Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
Rejection is a lying spirit that draws us into thinking in a way that is contrary to what the Word of God states. Rejection plagues most people and has been built up as a stronghold in many people's lives. It creates disunity in relationships, destroys destinies, and releases bitterness, resentment, and offense.
How Do We Conquer Rejection?
Acknowledging that you are suffering from rejection is the first step in removing this hindrance from your life. Recognizing rejecting thoughts, casting them down, and taking them captive will be instrumental in receiving your deliverance. Second Corinthians 10:5 (NASB) instructs us to "take every thought captive." In the Complete Jewish Bible, "taking the thought captive" actually means submitting the thought and making the thought obey Christ.
When thoughts of rejection come in, they must be submitted to the Word of God. Ask yourself: Does this thought line up with the Word of God or contradict what the Bible says about me and who I am? Rejection comes in through the words people speak to us or actions they take with regard to us. Rejection can also come from how we perceive a situation.
Our identity comes from God, not what people think.
We should desire to love and live in unity with people, but people are not where our identity should come from. Our identity comes from knowing who we are in Christ and whose we are. As we read the Bible and learn about our kingdom inheritance and our rightful position and authority in the kingdom, it will affirm us.
We will then take our eyes off the need for people's approval and know that we are accepted and loved by God. When we know that God accepts us and that we are living in the fullness of His love and power, no one can reject us.
Casting down the thoughts of what other people think is an ongoing battle. However, it is a battle you can conquer. When you are in God's presence, He will speak to you and reveal the lies that seem like reality. He will assist you in removing those lies through His Word.
Steps to Conquer Rejection
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the pockets of rejection in your life.
Repent of where you have taken in rejection.
Declare: I am accepted and loved by God, and that is the real truth I need to believe.
Ask God to help you get over your need to feel accepted and approved by others.
Learn your identity in Christ through reading books and the Word of God.
Take every thought captive and cast out the ones that don't line up with the Word of God.
Each and every thought must be taken captive and cast down. Rejection builds up when we take those thoughts in and take ownership of such thoughts. Instead of casting them down, we take them in and allow them to build strongholds in us.
Each time we own thought and don't cast it down, it is part of a platform we build inside ourselves. We build up that rejection with each and every thought that comes our way. Rejection manifests because we don't take thoughts captive and dismiss them for what they are—lies and distortions of who we are.
The Bible says who you are and whose you are. Do you believe you are seated in heavenly places? When you renew your mind, when you close the doors to the lies and know you are accepted by God, then and only then will you not allow rejection to penetrate your heart and mind. Keep your heart and mind connected to Christ Jesus and what He says about you.
We diagram a family tree to discover our family lineage. We write down our relatives' names, and how they were related to us, and if we dig deeper, we usually discover where they came from. Our family trees can contain valuable information to our spiritual walk and seeking deliverance.
Have you ever thought about diagramming a family tree to help discover health ailments, emotional issues and spiritual generational curses? Going back can often help us to move forward.
Health Generational Curses
Our doctors ask us on our yearly checkup report what diseases our parents have and about others that run in our family. They use that information to order routine tests and make sure we aren't being attacked with those same diseases. Did you ever think of taking what you know about your family medical history and using it as a tool for healing and deliverance? Why are we just documenting a disease for a doctor to tell us we will someday inherit that generational curse of infirmity? Why aren't we diagramming these medical conditions to discover the root cause and demonic infliction of our bodies?
In our generational line there have also been emotional issues we have inherited, such as depression, bipolar disorder, control, anger and fear. When our parent has manifested fear, anger and control, we often manifest that behavior through a generational curse and how we observed their reactions and actions. We were a product of that curse, because they modeled fear, anger and control, and we took on those behaviors. Over time, when we don't rebuke and renounce them, they turn into a strongman and manifest as a generational curse.
A Family Tree Can Bring Knowledge and Freedom
How can we take what we know about our family line in order to bring physical healing into our bodies and deliverance from emotional strongholds? When I lead people through generational curses, it isn't as easy as saying, "All generational curses be gone in Jesus' name." We need to evaluate what is in our tree, if we can find its entry point or if we are starting a new curse upon our generations to come. I take people through diagramming a spiritual and physical family tree, just as you would create a family tree with Grandma and Grandpa at the top and Mom and Dad next. Then add your brothers and sisters. You can even add your children if you want to find out what is already passing on to them.
Under each person's name or how they are related to you such as mom, son, grandma and so on, write the following:
What have they experienced in their life, such as:
What physical afflictions have they suffered, such as:
Near-death experience.
