Showing posts with label Rivkah Lambert Adler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rivkah Lambert Adler. Show all posts

Sunday, October 23, 2016

End Times Expert: This Sukkot is Transition Period Before Messianic Era - Rivkah Lambert Adler BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

A mass priestly benediction in front of the Western Wall in Jerusalem during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Sunday, October 12, 2014. (Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 )

End Times Expert: This Sukkot is Transition Period Before Messianic Era 
Oct. 23, 2016  Rivkah Lambert Adler  BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS
While most understand the sukkah, the temporary booth Jews build on the holiday of Sukkot, to be a physical manifestation of spirituality, End Times expert Rabbi Pinchas Winston revealed in a recent interview that the sukkah is actually deeply connected to the coming of the Messianic age, helping Jews to prepare spiritually for what is to come. This Sukkot, which  began last Sunday, the message is clearer than ever as the chaotic “birthpangs” of Messiah become visible to the world.
Rabbi Winston spoke about the connection between the End of Days and the holiday of Sukkot, which is currently being observed in Israel, in an interview with Tamar Yonah of Israel News Talk Radio.

Israelis putting a roof of s’chach on their sukkah in Tel Aviv. (Photo: Miriam Alster/ Flash90)
This relationship between the sukkah and the body makes it possible to prepare for the Messianic Age, taught Rabbi Pinchas in the interview. The fact that the sukkah is so temporary, lasting only the seven days of the festival holiday (eight days outside of Israel), has hidden spiritual messages. Rabbi Winston explained, “Don’t forget, in the upcoming year, or the rest of your life for that matter, that this world is temporary. Just like you existed before the sukkah went up and you will exist after the sukkah comes down, so will your soul.”
Rabbi Winston spoke about how the Jewish mystical tradition divides time into three periods: Olam HaZeh (this world), the Messianic Era and Olam haBa (the world to come).
He explained that the transition between Olam haZeh and the Messianic Era is called Chevlei Moshiach (the birthpangs of the Messiah) and is characterized by chaos. We are currently in this transition period, which explains the apparent chaos in the world right now. Rabbi Winston mentioned the current US Presidential election as an example of the chaos that marks this transition.
Rabbi Winston taught that, according to the mystical understanding, the underlying purpose of the chaos is “to polarize the world, to force people to make a decision whether they are more spiritual or more physical. What’s their biggest priority?”

The cut-off point for choosing a spiritual existence over a primarily physical one is the war of Gog and Magog. “Who survives and who doesn’t survive, according to the Zohar (the foundational text of Jewish mysticism), will be based upon the choice the person made prior to the actual event itself,” he stated.
This choice is what Rabbi Winston calls “the final test of history”. He reminds us that whatever is coming, whether it’s Nibiru, nuclear war, Gog and Magog or another end times scenario, it will be “massive” and Divine protection will be required to survive it all. This idea of Divine protection connects Sukkot to the End of Days, the rabbi explained.
According to traditional Jewish thought, the temporary booths we build during Sukkot are a symbol of the ananei hakavod (the Divine Clouds of Glory) with which God protected the Israelites against all the dangers in the desert.
The Mekhilta, an ancient commentary on the Book of Exodus, teaches that there were seven clouds. Four surrounded the Israelites on each side, protecting them from Egyptian enemies and animal predators. A fifth cloud was above them, protecting them from the blazing sun.  A sixth cloud was below their feet, which made walking across the rough surface of the desert possible. The seventh cloud passed in front of them, miraculously “leveling the valleys and flattening the mountains.”
According to Rabbi Winston, just as God took care of the Israelites completely in the desert, so He will care of us in the End of Days, if we are willing to rely on Him completely. Thus, dwelling in the sukkah represents reliance on Divine protection and complete trust in God, a quality that will be crucial for surviving the End of Days.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Rising Anti-Semitism a Harbinger of End of Days by Rivkah Lambert Adler BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS


Rising Anti-Semitism a Harbinger of End of Days

“And Yaakov beheld the countenance of Lavan, and, behold, it was not toward him as beforetime.And the LORD said unto Yaakov: ‘Return unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee.’” Genesis 31:2-3 (The Israel Bible™)
UNESCO denies the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. The Arab League, Germany and the US dispute Israel’s claim to the Golan Heights. Reports reveal trends in escalating anti-Semitism worldwide.
Breaking Israel News spoke with Rabbi Pinchas Winston about the connection between rising anti-Semitism and the End of Days. Rabbi Winston began by discussing the supernatural nature of anti-Semitism. “If anti-Semitism is simply hatred of the Jewish people, you just have to stay out of the way. If it’s a Divine message then we can assume that God is saying something specific. Every time we ignore it, everything gets worse and we suffer terribly in the end.”
“Everybody who thinks seriously about anti-Semitism clearly sees there is no logic behind it. God wanted to make His point stark, so he sent the Arabs to the rest of the world to do to the rest of the world what they have done to the Jews in Israel,” he explained.
We can plainly see that it changed nothing, Rabbi Winston continued. Anti-Semitism exists even when the world can see what Israel has to contend with. “Anti-Semitism is a hatred that goes beyond the everyday reasons for racial hatred,” he concluded.
If anti-Semitism makes no logical sense, the Bible-based person is led to ask whether it makes spiritual sense. Rabbi Winston explained, “Once there is no logic, then it’s supernatural.”
In elaborating on the spiritual significance of anti-Semitism to Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Winston asserted that God is taking the Jewish people through a process known as birurBirur is a mystical Jewish concept, involving sifting, choosing, separating and refining the Jewish people.
There are currently approximately 15 million people worldwide who identify themselves as Jews. With the End of Days so close, Rabbi Winston explained that God is in the process of identifying who, among the Jewish people, will survive the coming changes. “If a person is in Israel and connected to the idea of geula [the final redemption of the Jewish people], that person has the best chance of surviving.
“We see from the past that religious observance was not a guaranteed ticket to freedom and protection. Being in the right place at the right time when an exile comes to an end has worked for the religious and secular alike. Many want to believe that there is no imperative to be in Israel today, or at least to dream of living there. But if one follows the trend over the last couple of hundred years, he or she will see that Divine Providence has quietly at times, and not so quietly at other times, been moving the Jewish people back in that direction.”  
According to Rabbi Winston, anti-Semitism is God’s way of “forcing a Jew to choose to be on one side or the other. History is wrapping up. We each have to decide, ‘Who do you belong to?’”
The end is near. Are you ready?
He went further by suggesting that “perhaps Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid is part of that process, to pull people in one direction or the other.”
Hashem (God) wants the Jews to come home. God is ready to lower the boom. We have to distance ourselves from the nitty gritty politics that distracts people. We, as a people, have to look at the bigger, historical picture.”
Rabbi Winston suggests two possibilities for the future. One is that God has a fantastic miracle in store – a plan to put awareness of the spiritual reality into the heads of all Jews everywhere. The other, darker scenario “is a major national disaster to take the Jewish people out of America. Until now, the latter has usually been the means of Divine choice.”
Rabbi Winston suggested that, “The right response [to rapidly rising anti-Semitism] would be that the Jewish people would say that it’s happening again and pick up and leave.”
In other words, anti-Semitism is God’s way of pushing the Jews outside of Israel to unequivocally decide whether they want to remain part of the Jewish people in the next stage of history. In Rabbi Winston’s view, God is urging the Jews who still live outside of Israel, “Don’t wait any longer! In the past, we always felt there would be another opportunity to go. We have been wrong each time. You just can’t wait. If you see it, that’s your opportunity. Don’t listen to that voice that says you’ll have more time.”
Rabbi Winston used an analogy from the Passover story to further explain why the Jews of North America need to take action now instead of waiting until things become intolerable. “Instead of calling out to Hashem, we kept adapting [to the slavery] in Mitzrayim (Egypt). We kept thinking that it could always be worse.” He implied that the Jews in North America are making the same mistake, by denying the trend of increased anti-Semitism and increased anti-Israel sentiment.
In a recent essay on this topic, Rabbi Winston issued a stern warning about the necessity to see today’s anti-Semitism as God’s End of Days message to the Jews who don’t yet live in Israel.
“The common thread running back to the very first anti-Semites? Jew hatred for no good reason. A disgust of things Jewish that defies logic. A willingness to downgrade the status of the Jews until they become a virus that needs eradication.
“It’s all there today. If we don’t recognize it for what it is and deal with it as we should, at least acknowledging that the fourth and final exile has reached its long awaited conclusion, we’re just going let history repeat itself again. Is anyone looking forward to that?”

