three pilgrimage festivals when Jews from all over the Land of Israel would ascend to Jerusalem. Close your eyes and imagine it is thousands of years ago, you are on the way to the Temple... Now listen to today’s Hebrew song from the Israeli band “Tzipia” and get inspired!

Passover "Made in China" for First Time in 200 Years

Of the ancient Jewish community of Kaifeng, most have dispersed or assimilated with the local population over the last 400 years. But new expressions of Jewish identity are voicing themselves.

Silver Second Temple Model

This silver miniature is a wonderful representation of the Second Temple. Its intricate details will have you and your guests amazed at the beauty and design of the House of God. .

Today's Israel Photo

Michael Shmidt with another beautiful shot of the Golan Heights in northern Israel, as sheep pasture in a meadow.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“A Wonderful Daily Resource!”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Israel365 is one of the first things I read each morning. I enjoy the uplifting words, the songs, and the articles. I have been trying to learn Hebrew for a number of years. Although I can follow along with the weekly parshah, it's read too fast to make phonetic connections. Israel365 gives me a short passage to practice reading at my own pace and the transliteration provides a self-checking opportunity for pronunciation. Thank you for this wonderful daily resource! Lynne McDowell, Denver, Colorado, United States
With warm wishes for a happy and meaningful Passover,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

God Is Angry—Are You? - Larry Tomczak

God Is Angry—Are You?

