Kim Jong-un, North Korea leader. (photo credit:KNS / KCNA / AFP)
APRIL 29, 2017
The statement also claimed that Israel, while working with the US, was the Middle East's only illegal owner of nuclear weapons.
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman hurt the "dignity of the supreme leadership"
of North Korea, state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported Saturday.
The comment was in reaction to Israeli remarks on how the Jewish State is affected by
North Korean tension with the United States late last week.
and "leading a radical and insane society."
Liberman: Crucial to place more pressure and sanctions on Iran
Liberman: Ties between Israel, Arab states 'more crucial for them than us'
"The reckless remarks of the Israeli defense minister are sordid and wicked behavior and
Liberman: Crucial to place more pressure and sanctions on Iran
Liberman: Ties between Israel, Arab states 'more crucial for them than us'
"The reckless remarks of the Israeli defense minister are sordid and wicked behavior and
grave challenge to the DPRK [North Korea]," the North Korean statement read.
The statement also claimed that Israel, while working with the US, was the Middle East's
The statement also claimed that Israel, while working with the US, was the Middle East's
only illegal owner of nuclear weapons.
"This is the cynical ploy to escape the world denunciation and curse as disturber of peace
"This is the cynical ploy to escape the world denunciation and curse as disturber of peace
in the Middle East, occupier of the Arab territories and culprit of crimes against humanity,"
the spokesman said.
The access to nuclear power is a "righteous right for self-defense to cope with the US
The access to nuclear power is a "righteous right for self-defense to cope with the US
provocative moves for aggression," the statement read.
The statement threatened Israel and anyone who "dares hurt the dignity of its supreme
The statement threatened Israel and anyone who "dares hurt the dignity of its supreme
leadership," with "merciless, thousand-fold punishment."
The statement ended with a warning to Israel to "think twice about the consequences to
The statement ended with a warning to Israel to "think twice about the consequences to
be entailed by its smear campaign against the DPRK [North Korea] to cover up the crimes
of occupying Arab territories and disturbing peace process in the Middle East."
Last Tuesday a senior IDF officer told reporters at a special briefing that ongoing tension
Last Tuesday a senior IDF officer told reporters at a special briefing that ongoing tension
between North Korea and the US could impact Israel’s security.
The officer referred to the developing diplomatic rift between the US and the peninsula
The officer referred to the developing diplomatic rift between the US and the peninsula
following North Korea’s recent and defiant attempts to extend its nuclear activity, despite
repeated warnings from the West.
He explained that Israel could bear the brunt of such an escalation in the relations between
He explained that Israel could bear the brunt of such an escalation in the relations between
Washington and Pyongyang should it occur, because the US would have to divert security
resources from the Middle East to Korea.
Joy Bernard contributed to this article.