Showing posts with label Mahesh Chavda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahesh Chavda. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2020

“Holy Spirit. Ruach HaKodesh.” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin

“Holy Spirit. Ruach HaKodesh.” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin

All Nations Church, Watch of the Lord, 1995. Blow the shofars!
Mahesh Chavda on the left. Ed Brigham holding the mic in the middle.
May 22, 2020 Love For His People ministry in Charlotte, NC USA
“…when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.  But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:6-8, NKJV
When the small group of about five of us from Columbus High School (Catholic) met for a time of study, led by my friend Terri Smith, they ended the meeting by praying for me. It was 1973, my senior year in Waterloo, Iowa, and they had told me prior that they would seek the Lord on my behalf, to receive something more, way beyond what I could have already learned in 12 years of religious education. Having grown up in the Midwest state of Iowa*, in one of the finest school systems in the USA, I knew I needed and thus desired more in my life.
Columbus Catholic High School in Waterloo, Iowa
And I was not disappointed. After they circled around me, laid hands on my head and shoulders, I began to know the Holy Spirit in a very real, very tangible way. I was 18. He had been around for all eternity.
This One was no longer in my mind, my heart, my soul as just the “Third Person of the Trinity”. Nor was He just “Holy Ghost” – like Casper the friendly ghost who I grew up watching on TV. He was no longer some foreign concept that somehow, I was supposed to have believed in without ever seeing. Of course, I was taught to believe that in the Apostles Creed from my youth up.
No, Holy Spirit, without the “The”, became my Guide, my Comforter, the One Who gave me the ability to pray in a language which I didn’t know, for things I wasn’t sure I was praying for, Who had just come into my life. He had also endowed me with gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are listed in Scripture, found in Romans and Corinthians, written by Paul the apostle, the believing Jew in the Messiah, the One Who had fulfilled His promise in sending Holy Spirit.
Instrumental as part of the foundational stone in my Christian life, was the first gift of speaking in tongues. From that point on I knew, really knew in my heart that I was praying the right prayers. It was not just for the Pentecostals down the street, which previously I had considered somewhat weird. Nor the Protestant and Catholic Charismatic people, which were being blessed all around the world with that current move of the Holy Spirit in the 1960s and 70s.
Holy Spirit symbol in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit had come to me. That moment in time forever changed my life. Forever changed my life.
Yeshua (Jesus) had fulfilled His promise to His followers, the Jews in 33 AD, that after His death, burial, and resurrection He would send His Holy Spirit to them, for the power they would need to obey His commission to take the Good News, the Gospel, to the nations. They too were not disappointed.
As historically and factually recorded in Acts 2:1-13 (I am quoting here from the Complete Jewish Bible), we know what happened to these first disciples, all Jewish believers in Yeshua.
“The festival of Shavu‘ot (Pentecost as known in English) arrived, and the believers all gathered together in one place. Suddenly there came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire, which separated and came to rest on each one of them. They were all filled with the Ruach HaKodesh and began to talk in different languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
Now there were staying in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) religious Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd gathered; they were confused, because each one heard the believers speaking in his own language. Totally amazed, they asked, “How is this possible? Aren’t all these people who are speaking from the Galil (Galilee)? How is it that we hear them speaking in our native languages? We are Parthians, Medes, Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Y’hudah (Judah), Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome; Jews by birth and proselytes; Jews from Crete and from Arabia. . . ! How is it that we hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things God has done?” Amazed and confused, they all went on asking each other, “What can this mean?” But others made fun of them and said, “They’ve just had too much wine!”
I am not much of a wine drinker (just have not gotten a liking to the taste) but obviously these Jewish believers had quite a reaction when the power of the Holy Spirit came upon them that day. The lives they then lived from that point on proved to the world that indeed they were empowered by Someone outside of just a fleshly commitment to obey the Lord. Holy Spirit had given them the courage, the boldness, the empowerment they would need to take that which Yeshua (Jesus) had taught them, to a dying world which too needed what they had been given.
Lord knows we each need the Holy Spirt today in our lives.
I have been to the Upper Room in the Old City of Jerusalem several times. Though we cannot always know the “exact” location where anything ever happened in mankind’s history, this surely is close enough for me. And when I have gathered with many, many Christians, and Jews, believers in the One God, in that place, I can tangibly feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Greg Partipilo – one of the four men on our Love For His People 1st annual fall men’s trip – Ahava Adventures. In the Upper Room, Jerusalem. Oct. 2019 Photo by Steve Martin
From that initial day in 1973 with my high school friends, the 3rd person of the Trinity, God Himself, has led me in the ways of the Lord. He has spoken words of guidance, hope, direction, and encouragement into my spirit. He has taught me the ways of God the Father, and the impacting knowledge of the Only Begotten Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ.
During the late 1990s, here in Charlotte, North Carolina, dozens of us would gather each Friday night at All Nations Church, in an actual converted horse barn which, along with my Dad, Louis Martin, had first taken out the horse stalls to begin transformation of the place!
The gathering was called the “Watch of the Lord” by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, to have 8 hours of praise and worship of the Lord, prayer for Israel, the USA, and the nations, prophetic words, and healing for the sick. Each Friday night from 10 pm to 6 am. To this day it continues, though with a few less hours. (You can read, and see photos, of those years in my book, “The Promise. One Man’s Journey To See God’s Word Revealed, 2013).
One amazing facet of the evening/early morning hours were the lengthy times of praying in tongues together. In fact, on one special night, we had a minister present who spoke of how the Lord had instructed him to pray for hours in tongues, unknowing what he was praying for. Years later, at a critical time in his ministry, the Holy Spirit told him that those previous hours of praying in tongues had prepared him and those around him for the great plan God had brought him to, in which he needed the faith and courage to build a Christian radio station in the Northeast corner of the USA. The ground had been prepared through his obedience, and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment, to then build.
To this day I regularly pray in tongues.
We not only look to the annual special season of Pentecost, celebrated for centuries by the Church, but all the way back to the very first time of Holy Spirit’s coming during the Lord’s Feast of Shavuot, occurring in the Jewish city of Jerusalem, Yerushalayim.
The Holy Spirit came then, to empower and send out the believers. His ongoing desire is to do the same for us, for those who continue to seek the Living God of Israel and His plans and purposes to be fulfilled in their lives.
Come Holy Spirit. (Or as in Hebrew, Bo Ruach HaKodesh). Fill our hearts and souls with Your presence, O Lord.
Now think on this.
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin, Founder/President  Love For His People, Inc.
*The Iowa educational school system, in the 1970s, had the final testing for students that was used in the nation at that time, based on its high standards of teaching high school students. It was called the Iowa Basic Skills. And the Catholic school system was known for having an even higher standard than what the state, and nation, had set.
Come on!
SPECIAL NOTE: Our ministry’s new mobile app is available for iPhones and Androids is available. See it below? These are free app downloads! Look here: Love For His People free phone app
Please sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On ThisThe sign-up form is on our new ministry website:
You are welcome to help support the work of this ministry, including the assistance we give to families in Israel: DONATE online now. You can also send checks to: Love For His People P.O. Box 414 Pineville, NC 28134
Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did. And I thank you too.
Now Think On This #511 – in the year of our Lord 05.22.2020 – “Holy Spirit” – Friday, 5:25 am in Charlotte, NC USA