Attempted suicide.
High cholesterol.
What emotional ailments do they suffer, such as:
Write down as many things as you can under each person's name. Go through your tree and discover what is repeating through the generations. What commonalities are there? Now you have discovered the generational curses in your family line.
Seek the Holy Spirit for Guidance
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit where to start. Go through each category listed: experiences, physical and emotional. Start with three items at a time and take them to prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you through the healing process of each and make sure you have offered forgiveness to anyone involved. You may have to search out some books, the Bible or YouTube videos on the subject you are trying to receive freedom from in order to gain more information and understanding.
After you have received the emotional healing and know you are ready to proceed to the next subject, cast out the demon associated with the generational curse. Say something like this out loud (learn the power of praying out loud in my book, Speak Out, from Creation House), "Generational curse of fear (or whatever your ailment was), I cast you out in the name of Jesus Christ. I break agreement with you, and I command you to plague me no more, in the name of Jesus." Pray a prayer of proclamation declaring your victory and commanding the demonic spirit to leave.
Declare Your Freedom
When you are free of your emotional ailment, start speaking out and declaring out loud the victory you have, such as; "I thank you, Lord, I am free from fear and that Your Word says, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control" (2 Tim. 1:7). Declare the truth you know and a Scripture that correlates to your situation.
Manifest Your Physical Healing
Now that you have diagrammed your physical infirmities, go through them and see how you can manifest your healing. You don't have to live with generational high blood pressure or any generational disease.
The healing process to physical afflictions:
When breaking and removing generational health concerns from ourselves, I do believe we have a part to play. We can't simply say, "Generational curse of diabetes, I command you to go in Jesus' name," and then eat sugar, gluten and every other food item that contributes to diabetes.
When we are attempting to break the generational curses that affect our health, we must do our part and co-labor with the Lord. What does that mean? We need to exercise, lose weight, get healthy and follow doctor's orders of what we should do. When you have changed your lifestyle and are seeing improvements in your health, it is time to attack the spiritual realm.
Proclaim and pray over your body (out loud):
I break agreement with sickness and disease in my body and declare, "By His stripes, I am healed" (Isa. 53:5).
I command every generational curse of sickness (list the disease by name) to go and get out of me in Jesus' name.
I repent and renounce every participation I did to enhance or co-labor with this disease (such as hang on to stress instead of releasing it) in Jesus' name. "Spirit of stress, I command you to leave my body in Jesus' name."
I declare and decree, "I am redeemed of the curse."
"Body, I speak to you and command you to line up with the Word of God."
"Health and healing are mine because of what Jesus did for me."
These proclamations will release faith over your life. Keep praying them, keep speaking them and keep believing in them.
We have been redeemed from the curse and do not have to live with it. But this doesn't mean our generational curses all left when Jesus died on the cross. If you believe that, then I ask you, "Do you not suffer from any of your parents' health ailments or emotional behaviors?" If they all went at the cross, we would be living in total victory and freedom. As we diagram them and work through each one, we can be healed, delivered and set free. In my book, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, learn more about generational curses and the freedom you can receive, which is available anywhere books are sold or at
Kathy DeGrawis a prophetic spiritual warfare strategist releasing the love and power of God, to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and Be Love Outreach. She is the author of several books, including Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Identity Invasion, Who is Speaking? and Warfare Declarations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook, visit
Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.
The demonic realm is real, and demons are looking for a body to host or an object in which to attach. In the Bible, we see examples of territorial spirits in Mark 5 who wanted to occupy a region.
Familiar spirits know what is in our generational line and what we struggle with. They operate to keep the same negative patterns and habits repeatedly manifesting. Territorial spirits and familiar spirits can be in the atmosphere, attempting to inflict our souls and attach to objects. Spirits can attach to objects that are not of the Lord, have been cursed, or dedicated to a false god.
There are times we go through another territory or region, and we can feel the darkness. Additionally, there are also times we feel something is just not right. These are examples of how the demonic can infiltrate other places, and we are sensitive to it, and the Spirit makes us aware. It is similar to when we go into a church or home that has been prayed up and permeated with the presence of the Lord. We can feel an atmospheric shift, lightness and peace; that is how we want our homes to feel. It is wisdom to do a spiritual housecleaning and purge anything in our homes that could be instituting spiritual warfare on our behalf.
I remember one time going to the store and purchasing bags of crosses on clearance. As we were in prayer and worship, the bags were in the room when two of us looked up and felt something amiss in the spiritual atmosphere. We were immediately drawn to the bag of crosses. As we looked at the crosses, we could see faces in the designs. We later discovered crosses made in China were made in the same factories as Buddhas, and that they are dedicated to Buddha before they leave China. We immediately got rid of them and prayed over my home.
In the Bible, we receive instructions on what to do with an object that could have spiritual attachments.
You must burn the graven images of their gods with fire. You must not desire the silver or gold that is on them nor take any of it, lest you be snared by them, for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. You shall not bring an abomination into your house, lest you become cursed like it, but you must absolutely detest and abhor it, for it is a cursed thing (Deut. 7:25-26).
We could have received an ungodly object from our grandparents (not intentionally), something we purchased while traveling or as a gift. I suggest praying over the gifts you receive. I remember one of my assistants often having to dispose of gifts her daughter would send her from oversees. But how do we know what we need to get rid of and what we can pray over and keep? We need to seek the Holy Spirit for wisdom, guidance and leading.
Objects we shouldn't have in our homes would include Buddha, false gods, dream catchers, rabbit's foot, yin-yang symbols, peace signs, anything representing the demonic or darkness and any objects that are rooted in a false religion.
There are also what I call undercover objects we need to discern such as jewelry, gifts, wall hangings, knickknacks, heirloom items and sentimental items.
Items you should question and discern with the Holy Spirit:
Jewelry from an ex-lover or former spouse.
Items from friendships that have ended in disunity.
Items that remind you of emotional or physical trauma.
Heirloom items unless you know your ancestry and grandparents' spirituality.
Jewelry from your generational line.
Jewelry with occult symbolism or symbolism that cannot be identified.
Items with no reasoning behind them.
Items people left in your house without permission.
How should we discern or decide what to keep and what to dispose of?
Pray and seek the Holy Spirit.
What feeling does the item bring forth?
Do you have a "check" in your spirit—an uneasiness about the item?
Do you have an unusual special attachment to the item?
Pray and bring in a mature friend or Christian to help you.
Remove your flesh and natural opinion—it is just an object.
Don't take into consideration the sentimental value. The sentiment of the item is still inside you, in your heart or the memory, even after the item is removed.
Don't take into consideration the value of the item. The warfare the item brings costs you more than the physical item itself.
Don't feel you have to throw every item away that you have a check or uneasiness about. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit if you can pray over and anoint the item or if you have to remove it. I am clearly not telling you to keep occult objects, statues of false idols or items of that nature. What I am saying is don't go through your house like a crazy person throwing everything away because it could have a spiritual attachment. Ask the Holy Spirit. Pack the item away in the basement for a few weeks if it is in question, while you pray and discern, and bind and restrict the spiritual realm from activating through it while you are discerning.
Be wise in the decisions you make, but also don't be ignorant of the enemy's devices. Clean up your home and get rid of objects that don't glorify the Lord or that have demonic attachments. Create and permeate an atmosphere conducive for the Holy Spirit to move in your home and life. Eliminate open doors to the enemy to cause spiritual warfare attacks against you.
Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.
Prophetic Word: Decree God's Will to Establish It in Spirit Realm
I kept hearing in the Spirit, "I call forth the law of establishment." It would not leave me but cycled for many minutes. The Spirit of the Lord had me declaring it out in our prayer meeting, and I knew there must be more revelation to come forth. Establish is defined in Webster's as "to set up on a firm or permanent basis."
I had just finished prophetically teaching my group that when a revelation comes into your soul and spirit that you need to pray it out but also that you need to pray into it. I was teaching them that often the Lord gives us revelation through declaration. As we are caught up in the moment and in the spirit praying and speaking out and declaring out, the very thing in which we are receiving to speak out could be a word of knowledge from our heavenly Father. When something cycles in your spirit man, press into it to see if there is more revelation our Father desires to distribute to us.
As I pressed in, the Lord shared this prophetic word:
There is a law of establishment. What do you want to establish in this hour? The Lord says to release it; release with your words what you want to establish with your words.
The Lord says, "My people have been silent, thinking they can establish in their minds, but out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks" (see Luke 6:45). He says, to speak—speak out! Decree a thing and it will be established! "You will also declare a matter, and it will be established unto you; and the light will shine upon your ways" (Job 22:28).
What are you establishing with your words, and even more, what are you establishing with My words? I have given you a book, the Bible, full of words to establish with, yet you are not using them. My Word is full of healing, deliverance, trust, hope and prosperity. I have given you My written Word to establish whatever you need. My written Word produces prophetic action, a shift and change in the spirit realm, which leads to action. It unlocks things. It unlocks tools, revelation and equipment you need to move spiritually forward.
The time is now to unlock your destiny! Destiny destroyers and evil powers have disrupted My prophetic plan for you. I am your life source! Speak life! Speak hope! Decree! Declare! Now is the time! Now is the season! There is a window, a window of time for the law of establishment. I have set you apart. You are a chosen people, a chosen generation. Now go and establish what I have called you to do: raise the dead, heal the sick and cast out demons.
I have plans and purposes beyond your control, but I need you to step out and not be afraid—no intimidation. Come forth with boldness and truth. Establish what I have called you to before even time began, and you will begin to see the world change in unprecedented ways.
Prayer: Father God, we seal this prophetic word in and call it forth according to Your will and Your Word. Have your way, Father; release your assignment; release angels on assignment. Help us to be bold, to speak out and to establish in the spirit realm. Convict us, Holy Spirit, to break off passivity and complacency, to rise up and pray and declare that You will manifests in our lives. I bind and restrict any enemy attacks on this word and bind and restrict the devil from waging warfare against this word or attempting to steal, kill and destroy this word in Jesus' name. Amen!
Kathy DeGrawis a prophetic spiritual warfare strategist releasing the love and power of God, to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and Be Love Outreach. She is the author of several books including; Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Warfare Declarations and more. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook at or visit
Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.
I believe by faith what I speak out will happen. The Bible says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Prov. 18:21) and it instructs us to speak to our mountain, and we will have whatever we say (Matt. 21:21). There is power in our words! Speak means to make a request or claim, to pronounce or express orally, which means declare, When we speak through simple statements, we are declaring.
Jesus made simple statements. They were effective, produced results and had power. His words manifested everlasting fruit, healing and deliverance. He said, "Great is your faith. Let it be done to you as you desire" (Matt. 15:28b) and "You are loosed from your infirmity," (Luke 13:12b). Healing and deliverance resulted when Jesus spoke. He even raised Lazarus from the dead with His words.
I believe when I speak it is going to produce results. When someone sneezes and you respond with, "God bless you" I believe He is really going to bless that person. Why say goodbye to someone when leaving them if you can speak a blessing over them such as:
Be blessed and highly favored.
Have a blessed day.
May the joy of the Lord be your strength today.
Have a great day; may angels guard and protect you.
I believe valedictions (farewells and closings) have great and mighty power when we speak out by faith. I believe they will have an impact on other people. What we say will produce life and fruit. We should attempt, at every opportunity, to speak a blessing or positive word statement over another person's life.
Negativity and pessimistic attitudes have been part of our society. One of the things people struggle with and need healing from are the words that have been spoken over their lives. Think about as a teenager how you left your house and your mom would say, "Be careful honey, drive safely; the roads are wet or slippery." Words put thoughts in your mind and as an adult you could have those words come into your mind when you go out to drive. You could be thinking, "Oh I shouldn't go out; the roads are slippery." Words last in our souls far beyond when they were spoken. What if your mom would have said, "Have fun, sweetheart; may the blood of Jesus cover you." You may have felt more secure driving and that your mom trusted you and thought you were a great driver.
We don't realize how simple words and sentences impact us; in fact, they can bless or curse us. What if we can change a person's day by speaking life, love, joy, happiness and blessing over them? Don't you think they will stop and notice how you are blessing them after you have left them several times? I even think random strangers we speak blessing over will pause and even sometimes turn around and say, "Wow, thanks," I know they have to me.
If death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they are because it is scriptural, then don't you think we should be speaking life?
Kathy DeGrawis a prophetic healing and deliverance minister and the founder of DeGraw Ministries. She is passionate about releasing the love and power of God to empower and activate people. She is the author of several books, including: Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Speak Out, Warfare Declarations, Who is Speaking? and Powerful Prophetic Proclamations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook at or visit
Kathy DeGraw: "What to Do When a Prophetic Word Doesn't Make Sense"
The Elijah List Aug 5, 2018
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I have taught many, many times on what to do with our prophetic words. I have found often there is a time and season for them to come to pass...and often we get impatient and bury that word or forget about it!
I have also heard people say that when they've read some of the prophetic words given to them in the past, they have an epiphany and voila, they realize they have already seen them come to pass or are about to!
If a prophetic word is really from God, He will confirm it over and over again. Be assured that God is a God of His word and His promises are "yes" and "amen".
