Showing posts with label Ireland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ireland. Show all posts

Saturday, October 24, 2015

When Angels Manifest in the Form of Wind - CHARISMA NEWS

Let the Holy Spirit and God's joy infect your life!
Let the Holy Spirit and God's joy infect your life! (Lightstock )

When Angels Manifest in the Form of Wind

One of the times I've encountered angels was in the form of wind—and was probably the most intense experience I've had.
My husband, Robert John, and I were just engaged and decided to tithe together jointly for the first time. Though we weren't married, we decided to make our first tithe, our first gift, together. We were at his mom's house on the computer when we gave to a ministry online. As soon as we clicked "Donate Now" on the ministry's website it was as if all these high-powered fans started blowing in the room. It was a really intense encounter with the wind of heaven!
As the winds ripped through the room, we instantly felt filled and refreshed with the Holy Spirit and God's joy. There was an intense sense of God's pleasure with our unity, our unity in giving and our unity in giving to the kingdom. Because God loves it all—He loves our unity, He loves giving and He definitely loved what the ministry that we gave to was doing. He loved where our first tithe was going.
But there was also a sense that something was activated by that act of giving. We know from the Word that angels are dispatched on assignment. There was a connection to this action we had just taken as a couple, and now the angels were going to carry out the assignment on our behalf.
Shortly after this experience, I went to speak at a conference, and it was just nine days before we were to get married. For us, even our wedding was a step of faith. We were going to be newlyweds, and we were paying for the entire wedding ourselves. We were simply trusting God to cover the bills.
At this conference, completely unprompted, one of the other speakers got up and announced that I was getting married in nine days. It was just a fun moment. But afterward a couple who had traveled there all the way from Ireland came up to me and said, "Faytene, while that minister was sharing about you getting married, we really felt like we wanted to sow into the beginning of this new phase in life for you and your husband. If we want to make out a check, who would we make it out to?"
I was humbled and had no idea what they were going to do, but I gave them my bank information. They ended up wiring $10,000 into our new beginning!
It was the blessing of our Father, who wanted to bless us at the beginning of our new phase. Looking back, I believe there was something dispatched in the spirit realm through that joint act of giving, that first tithe we made as a couple.
For me, the manifestation of the wind is a confirmation of that. It was a fruit of the Father's goodness being poured out on us. We were able not only to get married, but also to get married with our entire wedding completely paid for. I believe the angels were involved in administrating that blessing!
Faytene Grasseschi serves as the pioneering director of The CRY Movement, the founder of MY Canada and the director of V-Kol Media Ministries.

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Saturday, October 3, 2015

For Israel My Glory (Bill & Cindi Duerfeldt) - The Jerusalem March - Sukkot 2015

Jerusalem March -- Sukkot 2015
Bill & Cindi Duerfeldt
Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 Jerusalem

On the same day (1 October 2015) in which Prime Minister Netanyahu made his 
excellent and impassioned speech before the United Nations (I hope most of you 
got to see it), more than ten thousand Christian Believers from approximately 
100 nations participated in the annual Sukkot Jerusalem March, declaring their 
solidarity with the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.

Cindi and I; our children Amy and Todd; our grandson Christian; Cindi's parents; 
Cindi's sister-in-law Vicki; and Cindi's cousin Robert -- have all participated in 
this march at one time or another in years past. It is an indescribable experience 
to realize that the Holy Spirit is moving upon the hearts of Believers all over the 
planet, and compelling them to physically come to the Land of Israel (HaEretz) 
and to say, by coming, "God is with you, and we are with you too, and praying
 for you." And just as every year before, the response of the Jewish people toward 
the Believers who come to bless them, is both powerful and overwhelmingly positive 
as you can see below.

This year we had the privilege of seeing the march from the vantage point of the 
Israelis -- standing on the sidelines and watching the parade pass by. It took two 
full hours for those 10,000 Believers to pass in front of us!! In many ways, this 
experience was more impacting on our hearts and spirits than being a part of 
the parade itself. I don't think Cindi and I had a dry eye for the full two hours!

The verse from the Song of Songs kept running through my mind as I watched 
the procession: "You are as beautiful as Jerusalem, and as majestic as an army 
with banners." (Song of Songs 6:4).

I will say no more, but I will simply let the photos below and the three short 
video clips, representing just a snippet of the two hour pageant, tell their own 
story. Oh how I wish each one of you could have been here to see it all!

The march begins, up the hill toward the center of Jerusalem.

(Remember to click on any photo to see it larger.)

"The LORD has made known His Salvation (Yeshua);
His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of all the nations."
[Psalm 98:2]

Thursday, April 23, 2015

2015 - The Tipping Point (Prophetic Insights for Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, China, the UK, Ireland, France, Germany and Canada) - by Mary Lindow

2015 - The Tipping Point 

by Mary Lindow

Identity Network

Dear Lover of God's People,

For several months the Lord has been sharing with me either in night visions (dreams) or in prophetic impressions and scripture regarding Africa, Australia and China, The United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Canada.

I will share here in this message, only what the Lord impressed me with and will not attempt to interpret what the Lord has not shown to me. I only see in part and willingly submit these insights for others to pray over, inquire of the Lord over, and discern His heart in the matter.

In His Shadow,

Mary Lindow

Prophetic Insights Regarding Africa

Africa will be brought to the forefront of the media as continual savage and brutal guerrilla warriors and evil groups with blood lust in their hearts vie for political power and black market trade.

There are several tyrannical leaders who have continued to shake their fists at God who will be brought down in power due to health contradictions and loss of support. This will be a plot set forth by the hand of God.

"As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it." Job 4:8

The Father hears the tormented cries of the desperate hearts in intercession and will not withhold His hand of judgment and power.  An exposing of blackmail, illegal trade and embezzlements, will begin to have a snowball effect in the nation while simultaneously a wave of hunger for purity and forgiveness from God will be escalated.

"You evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor, but the LORD is their refuge." Psalm 14:6

Signs and wonders in the area of healing, creative miracles, and supernal provision of food and water will become a floodgate for revival and deliverance as the favor of God is abundantly poured out. This abundant favor is due to the intercession of the saints in Africa and others hidden as well, in other nations who pray for Africa.

A fresh focus on mercy and grace will overtake the dictatorial and hierarchical form of church government in Africa. The Lord specifically says that those who have been paralyzed and dwarfed in their freedom to preach the gospel of the Kingdom in Africa due to religious control and restraints will have a supernatural deliverance out of this bondage.

"From the LORD comes deliverance.  May your blessing be on your people." Psalm 3:8

Home gatherings and small intimate groups of hungry saints will begin to break out across the nation. Miracles will occur, worship will be a passionate feast and no longer time restricted. 

I see in the spirit, large open field areas with African saints gathering in large groups simply raising hands in unashamed worship and adoration without time restraints. It sounds like one voice in unison before the Throne of God and the Light of God surrounds them in purity and joy as they cry out in praise and intercession for their nation.

"All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name." Psalm 86:9

Children in many regions of Africa will begin to have visions of heaven and of Jesus.

They will prophesy boldly and preach with an anointed fervor. This will cause a great fear of the Lord in the hearts of those who practice dark magic and witchcraft, and evil spirits will be driven out of bodies and minds as the Word of God is proclaimed.

It will be as if a large fist has come down from Heaven and has smashed and scattered the plots of the wicked only to open up and gently hold those near to the heart of God through humility.

"Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked him. "Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read, 'From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise'?"Matthew 21:16

Prophetic Insights Regarding Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania

The Lord impressed me with a picture of large gatherings in denominational cathedrals filled with believers worshipping and praying. These people were of many colors and creeds, but were exhausted from religious exercises. They wanted unity.

