This Shabbat we read from Leviticus 25 describing the blessing of the Sabbatical year. This is one of the proofs of the divinity of the Bible. The next verse states, “and if you will ask, ‘what shall we eat in the seventh year? Behold we will not sow or gather in our crops?’ I will ordain my blessing for you in the sixth year a crop sufficient for a three year period.” No human being would ever make such an audacious guarantee - essentially sentencing the entire nation to starve every 7th year! Certainly after one failed cycle, no one in their right mind would obey the Sabbatical restrictions ever again. Only the One True God could make and keep such a promise. Belief in God’s authorship of the Torah does not require a leap of faith, studying the laws of the Sabbatical year rationally prove the divinity of God’s word. Learn more in the Israel Bible, with full Hebrew and English text and insightful commentary.
This delightful video follows a young Israeli boy and his mother on a quest to make the purest olive oil. See how it's done in Israel!
This week we celebrated a day of light in the Jewish calendar called "Lag B'Omer," with bonfires alit around Israel. Find out its deep meaning and connection to two holy Rabbi's of Temple times.
Every home needs a ritual washing cup and it doesn’t get more beautiful than this cup with a colorful rope pattern. The cup is 13.5 cm and made from polyresin.
Grace & Rick Knelsen photo of Israeli olives ("zay-teem" in Hebrew). Here's how to get this taste of Israel: wash olives well in cold water, then marinate with lemon juice, olive oil, thinly sliced lemons, garlic and optional fresh herbs or chili. The possibilities are endless!
Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Gabrielle Mary Mitchell from Roxburghshire, UK. Toda Raba!
“Sharing Spiritual Insights from a Jewish Perspective”
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This website has been a wonderful blessing by sharing spiritual insights from a Jewish perspective. Thank you for being a light to the Gentiles and may there be greater understanding of the wonderful truths we share in common from the Hebrew bible. Shalom from Chilliwack, BC Canada
I would like God's blessings to those who work at the blood bank and those who donated their blood for those who need. You are all saving God's children. God bless you. Joyce Simon |
Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz |