Strategy for the Next 24 Months by Doug Addison
Identity Network
The Next 24 Months to Radical Change
This year on Yom Kippur (September 23, 2015) God showed me an outline for the next 24 months. Starting on that day and going through the next two years through September 2017 we are going to see dramatic breakthroughs and turnarounds. But it will require different strategies for five different groups.
"Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in." Psalm 24:7
God is moving quickly and opening up some "gates and ancient doors" which are spiritual gifts, callings and lost assignments. This will usher in God's presence in unprecedented ways.
These are the 5 things God showed me that He is doing in the next two years. All of them are based on the number 24, which symbolizes new leadership and authority. He highlighted 24 hours, 24 days, 24 weeks, 24 months and those who are 24 years old.
24-Hour Promotions
We are going to have dramatic overnight accelerations with sudden promotion, blessing or advancement. This is similar to when Joseph had a radical turnaround in his life when in one day he went from obscurity to being second in command of the entire region of Egypt (Genesis 41). Joseph had been prepared for a number of years to fulfill his dreams, but his advancement came within 24 hours.
Most of the people who are being promoted in the 24-hour time frame have already suffered losses and rejection for a number of years. They have been placed on the backside of the desert because their time had not yet come. But over the next two years we are going to see many of these sudden accelerated promotions of people who were previously unknown.
24 Days to Advancement
God spoke to me that there would be promotions that would start for many people within 24 days of Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur ended on September 23, 2015. Expect something significant to have happened or shifted into place for you on or after October 17, 2015.
24 Weeks to Radical Change
Many people are going to see a major change in their lives 24 weeks after Yom Kippur, which is March 9, 2016. Interestingly, God spoke to me earlier that when we (in the U.S.) set the clocks forward in the spring, things will begin to "spring forward" in the spiritual realm. This date is March 13, 2016. Watch for the first two weeks of March to bring some radical changes.
I saw these two groups within this 24-week time period:
The first group was those who have been preparing and God has already taken them through a time of pruning and purging within their lives. This group will gain an extraordinary amount of revelation over the next 24 weeks that will position them to advance suddenly in March 2016.
The second group is those who have been on the frontlines of ministry and have taken a beating. God is calling this group to take a break, rest and regroup over the next 24 weeks. Many who don't do this will be at danger of being taken out (not necessarily dying). As they take time to rest and heal, God is going to re-fire them into an upgraded level that they have never seen before.
This does not mean you have to take the entire 24 weeks off. God has already spoken to these leaders that they will need to take times of rest in order to move into the next phase of their lives and ministries.
24 Months of Amazement
The entire timetable that I was shown was from September 23, 2015 going for 24 months, which ends September 23, 2017. During this two-year period we are going to see things move at an accelerated pace. Many people who have thought they had missed God's greater calling on their lives will be strategically realigned for accelerated advancement.
What would have taken many people a lifetime to achieve will be accomplished in less than two years. Also those who did not take time to pull back and rest will go through a time of suffering as they need to be prepared to operate in the new season at hand.
24 Year Olds Encountering God
God showed me that He is moving on people who are 24 years old in 2015 and 2016. They were born in 1991-1992. Many of these young people feel like there is something greater for them to do but they are not sure yet what it is. Over the next 24 months through September 2017, God will be speaking to this group and over the next two years they will have encounters with the Lord and sudden advancement.
I also shared this word last week in my October Spirit Connection webcast - watch that here. I received a lot more revelation that I am not able to fit into this one article.
Also, my new upcoming book, 2016 Prophetic Forecast, contains the details to the prophetic words God has spoken to me for the coming year. Overall it is going to be a good year for many people who have been waiting on the Lord.
Doug Addison