It is the way of the nation of Israel to live with "hope for the future" as taught by Jeremiah in today's verse. A feeling of hope is so vital to living a spiritual and fulfilling life here in the Holy Land that an aptly named Israeli non-profit, TikvahHope, is determined to infuse hope into the hearts of children from impoverished homes all around Israel. With enriching after-school programs and hot meals, TikvahHope gives Israeli children and their struggling families a chance to break out of the cycle of poverty.
Israeli children sing for the redemption in this best 'cup' song ever!
A group of Jewish families have launched a new community in Samaria, named in memory of terror victim Evyatar Borowski HY”D.
It is tradition for Jews to recite holiday, Sabbath and wedding blessings over a cup of wine. On the Sabbath, the designated cup for the blessing over the wine is meant to be a beautiful vessel. This specific Kiddush cup has a motif of Jerusalem, Judaism's holiest city, where the Temple stood. Made of Sterling silver, and wrapped with a band inscribed twice with the word Jerusalem.
Ok this is an easy one, what famous Wall is this adorable little Israeli boy standing at? Send me an email or guess onFacebook!
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Rabbi Tuly, My wife and I are South African Christians, and we pray for the well-being of the Land of Israel every day. Please remember that you and your countrymen are the apple of God’s eye, He holds you in the hollow of his hand, He watches over you day and night, and our Lord will not allow anybody to touch His people in his beloved country of Israel. God will bless and keep you and make His face shine upon you!! SHALOM, Kind regards, LOUIS VAN DER LINDE
I'm from Plainview, Texas. This is a great newsletter... I pray peace for Israel- Doris Hartley |
Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz |