Louis and Lila Martin
My Dad, Louis Martin. You would have been 88 today!
Celebrating the last 20 years in heaven!
The Louis and Lila Martin family. 1975 (?) in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
July 20, 2019
Happy birthday, Dad! You would have been 88 today! But for the last 20, you have been working with Jesus in heaven, for you were not one to just sit around. You taught your kids well by your example!
Thanks, Dad. We love you! See you in a bit...
Thanks, Dad. We love you! See you in a bit...
Love you,
Dad and Mom wedding photo in Plainview, MN. June 28, 1952 (I think)
Louis Martin, young man around 1951
Dad and Mom
Dad (lower right) with older sisters Jean, Esther and brother Bill
Looking to heaven!
Dad's Mom, Julia Martin
Dad knew the way. And followed Him.
My Mom wrote this, to help me remember!
"We moved here (Charlotte, NC) June 1996. He died 3 years later. He had cancer a total of 4 years. We bought our house here in Pineville, NC in February 1995. Found out he had cancer in August of that year. Mary and Bob(Smith, my 2nd of 5 sisters) rented the house while we were in Iowa getting Chemo. He had Chemo for 6 months. Then we sold our home there and moved here to NC June 1996 thinking he was in remission. He began Chemo again in August 1996. He was in Hospice for 2 months before he passed on.
His business was called LJM Services. He had that for over 25 years. He worked at the Viking Pump Foundary as the maintenance man for 33 and 1/2 years and retired 4 years before he died."
Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach
And my Dad knew, and knows, Him!