Rabbi Tuly Weisz speaks at the Bridges for Peace conference in Jerusalem, November 9, 2016. (Breaking Israel News)
First Public Prayer for President Trump Held in Jerusalem [WATCH]
“And He changeth the times and the seasons; He removeth kings, and setteth up kings; He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.” Daniel 2:21 (The Israel Bible™)
Rabbi Tuly Weisz, director of Israel365 and publisher of Breaking Israel News offered the first public prayer for President-Elect Donald Trump in Jerusalem at the Bridges for Peace solidarity conference on Wednesday.
Rabbi Weisz spoke at the Bridges for Peace gathering in Jerusalem. Entering the hall, he was informed that Donald Trump had just been elected President of the United States.
Following the contentious campaign which left many wondering what had become of the democratic process in America, it was clear that the diverse group of over 100 mostly Christian participants from eight nations, were anxiously waiting words of clarity from Rabbi Weisz.
With UNESCO’s recent endorsement that Jews and Christians have no connection to the Temple Mount and continued negative reports about the Holy Land, the event was called “Encountering the Truth About Israel: 40 Year Celebration of the Dispatch From Jerusalem”.
“This event was the perfect venue to pray for the welfare of America and the State of Israel,” smiled Rabbi Weisz.
Bridges For Peace is an organization made up of Christians worldwide who support Israel and the building of relationships between Christians and Jews in Israel and across the globe. They bless Israel through humanitarian projects throughout the Holy Land.
Rabbi Weisz began his talk by asking the audience to stand and join him in a “Prayer for the Welfare of the Government”. This prayer is found in many Jewish prayer books. Instituted in 1948 by the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Chief Rabbis of the newly formed State of Israel, today the prayer is commonly said in religious Zionist synagogues on the Sabbath and during Jewish holy days.
Prayer For the Welfare of the Government:
May He who gives salvation to kings and dominion to princes,whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,who delivers His servant David from the evil sword,who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters,bless and protect, guard and help, exalt, magnify and uplift thePresident Elect Donald Trumpand Vice-President Mike Penceand all officials of the United States of America.May the supreme King of kings in His mercyput into their hearts and the hearts of all their counselors and officials,to deal kindly with us and all Israel.In their days and in ours may Judah be saved and Israel dwell in safety,and may the Redeemer come to Zion.May this be His will, and let us say: Amen.
As citizens all over the world wonder what the next four years of this new American leadership will bring, this prayer sends a message of hope that all is in God’s hands. Rabbi Weisz continued his talk by reiterating that God keeps His promises to His children and that we are blessed to be living in this era where the prophet’s words are coming to life.
“Through the prophets, we know that God promised that the Jewish people would be ingathered from the four corners of the earth to return to their Biblical homeland and bring the greatness of Godliness back into the world,” said Rabbi Weisz to Breaking Israel News. “I fully believe that Trump in the White House is part of God’s greater plan to bring the Messiah and I am honored to open this event and this momentous occasion with this heartfelt prayer.”