A terrorist of the Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades stands over an Israeli flag, in front of Hamas supporters at a rally in Gaza City, Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2014. (Photo: Emad Nassar/Flash90)
Genesis Bible Codes: “End of Ishmael” May Happen This Year
“And the angel of the Lord said to her, ‘Behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and you shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard your affliction. And he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be upon all, and everyone’s hand upon him, and before all his brothers he will dwell.’” (Genesis 16:11-12)
A new Bible Codes revelation suggests that this could be the year in which the world witnesses the end of Islamic terror.
Ishmael, the first-born son of Abraham, is an important prophet in Islam. Muslims consider Ishmael an ancestor of Muhammad specifically, as well as the ancestor of several important Arab tribes. Although there are Arab Christians and non-Arab Muslims, in general, Judaism considers Ishmael to be the father of Islam.
Despite the fact that it can be tricky to define which nations today are descended from Ishmael, especially in the case of Iran, Rabbi Mattityahu Glazerson, a renowned Bible Codes expert, told Breaking Israel News that, when it comes to Bible Codes, any mention of “Ishmael is basically Islam, so Iran also is included.” He also mentions that “many [Jewish rabbinic] commentators say that in Ishmael today, there many, many nations, as mentioned in Psalm 83.”
The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites. Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek, Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre. Also Assyria joined them; they were the arm of the children of Lot forever. (Psalms 83:7-9)
Analyzing a Bible Codes table from the Book of Genesis, Glazerson points out that the Hebrew words “tome Yishmael,” which means the end of Ishmael, appear next to the Hebrew letters that refer to the current year in the Hebrew calendar.
Surrounding “tome Yishmael” are Bible Codes for related keywords, including terror, Moshiach (Messiah), “etz tzarah” (time of trouble), enemy, Amalek (the Biblical enemy of the Jewish people) and teshuva (repentance).
According to Glazerson, this Bible Codes table associates the end of Islamic terror and widespread repentance of the Jewish nation with this year. Quoting a commentary from the Jewish scholar known as the Ba’al ha-Turim, Rabbi Jacob ben Asher, who was born in Germany 700 years ago, Glazerson says, “When Ishmael will fall in the end of days, Mashiach ben David (Messiah son of David) will flourish.”
In a related Bible Codes video, Glazerson quotes the Pirke de Rebbe Eliezer, a rabbinic commentary written approximately 1,500 years ago. At least 100 years before the founding of Islam, Pirke de Rebbe Eliezer related a prophecy about 15 ways the Children of Islam are going to vex Israel at the End of Days.
According to Glazerson, everything that’s written there is really happening. On the list of 15 afflictions that the Children of Ishmael will impose upon the Jewish people is the prediction that they will build a building on the Temple Mount, which they did with the establishment of the Al Aqsa mosque in the 8th century. Another of the 15 ways the Children of Ishmael will cause trouble to the Jewish people is that “falsehood will multiply and truth will be hidden”.
The Bible Codes expert points out something that he says does not appear anywhere else in Bible Codes. Like a crossword puzzle, we find the words that mean “Ishmael lies” in a vertical column that meets with the words “to Israel” which appear horizontally, along with the Hebrew letters that refer to this year in the Hebrew calendar.
The Bible Codes expert points out something that he says does not appear anywhere else in Bible Codes. Like a crossword puzzle, we find the words that mean “Ishmael lies” in a vertical column that meets with the words “to Israel” which appear horizontally, along with the Hebrew letters that refer to this year in the Hebrew calendar.
The implication is that this will be the year that the lies coming from the Children of Ishmael will increase. This is especially interesting considering that the PA is now claiming that the Western Wall, arguably Israel’s holiest site, belongs to them.