Enjoy this prophetic teaching today by Kathy DeGraw. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"What to Do When a Prophetic Word Doesn't Make Sense"
Kathy DeGraw, Grandville, MI
The "Up Factor"
When you receive a prophetic word, most of the time it should be a confirmation of something you already know. Your prophetic word should have the "up factor" meaning it should build up, train up, encourage up and edify up. It should leave you hopeful for something that is coming to pass in the future.
What happens when it doesn't do the thing it is intended? What do you do with a prophetic word that doesn't make sense? There are choices to make when a prophetic word doesn't make sense. We can throw it out because it is in no way witnessing with our soul and spirit, and we think the person who delivered it is way off in left field. We can pray into it and see if the Holy Spirit confirms the word to us. We can also put it up, on the shelf, and see later if the Holy Spirit brings it down or not.
How Does This Apply to Me?
Occasionally when we receive a prophetic word, we can be unsure and unsettled if the word was for us. We can react in different ways to the prophetic word that was spoken in our lives. We can become caught up in attempting to discern the word or we can dismiss the word altogether. Both options can have adverse effects on us. (Photo via Unsplash)
When we receive a prophetic word it should witness to us. There should be some kind of affirmation within us that it is a word from the Lord. When a word is from the Lord and resonates within us, we should pray into it, cover it with the Blood of Christ, and call it forth according to the Word of God and will of God in prayer and declarations.
Keep doing what you are doing for that season. When and if the word is for you, God will bring it back to remembrance, confirm it in His Word – the Bible – or bring another person to prophesy a similar word to confirm it to you.
Gonna Have to Shelve That One...
When a prophetic word is not witnessing to us at that moment, we should shelve it as I shared above. What I mean is just that, put it up on the shelf in the spiritual realm or in your mind. Don't let it consume you and don't try to figure it out. Take the word and put it in your memory bank and then move on.
There was a time I received a very long prophetic word from a well-known prophet. Part of the prophetic word was, "My daughter you have a desire for prayer. 'Lord I feel like Church has forgotten about prayer. I wish someone would re-institute prayer in the house.' Guess who I am going to use? Going to use you to rally men and women to seek Me, seek Me, seek Me, like they have never before. Find yourself in at least one 24-hour vigil."
As I received this word I thought, "I don't feel that way, and I have been in charge of several 72-hour prayer vigils." As I dissected the prophetic word given to me that night, I put this part of the word (above) on the shelf because it didn't make sense to me; I thought it was off and not for me. I did not throw it away. I put it in my memory bank.
A year later, I found myself teaching people around me how to pray differently, but I still did not realize that this word was manifesting in my life. One day as I was writing one of my books, I still can remember it as clear as day, the Holy Spirit shot through me. I was sitting at my desk typing and I was allowing the Holy Spirit to move through me to write.
I started writing about prayer and thinking that people don't know how to pray. That is when I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me. It felt like a bolt of lightning shot through my body. I looked up and in the spiritual realm I saw the shelf and the prophetic word. I had misinterpreted the word. I was looking at the church as a building when the Church is the people.
The Church is the Body of Christ and that prophetic word was right! I had been complaining for months that people didn't know how to pray effectively. I took what I was seeing and hearing and started teaching people how to really pray!
Be Open!
The shelved word was for me all along, but I didn't recognize it. How many shelved words are people waiting for that they think are not coming to pass because they totally dismissed them or did not recognize them? We need to be open to how the Holy Spirit wants to move through us. We need to make sure in our pride or arrogance we are not dismissing a word or assuming it's not for us. (Photo via Unsplash)
The most important thing is keeping our minds and wills open to the Holy Spirit, so in that moment He desires to remind us of a word from long ago, we understand and hear His voice. Even though I dissected the prophetic word I still did not get the full meaning out of it. I should have looked further into every word, but that's okay because now I can use it as a testimony to you.
Stay open to the Spirit. Don't totally dismiss what you don't understand. Dissect your prophetic words and most of all don't give up in the waiting. Who knows, perhaps the Holy Spirit will get a hold of you like He did me, and pretty soon you will see things manifesting in your life that were spoken long ago.
Be encouraged, God has a plan for you. Be diligent! Seek His presence and His Word! Worship Him in freedom and in truth and discover how the Kingdom of God will manifest in your life as He uses you to manifest His Kingdom in others! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic healing and deliverance minister and the founder of DeGraw Ministries. She is passionate about releasing the love and power of God to empower and activate people. She gives Believers tools to walk in the supernatural and launch them into their prophetic destinies! She is the author of several books, including SPEAK OUT, WARFARE DECLARATIONS, IDENTITY INVASION and contributes to Charisma Magazine and Charisma Media's Life in the Spirit Series. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook or visit her ministry website.