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Gov. Bevin Urges Kids To Bring Bibles ToSchool: "This Is Absolutely Your Right"
Kentucky Governor and committed Christian, Matt Bevin, has thrown his weight behind an initiative that seeks to encourage students to... |
 | | Amy Grant Declares A Powerful Prayer At Nashville Vigil For Las Vegas Christian recording artist Amy Grant has declared an incredible prayer of hope in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting. During a vigil held... |
 | | Franklin Graham Deploys 'Crisis-Trained Chaplains' To Help Comfort Las Vegas Victims Evangelist and head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Franklin Graham, has ordered the deployment of crisis-trained chaplains to... |
 | | Sadie Robertson: 'Our Weaknesses Become Strengths At The Cross' We all have weaknesses but are we allowing God to deal with them, and to turn them into strength. In our weakness, He is strong. Hi... |
 | | Revival Breaks Out At A Greek Restaurant As Robby Dawkins Prays For Healing An incredible work of God took place at a Greek restaurant when evangelist and preacher Robby Dawkins turned up and offered to pray... |
 | | Perry Noble On Dealing With Shame Of Wife Leaving Him Over His Alcohol Abuse Perry Noble, the former pastor of megachurch 'Newspring,' has opened up about how he deals with the shame of losing so much in his... |
 | | Todd White Explains What It Means To Be Truly 'On Fire' For Jesus Preacher and evangelist Todd White has explained what it means to be truly 'on fire' for God. It is found in living as a 'burning light' for... |
 | | Greg Laurie Explains Why 'Spiritual Food' Is SO Important To The Christian Life Pastor Greg Laurie is a master at explaining spiritual concepts in a simple and applicable way. In this new video, Laurie talks about the ne... |
 | | Little Girl Inspires Thousands With Her Prayer In Front Of School Friends An amazing image has been captured of a little girl praying intently during the 'See you at the pole' school prayer event that took place... |
 | | British Schools Don't Teach ‘BC’ And ‘AD’ To Avoid Offending Non-Christians An increasing number of British schools are removing the terms 'BC' and 'AD' from their curriculum's in order to avoid offending non-C... |
 | | What Goes In The Mind Comes Out In Actions When Matt was very young, his parents introduced him to a family friend. Matt was excited because he had someone to play with; his p... |
 | | 'Bible Study' Drinking Game May Have Caused Fraternity Death, Police Say A drinking game involving the Bible may have been a contributing factor in the death of a Louisiana State fraternity member, according t... |
 | | Thousands Come Together To Sing 'Amazing Grace' After Vegas Massacre Incredible footage has emerged of 3500 Las Vegas locals coming together at the Canyon Ridge Christian Center to pray for the victim... |
 | | Lesbian Daughter of Focus on the Family Executive Releases Book About Family's Rejection The lesbian daughter of a Focus on the Family executive has released her book about being rejected by her family after coming out as gay... |
 | | Pastor To Las Vegas Youth After Shooting: 'Don't Be Afraid To Use The Light Of Christ' There is a lot of fear, sorrow and angst flying around in the wake of the brutal attack that struck Las Vegas last weekend. There is g... |
 | | Greg Stier: Helping Your Teenagers Process The Las Vegas Massacre An evil madman in Las Vega ended the lives of 59 individuals and injured over 500. So here we are once again as a nation, as a culture and... |
 | | Joyce Meyer Explains The Most Common Mistake Christians Make Preacher Joyce Meyer has explained a damaging problem that she believes too many Christians are dealing with unnecessarily. In a ne... |
 | | Kris Vallotton: We Need To Bring Affection Back In The Church When was the last time you experienced true affection at church? For many Christians a handshake as you’re leaving Sunday serv... |
 | | Christian Movie Director Says God Can Minister Powerfully Through Dogs Christian movie director Mitch Davis has asserted his belief that God can minister powerfully through dogs. Mitch believes that dogs can te... |
 | | 1 In 3 Protestant Churchgoers Have Been Personally Affected by Suicide A new LifeWay research study has found that 1 in 3 protestant Churchgoers have been personally affected by suicide. Just under 45,000... |