A Ram's horn began to be shaped into a Shofar and someone was blowing it like an alarm over and over again!

The sound coming up from these people gathered in prayer becomes a roar of repentance and intercession. It grew louder and louder as believers were crying out to heaven for protection and wisdom.

The Lord would speak to Australia and says these words.

"Prayer is the only hedge of protection you actually have. You will tabernacle with me in the place of Prayer.

You must have a passion and flame inspired through unity in prayer as I increase your momentum in prayer for your nation and other nations."

"Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD." Psalm 27:6

"Repent for embracing false gods, eastern religious influences, and relaxed attitudes towards exploited pleasure and sexual freedoms.

Return to me Land of the Holy Spirit and I will cause the South winds to blow rain upon your crops, and Rain from Heaven's hands into your places of prayer."

Come back to simplicity and stalwart integrity.

Who has bewitched you into complacent action in purity of heart?

Cast off the garment of seduction and put on the garment of praise and begin to violently accost the powers of "spiritual hypnosis" through cleansing your hearts of hidden idols and pleasures. Replace them with grace, self-control, mercy, and loving kindness."

"They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them." Psalm 106:36

He in turn will water the seed of heartfelt prayer, expressed in unity and others will be drawn to the amazing results of prayer.

Australia will also have a backlash of premeditated Islamic uprisings from hidden irritants now well entrenched in the nation.
Believers must now make a decision for either tolerance or truth. Complacency will be addressed by the Lord through young fiery men and women of God who do not fear even death for the sake of the Power of the Cross and Resurrected Savior.

A Clash of cultures will bring about a wave of salvation and powerful demonstrations of the Holy Spirit.

Tasmania and New Zealand

You will have what appears to be in a spiritual sense, "Wildfires lit by the Hand of God." Young people praying day and night along side elderly humble saints, who have prayed for years that God would revisit them in power, will experience heavenly refreshing and fresh worship music will be released in these sacrificial gatherings of prayer.

"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." Acts 3:19

Australia! Let the Glory of the Lord Rise Among you!


This is your heritage and richest export says the Spirit of God!

Prophetic Insights Regarding China

In a night vision I was shown an enormous rusty colored Dragon standing on its hind feet. The closer I was "zoomed in" to look at the dragon the bigger it appeared. The dragon had thousands of sharply pointed scales on it made of iron and the color of the dragon was derived from the color of rust on iron.

The dragon was extremely sophisticated and moved very sleekly and arrogantly as if it knew it was a huge, well-armored creature.

Standing at the base of the feet of the dragon a short distance away were men from leadership in different nations. They were all dressed in "Power" suits, (dark business suits, white shirts, subdued ties).

Each man was holding a large bow and arrow, and they were pulling tightly and were aimed at the dragon. On the shaft of each arrow the flag of the individual persons nation was hanging from it. I saw President Bush, a male German ruler, Switzerland, Brussels, France, and Britain all represented.

These powerful men with the bows and arrows were shooting the arrows at the Dragon only to have them pitifully bounce off of its iron armored scales.

Revelation 13:4 "Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?"

This amused the dragon!

It knew that it had risen in power and armament as well as knowledge and intelligence regarding it's relations with other "Power" countries, and was now laughing at the presumed attempt to control the Dragon.

After I woke from this dream I was also impressed by the Lord that there was going to be a big exposure of the abuse of slave-like labor practices in China. This will stir up the exposure of China's human rights abuses and startling and hideous practices of human experimentation and torture will be revealed.

The growth of the underground Chinese church will begin to sway the current lock down on Christians in worship.

There are going to be signs and wonders in the sky above China that will cause people to fall on their knees in either worship or terror as God begins to orchestrate a move of unsurpassed Redemption.

"Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; Tremble before him, all the earth."Psalm 96:9

"God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will." Hebrews 2:4

The Lord has heard the cries of those martyred for His namesake and is coming with great power and exposure in China.