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Feast of the Messiah on Passover By Rivkah Lambert Adler - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS


The Feast of the Messiah on Passover

“And a shoot shall spring forth from the stem of Jesse, and a twig shall sprout from his roots.” Isaiah 11:1 (The Israel Bible™)
In certain Jewish circles, there is an custom to hold a Seudat Moshiach (Messiah’s Feast) on the last day of the Jewish holiday of Passover.
The Passover holiday commemorates the exodus from Egypt. At the Passover seder, Jewish people around the world recount the story of having been slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt and being redeemed by the Hand of God. In this way, the Jewish people remain connected to their past redemption.
Passover is celebrated for eight days outside the Land of Israel and seven days in Israel. Acharon shel Pesach, the last day of Passover, is associated with the Messiah – and the future redemption.
On the last day of Passover, the prophetic reading in the synagogue comes from Chapter 11 of the Book of Isaiah. This chapter describes the qualities of the Messiah and paints a picture of a future time when complete peace will be found on earth.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch (known as the Tzemach Tzedek) lived in the first half of the 19th century and was the third leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Judaism. He explained the connection between the first and the last day of Passover and between the first redemption and the final redemption of the Jewish people. 
“The last day of Pesach (Passover) is the conclusion of that which began on the first night of Pesach. The first night of Pesach is our festival commemorating our redemption from Egypt by the Holy One, Blessed be He. It was the first redemption, carried out through Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses, our teacher), who was the first redeemer; it was the beginning. The last day of Pesach is our festival commemorating the final redemption, when the Holy One, Blessed be He, will redeem us from the last exile through our righteous Moshiach (Messiah), who is the final redeemer. The first day of Pesach is Moshe Rabbeinu’s festival; the last day of Pesach is Moshiach’s festival.”
In the afternoon of the final day of the Passover holiday, Hasidim (Jewish followers of Hasidic rabbis), especially Chabad Lubavitch Hasidim, sit down to the Feast of the Messiah, which includes songs, matzah (unleavened bread) and four cups of wine. Additional tasty foods may be added. At a Feast of the Messiah, participants focus on the arrival of the Jewish Messiah and the era of the Final Redemption of the Jewish people.
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Rabbi Amichaye Even-Israel, son of the eminent scholar and author Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, told Breaking Israel News, “The main goal of Seudat Mashiach is to try and internalize the issue of the coming of the Mashiach (Messiah) as a ‘real’ issue and not as a myth or a fairy tale. This is why we eat and drink while discussing this issue – to symbolize that it is real and could be ‘digested’”.
Asked whether there is value in spreading the custom beyond Chabad and other Hassidim, Even-Israel said, “Of course. The faith in Mashiach by so many of us is non-realistic. Many say they do believe – but how many of us really think it’s going to happen soon?”
A guide to conducting a meaningful Seudat Moshiach is available online. It includes songs, stories, activities and questions and answers. The online handbook uses a lot of terminology that will not be familiar to those outside the Chabad community.
The Feast of the Messiah was instituted in the 18th century by the the Baal Shem Tov (literally, Master of the Great Name). The Baal Shem Tov’s given name was Rabbi Yisroel ben Eliezer. This famous mystical rabbi is considered the founder of Hasidism. Although the belief in the ultimate Redeemer of the Jewish people is a central teaching of the Jewish faith, the Baal Shem Tov created the Feast of the Messiah as a way to translate an intangible belief into a tangible action.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

How The Lifesaving Miracles of Purim Continue Today By Rivkah Lambert Adler - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

An ultra orthodox man and a young Jewish Israeli dance together at the old Mashbir Square, celebrating for the upcoming Jewish holiday of Purim, in central Jerusalem, on March 13, 2016. (Photo by Corinna Kern/Flash90)
An ultra orthodox man and a young Jewish Israeli dance together at the old Mashbir Square, celebrating for the upcoming Jewish holiday of Purim, in central Jerusalem, on March 13, 2016. (Photo by Corinna Kern/Flash90)

