Samson’s prayer to die among his Philistine oppressors, taking his own life for the sake of his people, is one of the most stirring moments in the Bible. Samson has served as a model for soldiers of Israel who have been willing to give up their lives to save the Jewish People. A striking modern example is Major Ro’i Klein, who during the second Lebanon War jumped on a grenade, lest it blow up and kill his comrades. Dying with the holy words of “'Shema Yisrael' - Hear O Israel, the Lord is Our God, the Lord is One” on his lips, he sacrificed his life to save other soldiers who were fighting for the Land of Israel.
The IDF's mixed-gender Caracal battalion is concluding their final exercise after months of hard training. This live fire exercise simulates the capturing of a hill from enemy hands and marks the soldiers transition into active duty.
The Israeli army began with Jewish recruits from all over the world coming to protect the Holy Land. The tradition continues, and this month close to 500 volunteers from 21 countries are enlisting in the IDF!
Created by two former lone soldiers, these stunning Kippas are adorned with scenes of Israel that will make you feel closer to home and close to God every moment of the day. Though there is no explicit mention of the Kippa in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud teaches of the obligation to cover one’s head upon mentioning God’s name in order to exhibit true humility in the face of his Creator. The Kippa, therefore, is a reminder to the wearer of the importance to constantly keep God on one’s mind, enabling one to remain humble and refrain from sin.
Get Your Kippa Today! »
These IDF soldiers are standing at the tomb of a mighty biblical warrior, buried near Beit Shemesh. Can you guess whose tomb it is? HINT: See today's verse! Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook.
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Thank you for all the hard work that brings this site to its birth. I have learned much from it. I am from Montana USA.
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Rabbi Tuly Weisz |