Governmental rulers who have stalked and tracked down preachers of the Gospel will be caught in the act of abuse and human trafficking.

"A man tormented by the guilt of murder will be a fugitive till death; let no one support him." Proverbs 28:17

There will be a window of great opportunity in China for a season as the Lord draws the lost to His heart.  Pray for Divine Protection, strength, and boldness among the saints in China!!

"Then I was told, You are to make a fresh prophecy concerning many peoples and races and nations, And languages and kings." Revelation 10:11

The United Kingdom

There will be a ROAR of prayer heard from desperate hearts in the UK. Prayer will be a way of life in many small Hamlets and Villages, and many homes will become chapels of healing and miracles.

Central London will have an epic move of God as He sends in intercessors in tandem with relevant and fiery Revivalists who will have such a strong presence of God with the Power of Holy Spirit, bringing conviction that even the hardest atheist observing it all will be made to run away in terror at the potent power of God falling upon the people.

Joel 2:25 "And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locust has eaten - the hopping locust, the stripping locust, and the crawling locust, my great army, which I sent among you."

Houses of hope and care will spring up in smaller surrounding areas, where these whom have once been bound will be cared for and restored.

"Brethren, if any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also." Galatians 6:1


There are many hidden and faithful leaders who have weathered political and spiritual storms for decades who are now well prepared and ready for the Father's divine plan for their lives.

Ireland will begin to export teams of Apostolic and Prophetic missionaries into the USA and Europe.

These people will have a razor sharp ability to cast out religious spirits hindering moves of God. They will bring with them the fresh songs of praise and worship now ready for the hungry ears of the true worshiper.

The "cynical" Irishman will now become the grand believer declaring, "With God all things are possible"!

There will be a spotlight on Ireland with new technologies being developed and "mined" there. With it, doors will open for many to travel to Ireland and find Father and Mother mentors, ready to restore, train, and release.


The Father Once Again calls France, "A nation now in chaos."  But as an underground stream flows swiftly and quietly, so do those who have determined to pray and intercede with heart wrenching pleas for the Father to move within their land.

A spiritual passivity will begin to be addressed and shaken off of the hearts of fearful and hidden believers.

There will begin to be a few strong and ethical governmental leaders rise up who will begin to risk addressing the rapidly encroaching militant attacks against the people of France and its outlying regions.

There will be community vigils of prayer in local churches and the repenting of passiveness and elitist thinking.

German and French believers will begin to view one another in a Kingdom perspective and join in prayer and service to one another, creating a groundswell of food pantries with farmers and dairies that will create CO-OPs.

The key to breaking the spiritual stagnation in France will be the humbling of hearts before the Throne of God, and reaching out beyond its own borders.

Ephesians 2:14 For He is [Himself] our peace (our bond of unity and harmony).  He has made us both [Jew and Gentile] one [body], and has broken down (destroyed, abolished) the hostile dividing wall between us.


Germany will have a large revolt and uprising from among the youth as the economy continues to stress and bend.  Looting and the stealing and selling of automobiles will become a raging epidemic.

"For when the world with all its earthly wisdom failed to perceive and recognize and know God by means of its own philosophy, God in His wisdom was pleased through the foolishness of preaching [salvation, procured by Christ and to be had through Him], to save those who believed (who clung to and trusted in and relied on Him)." 1 Corinthians 1:21

Simultaneously, young street evangelists who have been well trained as well as well educated, will be commissioned to reach out to those rioting and manifesting.

Government leaders will not know what to do with the uproar, and sanctions against open religious expressions will be put in place.

Nevertheless, young Pauls and Silas's will not fear what man can do to them and will continue to flow in the power of Evangelism, seeing the hand of God spare the lives of many.

Jonah 3:2 "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach and cry out to it the preaching that I tell you."


Canada will experience one of its most prosperous seasons ever known, for a short season.

