Showing posts with label From Containment and Confinement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From Containment and Confinement. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2019

From Containment and Confinement to Courage by Lana Vawser - Identity Network

From Containment and Confinement to Courage by Lana Vawser

From Containment and Confinement to Courage by Lana Vawser

Identity Network  March 11, 2019
I hear the Holy Spirit say, "Get ready to step into courage like never before."
There is mighty move of the Spirit of God that is taking place in the body of Christ right now where the Lord is breaking the containment and confinement in the body of Christ and leading His people into greater places of courage.
God is breaking the chains, God is breaking the boxes, God is breaking the confinements. This is happening on many levels and in many different ways in the body of Christ right now. 
It has begun but it is going to majorly increase. The tidal wave of His Spirit and His power is going to come crashing in like we have never seen before and Acts 4:31 and Joshua 1:9 are going to manifest and explode throughout the body of Christ with significant increase. 
"At that moment the earth shook beneath them, causing the building they were in to tremble. Each one of them was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they proclaimed the word of God with unrestrained boldness." Acts 4:31 (The Passion Translation)
"And when they had prayed, the place where they were meeting together was shaken [a sign of God's presence]; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness and courage." Acts 4:31 (Amplified Version)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 (Amplified Version)
Radical Increase of His Spirit
His Word is going forth in power and will RADICALLY increase as His Spirit crashes in!
He is coming in power to deal with fear and containment and confinement in many lives once and for all. A great shaking to cause the chains to fall off and the people of God to arise in boldness and in the power of His Spirit. The Lord wants a church that rises up in their authority and the courage that He has given them in Christ, rooted in the very nature of who He is and what He has called them to. 
There is a significant freedom upon the body of Christ to run and no longer be contained or confined. The revelation of Jesus Christ and His nature, His power and the power of His Word and Spirit will manifest so significantly in 2019 and beyond that there will be total transformation in the lives of many believers. Muzzles and fear of man will be broken off and the bold decree of God will go forth. 
Many radical reformers are being birthed and arising like never before with the fire of the truth of the Word of God and the Gospel in their mouths releasing truth without fear and with boldness wherever they are sent.
The enemy has fought hard to contain and confine the body of Christ with fear and intimidation because of the courage and boldness the Lord is leading His people into.
I have been hearing the Lord say over and over, "What has intimidated you in times past will no longer intimidate you. As My Spirit falls heavily upon you and releases a life changing impartation of courage and boldness you will move forward in My power and the only intimidation that will be seen is the intimidation of the enemy as He sees you stand taller in your authority in Me and My Word."
Friend, the pages of your life up until this point may have had a heading written there by the enemy that said "confined" and "contained" but the Lord is breaking those words and He has written over the new page of your life in this new era "COURAGEOUS."
The warriors of God are arising in boldness and conviction. The warriors of God are arising in greater freedom with the sound of His roar and authority flowing from within them. 
A strengthening and empowerment of the Spirit of God is falling upon the body of Christ that will cause the Church to arise and step into the mandate of the hour - Isaiah 60!
There is a clarion call and heralding from heaven to the people of God to arise in COURAGE, to make room for the power of God to come and fall and release this impartation. 
Major transformation is going to take place as we remain positioned. We must invite Him to come and to do whatever He has to do to break the confinement, to break the containment and to release His courage into lives through the revelation of who He is and His Word.
Fear of man, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of failure is all going to break off as His Spirit comes in power and brings radical transformation. 
The Lion of Judah is roaring BOLDNESS and COURAGE over the body of Christ. 
It's time to ARISE!!!
Lana Vawser