How The Lifesaving Miracles of Purim Continue Today

“That the king had granted the Yehudim that were in every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, and to slay, and to cause to perish, all the forces of the people and province that would assault them, their little ones and women, and to take the spoil of them for a prey.” Esther 8:11 (The Israel Bible™)
As told in the Biblical Book of Esther, the lives of Jewish people in 127 provinces, from India to Ethiopia, were miraculously saved from the hands of Haman who vowed to exterminate the Jewish nation. Each year at this time, Jews around the world celebrate Purim to remember the miracle that allowed the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies.
The life-saving Purim miracle that the Jewish people experienced 2,400 years ago is echoed in today’s news. A review of recent news stories proves that God is still protecting and saving His people today.
Rescue of Jews from Yemen
Ongoing civil war in Muslim Yemen, one of the most violent countries in the Middle East, left the small Jewish community vulnerable. Through secret airlifts from Yemen to Israel, a few hundred members of the community have been rescued. This week, a group of nearly 20 Yemenite Jews, the last to be evacuated, landed in Israel, along with a Torah scroll that is believed to be at least 500 years old.
Collapse of Terror Tunnels in Gaza
Over the past several weeks, multiple tunnels built to attack and kill the Jews of Israel have collapsed under suspicious circumstances. Some say that a lone rabbi standing near the border between Gaza and Israel and praying for God’s help, is yielding substantial miracles.
One such tunnel collapsed in Khan Younis last week, injuring two and resulting in five missing Hamas terrorists. In a separate incident, a huge gas explosion in Gaza earlier this week led Egyptian officials to discover 50 other secret tunnels between Gaza and the Egyptian side of the Arab city of Rafiah.
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Crises Averted and Terrorists Neutralized
Nearly every day, there are news reports of attempted stabbings and car rammings throughout Israel. Although, regrettably, there have been nearly three dozen fatalities and many more with serious injuries, there are also daily inspirational stories of escape. For instance, on March 11, an improvised explosive device (IED) planted by a masked terrorist exploded near the southern city of Otniel just as an Israeli woman drove by. The car was lightly damaged and the driver escaped without injury.
Even in cases where the terrorists injure or even murder Jews, the perpetrators rarely escape and are most often neutralized.
Jonathan Pollard Released at the Beginning of the Jubilee
After 30 years behind bars, Jonathan Pollard was finally released this past November, just as the Shmittah (Sabbatical) year ended. Pollard is a Jewish citizen of the United Stated who was convicted of spying for Israel. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. For decades, Jews and non-Jews alike all across the world prayed for his release. As his physical health deteriorated in prison, prayers for his release increased.  
In these and similar stories, when we look at the news with Bible-based vision, we can see that, just as in the time of the Purim miracle, God is still involved in saving lives on a regular basis.
Arguably, the greatest modern Purim miracle of all is the simple fact that the Jewish people survive and Israel thrives, even in the midst of daily danger and threats to its existence.
Speaking to Breaking Israel News, popular author and lecturer Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf reminds emphasizes God’s hand in the everyday saying, “Iran wants to nuke us. Obama doesn’t mind assisting them. Europe wants to boycott us. There is a knife-car intifada raging in our streets, we are a fractured society, etc. etc etc. And yet, it turns out we are the 11th happiest country in the world, ahead of the US and every European country, ahead of China, India, Japan, and the entire Muslim world. Jewish-Israeli resilience is an absolute miracle!”

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Prophetic Meeting of Major World Leaders No One's Talking About - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Pope Francis met with the leader of Iran in a meeting Breaking Israel News dubbed the prophetic fulfillment of Esau and Ishmael uniting against Israel.

Pope Francis met with the leader of Iran in a meeting Breaking Israel News dubbed the prophetic fulfillment of Esau and Ishmael uniting against Israel. (Reuters)

