Is It Cool if I Just Watch Church Online and Go About My Weekend?
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In the modern age, church comes in many forms: In person, on TV, downloadable podcasts and online streaming.
With faith on the go to match your busy schedule, is that enough to maintain a relationship with Jesus Christ?
A reader asked evangelist Billy Graham a similar question.
"I've always been pretty independent, and the idea of going through all the hassle of getting up and going to church has never attracted me," the reader asks. "What's wrong with just watching a church service on TV? I'd be hearing the same message I'd hear if I went, wouldn't I?"
There are benefits to flexible, technological church, Graham says.
"I'm thankful God has enabled some churches to extend their outreach through radio and television (and even the internet). People who are older (as I am) or have health problems are especially grateful for the opportunity to hear God's Word and share in a church service in this way," Graham says.
But if you're a faithful member or attender in a local body, you may already know why church is more than a sermon.
Graham continues:
First, you'll miss the opportunity to be part of the congregation—to sing with others, to give to God's work and especially to get to know other believers and learn from them (and they from you). The Bible says, "And let us consider how to may spur one another to love and to good works. Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together ... but let us exhort one another" (Heb. 10:24-25).
But you also may miss the opportunity to serve Christ alongside your fellow believers. A vital church isn't just inward-looking; it also looks outward and seeks to serve others in the name of Jesus.
The most important thing I can urge you to do, however, is to make sure of your personal commitment to Jesus Christ. Have you invited Him to come into your life, and are you seeking to follow Him every day? The Bible says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2a).
Do you agree? Let us know! 
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