Someone once asked, "We know it's a sin to be angry about things that God isn't angry about, yet is it a sin not to be angry about things that God is angry about?"
We don't hear many sermons on the anger of God because He is "slow to anger," but it is real. The Bible tells us to consider both the "kindness and severity of God" (Rom. 11:22, ESV). Once in a while, maybe we should substitute the chorus "God is so good" with "God is so mad."
Scripture tells us, "Be ye angry, and sin not" (Eph. 4:26, KJV). In other words, there is such a thing as righteous anger toward that which is evil in the sight of God.
Jesus demonstrated this when He rebuked the disciples in their shunning of children who wanted to come to Him. The same was true when He cleared the temple of the money changers who were polluting the house of God.
How about you? As we witness the regular mockery of biblical standards for sexuality, marriage and family in our culture, do you feel what God is feeling—righteous anger? May none of us display a yawning indifference and casual dismissal regarding what's happening. May the zeal of the Lord of hosts arise in all our spirits to see righteousness restored! And knowing "man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires" (James 1:20), we must channel God's anger in charitable and constructive ways.
My longtime friend Dr. Michael Brown reminds us to be merciful and reject self-righteousness as we winsomely reach out to immoral people and those practicing homosexuality. But in loving all gays, we must resist the radical gay agenda. "It is the greatest threat to religious freedom in our generation!" he declares. Undergirding this should be a godly passion and holy hatred for what this agenda is doing to destroy biblical morality, marriage and family in our generation.
Going Back to the Grammys
Yesterday someone contacted me, mentioning how timely it was that my last commentary on Michelle Obama and Beyoncé came before Queen Bey's opening performance at the 2014 Grammy awards. This woman, whom our first lady commends as a role model, sang "Drunk in Love" while writhing as a stripper and censors bleeped unprintables during her "sexcapade seranade."
Mind you, this presentation wasn't on late-night cable MTV with Miley Cyrus sensual shenanigans but on a mainstream CBS broadcast during family hours to tens of millions across America and abroad.
The show also featured former Christian Katy Perry flaunting her sex in a satanic witchcraft spectacle with fire, horned men and a sacrificial offering to ... ?
Then Macklemore belted out his gay anthem, "Same Love," as closet lesbian Queen Latifah officiated over a ceremony where same-sex marriages were celebrated.
This annual broadcast is said to represent the very best music has to offer to the world. It also reveals the gravity of the situation we face in our culture today.
That same day, the Disney Channel's kid show Good Luck Charlie introduced two lesbian moms for our children, and later, NBC Entertainment Chairman Bob Greenblatt, an open homosexual, announced his working with lesbian Ellen DeGeneres for a new lesbian-themed comedy called One Big Happy for network TV.
Let's face it: America is in deep trouble and in desperate need of spiritual awakening. Our nation, founded on Judeo-Christian principles, has flourished for three centuries but now is teetering on the precipice. Time is of the essence. We must feel what God feels regarding unfaithfulness to His dictates on sexuality and marriage while praying, proclaiming the gospel and presenting a biblical model for the world to see.
Check Out Ezra and Nehemiah 
Two leaders in the Bible who imbibed the anger of God regarding marital unfaithfulness were Ezra and Nehemiah. They knew that favor comes as faithfulness is upheld. They felt what God felt, rejected a spineless approach to what they observed, and were courageous to speak up in their generation, challenging people to align with divine standards. In light of our current cataclysmic moral upheaval, we must do the same.
When Ezra learned how the people had drifted from God's moral directives, he tore his tunic and cloak, pulled hair from his head and beard, and sat down appalled. He fell on his knees with his hands spread out to God and prayed fervently. He mourned but also took action to call people back to the standards that God had set. No detached, namby-pamby, unemotional approach here! (See Ezra 9 and 10.)
Likewise, Nehemiah, in his day, called the people back to God's standards for marriage and family without any hint of compromise. Those who were following unrighteous standards, he rebuked, called curses down on them, physically attacked some of the men and even pulled out their hair! With all the passion he could muster, he reminded them what covenant marriage was and drove out the scoffers. (See Nehemiah 13:23-27.) Obviously, we don't use curses or any type of physical attacks, but we do pray and proclaim truth with courage, conviction and compassion.
"Larry, isn't this a bit extreme?"
These men were passionate for God's honor and to see God's people obey His holy standards for marriage. The Scripture is honest—announcing without approving their actions. The lesson is that there come times for us to recognize the gravity of a situation, renounce passivity and do what is necessary to get ourselves and others back into alignment with God's Word.
Such a time is now!
Here's the Deal
  • Leaders. Declare the "whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27) to those entrusted to your care. Refuse to shrink back from addressing any controversial topics, such as pornography, homosexuality, gay marriage, adultery, fornication, adultery and cohabitation. Winsomely and biblically equip your people so they understand these issues, can speak to others from a biblical worldview, and are challenged to live a life of happy holiness in accordance with the Word of God. No more avoidance of so-called "political, partisan, controversial" topics that might "offend people, hinder fundraising or make us less seeker-sensitive."
  • Married Couples. Determine to surround yourself with like-minded people in the context of a local church who reject the notion of easy divorce, understandable affairs or a lack of accountability and transparency in authentic, supportive relationships.
  • Parents. Recommit yourself to honoring God's standards for morality and marriage while modeling it at home; prioritizing regular times for creative (not boring or lengthy) devotional instruction and prayer; and carefully monitoring media influence, Internet usage, cellphones and selection of friends.
As pastors, couples and parents, let's also support wholesome entertainment alternatives. Seize teachable moments for instruction and interaction on today's hot button moral issues.
A quality film in the theaters at this time is called Gimme Shelter, which presents the pro-life position in a non-preachy way while upholding the importance of family and care for troubled youth.
I've worked for the past four years on a video that is now available free for viewing on YouTube. It's called "Is Gay OK? 10 Things Everyone Needs to Know." With all the falsehoods swirling around us in our culture deceiving millions—especially our young people—this video is a must-see.
Internationally known evangelist Bob Weiner says, "This is not a product but a prophetic statement to our generation!" Watch it. Post links. Share it on Facebook. Let righteous anger motivate you to Spirit-led action and making a difference in these closing hours of history.
We are not alone in what the Bible calls the "perilous times" of the last days prior to His glorious return (2 Tim. 3:1). We may not be a majority, but we will not remain a silent majority any longer.
On the night of the Grammys, my wife and I watched a special two-hour broadcast of The Bachelor on ABC. We never watch the show but tuned in because for the first time in 17 seasons, they featured a live wedding of a couple that was special. Like very few paraded on the show, this young man and young woman had pledged to live pure; the groom's father was a pastor; and they unashamedly prayed plus spoke of Jesus.
My wife and I could hardly believe what we were seeing! When the beaming groom said unabashedly, "I'm proud of my faith," and his glowing bride stood at his side, it was obvious they were different—ambassadors for the King of kings and Lord of lords. May we all do likewise in these trying times.
"So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life" (Phil. 2:15-16).
Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author and cultural commentator with over 40 years of trusted ministry experience. His passion is to bring perspective, analysis and insight from a biblical worldview. He loves people and loves awakening them to today's cultural realities and the responses needed for the bride of Christ—His church—to become influential in all spheres of life once again.
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