The Prophetic Meeting of Major World Leaders No One's Talking About

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Pope Francis met with the leader of Iran in a meeting Breaking Israel News dubbed the prophetic fulfillment of Esau and Ishmael uniting against Israel.  
"For Bible believers, these and similar news items that reflect increasing cooperation between the Arab world and the West should be viewed as fulfillment of ancient Jewish prophecy," BNI's Rivkah Lambert Adler writes.  
"Jewish tradition contains a 2,000-year-old prophecy that the children of Esau (today's Western nations) and the children of Ishmael (today's Arab nations) will unite against the Jewish people at the end of days," Adler continues.  
According to the New York TimesPope Francis met with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to encourage Rouhani to find political solutions for the various Middle Eastern conflicts.  
Pope Francis also praised Iranian Nuclear negotiations.  
"In hope we entrust to the merciful Lord the framework recently agreed to in Lausanne, that it may be a definitive step toward a more secure and fraternal world," the pope said, according to Bloomberg News. 
Though Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu has virtually moved on from his vehement protests against the Iran Nuclear deal, he still voices many concerns.  
"Let's block Iran's other aggression in the region, because they're doing everything. They're trying to encircle Israel with a noose of death," Netanyahu said, according to CNN. "They're sending weapons to the Houthis. They're in Iraq. They're in Afghanistan. They're all over the place. In Yemen, of course. Let's bolster those forces to stand up to Iran's aggression in the region, and none is stronger, none is more reliable than Israel." 
Yet Iran continues to mock Israel, threatening to rain down 80,000 missiles on the Jewish nation. 
But with the pope supporting Iran nuclear negotiations and the recognition of the Palestine State, people like Adler and end-time expert and author Rabbi Pinchas Winston believe it's traditional Jewish prophecies coming to pass. Adler says the alliance was forged in the book of Genesis.  
Winston explains the modern application: "Many in the West, especially in Europe, have overlooked the 'sins' of the Arab world while ignoring the virtues of the Jewish state. They also either make up Israeli flaws or overexaggerate smaller ones.
"In short, they have confused David for Goliath and Goliath for David, with little or no remorse at all. For believers, this is nothing short of a miraculous but disturbing fulfillment of prophecy and a serious wake-up call," Winston says.
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Thursday, January 28, 2016

American Jewish Leader Urges Jews to Get Out of America - by Rivkah Lambert Adler BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Pro-Palestinian protesters from the US Pales­tin­ian Com­mu­nity Net­work in Chicago. (Photo: ADL Blog)
Pro-Palestinian protesters from the US Pales­tin­ian Com­mu­nity Net­work in Chicago. (Photo: ADL Blog)

American Jewish Leader Urges Jews to Get Out of America

“And I will be found of you, saith the LORD, and I will turn your captivity, and gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you back unto the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.” (Jeremiah 29:14)
Lori Palatnik, a leader in the American Jewish community, has just released a video in which she calls for American Jews to move to Israel, in fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy about the ingathering of the exiles.  At the End of Days, Palatnik teaches, “Ultimately, the Jews are all going to move to Israel.”
(Photo: Video Screenshot)
Lori Palatnik (Photo: Video Screenshot)
Palatnik is a Jewish educator, author and speaker. In March 2015, Hadassah, the prestigious Jewish women’s organization, named her among the “Most Outstanding Jewish American Women of Our Time.”
The 3-minute video, first published on January 23, 2016, opens with a reference to 9/11 and “the scary prophets that talked about what happens at the End of Days.” In an interview with Breaking Israel News, Palatnik confirmed that she was referring to the Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Zechariah. More specifically, she spoke about the events of September 11, 2001 as a clear fulfillment of prophecy.
And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. (Joel 3:3)
Palatnik reflected on Biblical prophecy coming true in our lifetime. “After 9/11 was a huge wakeup call,” she told Breaking Israel News. “When they talk about pillars of smoke like date palms, it sounds like nuclear holocaust. When they were writing this, did anyone understand what they were talking about?”
And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the peoples that have warred against Jerusalem: their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their sockets, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. (Zechariah 14:12)
Her warning to American Jews is controversial. Palatnik told Breaking Israel News that, although this is the first time she’s said it publicly, “I speak about this all the time in my community. I talk that way to the people around me. I say, ‘Don’t get fooled. This is coming down. This is happening.’”
Palatnik is referring to the dangers of increased anti-Semitism. “There’s been a build up. Anti-Semitism is worse than before the Holocaust. In Paris you can’t wear a kippah on the street. Is that what we’re waiting for?” she asked.
Millions of American Jews do not yet see the danger about which Palatnik is speaking. Even if they believe that ultimately they will end up in Israel, concerns about making the adjustment are common. Additionally, most American Jews think they still have plenty of time.
Should Jews and Christians be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount?
Palatnik disagrees. “I think it won’t be long,” she warned. “As the winds of anti-Semitism and politics change, your child having a hard time adjusting to an Israeli school will be very minor compared to the need to get out, get out now!”
Acknowledging the difficulty some Jews will have adjusting to life in Israel, Palatnik quoted the rabbinic commentary on Proverbs 13:24 which teaches that, “God has given the Jewish people three gifts, but all of them must be acquired through suffering. These are: Torah, the Land of Israel and the World to Come.”
The way she and her husband raised their own children is an echo of her deeply-held beliefs, she said. “My kids have been told since they were very young, ‘America is not your home. We’re here doing a job for the Jewish people. Israel your home.’ I hope and pray that we’ll all end up there.”
Palatnik addressed the issue of the current dangers in Israel in her video presentation by saying, “It’s not that Jews there are going to be immune to any tragedy, but it’s clear, and I checked it with different rabbis, that you’ll be safer in Israel than anywhere else in the world.” 