The Lord would have Canada know that they must deal fairly with the wealth that they will produce, and pay back the First Native families, and with Godly equity.

If this is not addressed with wisdom and integrity, Canada will have to pass through the sorrows of disobedience.

Canadian Intercessors are being awakened and called up to stand in the place of prayer for its leaders and tribes.

Now is not the time for silliness and laughter.  It is a sober day, with a command for sober prayers.

A Scripture for Canada at this Time

"Accordingly then, let us not sleep, as the rest do, but let us keep wide awake (alert, watchful, cautious, and on our guard) and let us be sober (calm, collected, and circumspect)." 1 Thessalonians 5:6

"Get up! Stand UP! Be Purposeful!" says the Lord.

How do you not know that through your borders I can bring a North American Wave of Justice and Restoration?"

"So brace up your minds; be sober (circumspect, morally alert); set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace (divine favor) that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed." 1 Peter 1:13

In Closing,

I bless you, the reader and listener of these prophetic insights, in the name of Jesus.

May His word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.  2 Peter 1:21

"Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said, 'No, don't worship me.  I am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers and sisters who testify about their faith in Jesus.  Worship only God.  For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus.'" - Revelation 19:10

Mary Lindow

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Christian Printer in Ireland Takes Hard Stand for Bible, Refuses to Print Gay Ceremony Invitations

Christian Printer Takes Hard Stand for Bible, Refuses to Print Gay Ceremony Invitations

A Christian printing company in the Republic of Ireland has become the latest business to take a stand for traditional marriage, based on firmly-held religious convictions.
A Christian printing company in the Republic of Ireland has become the latest business to take a stand for traditional marriage, based on firmly-held religious convictions. (Emily Cox/Flickr)
A Christian printing company in the Republic of Ireland has become the latest business to take a stand for traditional marriage, based on firmly-held religious convictions.
Beulah Print & Design declined to print invitations for a gay couple's civil partnership ceremony.
The incident comes after calls by the Council of Europe for member states to support the principle of reasonable accommodation.

Commitment to God

The owners of Beulah print said that because of their Christian faith they could not print material for John Keirans and Jonathon Brennan's civil partnership ceremony.
A statement released by the company stressed that their decision was not a personal attack on the customers, whom they had happily served for four years, but was due to their opposition to same-sex marriage.
It reads: "We, at Beulah Print, are Bible-believing Christians who are committed to standing by our conscience and God's Word.


"We have never hidden our faith from our customers and represent the gospel at every opportunity. We are not against homosexuals; however, we do not support same sex marriage, which printing wedding invitations would do.
"We believe the love of God is extended to all people and that He has called us all to walk in the light of His word, for He is the way, the truth and the life."
The co-owner of the company, Noel Tuite, said that they had turned down requests to print material depicting nudity before based on the same convictions.

'Reasonable Accommodation'

Last month, the Council of Europe overwhelmingly backed a report into intolerance against Christians, which highlighted a need to improve "the principle of reasonable accommodation."
The body, which represents 47 European countries, stressed that Christians in particular need to be protected so that they are not penalized for their beliefs.
It came after recent attacks on Christian businesses which declined to provide a service which contravened their religious convictions.


In Northern Ireland a Christian-run bakery is facing court for declining to provide a pro-gay marriage campaign cake.
Ashers Baking Company is being taken to court later this month by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, a taxpayer-funded quango.
Simon Calvert, Deputy Director of The Christian Institute, responded to media reports on the incident and defended Beulah Print's actions.

Christians Targeted

Mr. Calvert said: "It would appear Beulah has been happy to serve them for years and only in this instance have they been unable to help.
"Here we have Christians acting perfectly gently and reasonably in declining an order.
"What next? Are we going to tell Muslim printers to print cartoons of (Muhammed)? Or ask an environmentalist marketing consultant to promote fracking?
"Or is it only Christians who are told to endorse views they disagree with?"