Asked to elaborate on this concern by Breaking Israel News, she responded, “I am a firm believer that God runs the world and He already knows when it’s your time. To die as a Jew in Israel, it has meaning. Does our life and death have meaning? I don’t want a meaningless death.”
Critics of Palatnik’s message claim that it’s wrong to scare Jews into moving to Israel. They feel that people should come to Israel for something, not because they are running away from something. In response, Palatnik told Breaking Israel News, “I strongly believe that people should make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) by choice. But you can’t stand by. Things are getting worse and worse.
“I’m not a prophetess, but the Almighty is starting to make it uncomfortable, because being comfortable seems to work against us. I don’t want to wait for that. I don’t think anyone should wait until they’re running for their lives.
“And it’s clear in the Torah that Israel is where God wants us to be.”
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Monday, January 25, 2016

The Prophetic Truth Behind the Rapprochement Between the Pope and the Jews By Rivkah Lambert Adler - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Rabbi of the Western Wall, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, accompanies Pope Francis, during a visit at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, in Jerusalem's Old City, on May 26, 2014. (Photo: Kobi Gideon/GPO/FLASH90)

Rabbi of the Western Wall, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, accompanies Pope Francis, during a visit at the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site, in Jerusalem’s Old City, on May 26, 2014. (Photo: Kobi Gideon/GPO/FLASH90)

“Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD; but they that deal truly are His delight.” (Proverbs 12:22)
On the surface, it looks like Pope Francis and the Jews are cozying up to one another and becoming besties. Below the surface, an End of Days prophecy that pits Rome against Jerusalem is playing out.
That’s the contention of Rabbi Tovia Singer, a Jewish expert in both Hebrew and Christian Scripture and director of the counter-missionary organization, Outreach Judaism. Singer opens his case by noting the proximity of two recent news items.
Orthodox Rabbis Hold Out An Olive Branch
On December 3, 2015, the Center for Jewish Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) issued a statement calling for increased cooperation between Jews and Christians. Rabbi Dr. Eugene Korn, Academic Director of CJCUC told Breaking Israel News, “The statement was addressed to the Jewish community primarily, and secondarily to the Christian community.
“Most of our statement referred to the developments in the Catholic Church (e.g. Nostra Aetate) but it also applies to all Christians and churches who are not actively converting Jews and acknowledge that the biblical covenant between God and the Jewish people is still a valid living covenant.”
Nostra Aetate, passed in 1965, is a declaration by the Catholic Church that the Jewish people of today are not responsible for the death of Jesus. The statement also condemns any expression of anti-Semitism and confirms that “God holds the Jews most dear.”
Korn further commented to Breaking Israel News, “Our statement was not coordinated with the Vatican or the Pope’s request in any explicit way. As Orthodox rabbis, we felt that after 50 years there was a need to express our position on the positive changes brought about by Nostra Aetate and the Church’s affirmation of the validity of the special covenantal relationship between God and the Jewish people, which is the foundation of Judaism.”
Vatican Tells Catholics to Stop Trying to Convert Jews
Just one week later, on December 10, 2015, the Vatican called on Catholics to stop missionizing Jews.
In an extended interview with Breaking Israel News, Singer explained that, while that gesture looked to many like the next stage of friendship between the Jewish people and the Catholic Church, the Vatican’s statement is essentially meaningless since “Roman Catholics haven’t evangelized Jews in 75 years.”
Singer acknowledged that the evangelical Christians who oppose the Vatican’s statement are theologically correct when they claim that Pope Francis is presenting a distorted view of a central Christian teaching. “The New Testament clearly tells that Jews are the primary audience [for conversion],” he told Breaking Israel News.
The end is near. Are you ready?
These two events – the peaceful statement of more than 50 Orthodox rabbis toward Catholicism and the Pope’s command to stop converting Jews – look to many like rapprochement. 

However, according to Singer, there’s a third, darker element that has been overlooked by most. This third element, which has prophetic implications, tells the real story of the Catholic Church’s agenda toward Israel.
Pope Makes Friends With Abbas
In May 2015, the Pope drew the Roman Catholic Church closer to the Palestinian Authority when he called PA President Mahmoud Abbas a man of faith and an angel of peace. A month later, in June 2015, the Vatican signed a treaty recognizing the State of Palestine.
Although the modern state of Israel was established in 1948, diplomatic relations between Israel and the Vatican were not established until 1993, 43 years after the founding of the State. Yet the Vatican has already recognized the State of Palestine, despite the fact that no such entity exists.
The Prophecy
According to Singer, the Pope recognizing the PA points to an End of Days prophecy that speaks of Edom (Rome) coming up against Jerusalem. The Jewish people’s conflict with Edom is discussed in the Book of Daniel (2:31-35) which speaks of four exiles of the Jewish people. Until the arrival of the Messiah, the Jewish people, even those who live in Israel, are still in the fourth exile, known as Galut Edom (the Exile of Rome)
The Exile of Rome began when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in the year 70 CE, and continues until today. It will only end in the Messianic days, when the Third Temple is built. The Book of Obadiah includes a prophecy that, at the End of Days, Edom (Rome) will attempt to come up against Jerusalem a second time.
The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom: We have heard a message from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations: ‘Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.’  (Obadiah 1:1)
According to Singer, the surest way for Edom to “rise up against Jerusalem” and destroy Israel is to strengthen her enemy. Thus, the Pope’s friendship with Abbas and his efforts to embolden the PA is the real story, the true fulfillment of the prophecy of Obadiah.
Singer urged that the world not be fooled by signs that the Pope and the Jews are warming up to one another. The Catholic Church’s true agenda, to fight against Jerusalem, as Obadiah prophesied, is being revealed by the Church’s recognition of the non-existent State of Palestine.

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My heart yearns for the glory of the Lord Jesus to be revealed in the earth, touching the hearts and souls of men, women and children in each and every nation. As we see the days become darker, we believe that the Lord God of Israel will show Himself strong, and prove that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, as He says He is.

I wrote this book for you who also long to walk in strong faith, courage and commitment to the end, for whatever the Lord has planned and purposed for you and I. Together, as the Body of Christ, and the glorious Bride that we will become, we will one day see His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. The Gospel, the Good News of salvation, will be declared, and that which is just and good will for all eternity overcome the evil one. 
I sincerely believe we are living in the end of days, as prophetic words have been rapidly fulfilled since the re-birth of Israel in 1948. Jesus Himself had said that when we see the fig tree budding, we know that the time is near. 
This book, my 10th published in the last three years (all between 2013-2015) and before my 61st birthday, is very special to me. I sense it is something the Lord put on my heart to do several months ago, giving it that “urgency of getting it done and out there” feel as I wrote. Originally these chapters were Now Think On This messages. It was amazing to me how many were done in September and October of 2015 alone, as the Holy Spirit would speak a word or sentence to me, and I would write soon after. I am truly grateful for His impartation, and acknowledge Jesus (Yeshua), my Lord and Savior, above all. 
The photos I have included in the book are primarily ones I took (exceptions noted), both to document history and to share another way the Lord also speaks to His Body. Capturing moments of the Holy Spirit action, especially in the two “fire” photos, were exciting. In both cases I wasn’t even aware of it until they were “developed”. 
I trust this book will both encourage you and cause you to re-commit yourself - to know the Lord’s will for your life, do all you can to allow Him to direct your steps, and be the light in these dark days we desperately need and have been called upon by the Lord to be. I am with you, arm in arm! Ahava (love in Hebrew) and shalom (peace), 

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC
Jan. 25, 2016