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Deliverance From Evil - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Deliverance From Evil

“But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth.” 1 Timothy 4:1-3 (NASB)

When the young girl rose up violently from the floor, rapidly pulled up by something, from laying flat on her back, and spoke in a loud, man’s gruff voice, “I am not leaving her. I have been here too long” - my opinion of whether demons existed or not needed no further proof of their reality.

And a decade before that, in 1973 when I was still a young adult and open to all that would try to convince me of the other side in the supernatural realm, I saw the movie The Exorcist with actress Linda Blair, in my high school senior year. That was indeed demonic, and no one can convince me otherwise.

With the passing of these last 45 years since then, when most of America yet seemed to follow God, the increase of demonic activity, revealing itself through witchcraft, anti-Semitism, racism and white supremacy (to name a few, all in the same classification) should be enough to convince anyone who walks and talks that the work of demons and their leadership from the underworld has vastly increased in people’s lives.

Even Walt Disney Pictures has very subtlety pushed their spiritual agenda on our kids, in the guise of fun, wholesomeness, tolerance, and acceptance, when all along it is simply witchcraft too.

The Bible teachers and deliverance ministers I sat under for clear Scriptural truth, during my early Christian years, laying a great foundation in my spiritual life, included Derek Prince (his classic book They Shall Expel Demons is a must-read), Don Basham (his book Deliver Us From Evil also a classic), and Mahesh Chavda (read Only Love Can Make A Miracle). They taught, straight from the Word of God, that demons, deliverance, and spiritual warfare was very real, and as believers, we need to know how to combat and overcome the forces opposed to our very existence, and that of our families and friends.

There are far too many Christians, and of course non-believers, who would like to dismiss the work of the enemy as non-existent; choosing instead to allocate everything affecting us as either a physical, mental, or ancestral problem. Hence, they will use natural means to try and overcome a spiritual problem.

Is everything bad thing caused by demonic activity? No, of course not. Most of our situations are caused by sin in our own lives that we bring on ourselves, through disobedience to God’s Word. Drunkenness, alcoholism, sexual perversity, homosexuality, and pornography are not caused by a disease, but most often are results of sin and generational curses brought down through sin of our forefathers. But there is certainly demonic activity that requires deliverance, and which will not “be cured” except by this supernatural action. Generational curses can be broken. Watch Dr. Peter Wyns: Blessings or Curses or get the book (Blessings or Curses - book.) 

As darkness increases exponentially during these times and as the satanic force sees his time drawing to an end, especially since the rebirth of Israel in 1948, we must know, practice, and confront head-on the deceit, lies, and the deception that abounds. Deliverance can bring freedom.

The Holy Spirit will open our eyes if we ask. So, we must ask.

Now think on this and see what good things the Lord has in store for you and those around you.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I very thankful to the Lord Jesus, and blessed to note that this is the 450th Now Think On This message I have written. 

When I started out writing in the fall of 2010, after a return trip from Israel and asked the Lord, “Now what?” as we started Love For His People ministry that spring, He replied, “Write love letters.”

And so beginning with the first ones, known then as Ahava Love Letters (see a few of those here in my book of the same name: Book - Ahava Love Letters by Steve Martin 2013, the Holy Spirit has given me inspiration to share His heart.

Please sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On This. The sign-up form is on our ministry website:

You are welcome to help support the families in Israel that we do. Give now. Givelify.

Love For His People ministry
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

Now Think On This #450in the year of our Lord 08.22.19 – “Deliverance from Evil” – Thursday, 6:20 pm

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Love For His People - moving forward in our 9th year with you. For them.

July 11, 2018

Charlotte, North Carolina

Dear friends of Love For His People,

Just over a year ago - Saturday, July 1, 2017 - was a very special day for me.

Seven years ago on June 30, 2010, I had left the third ministry I had worked for in the past 24 years (this one was Vision for Israel with Barry and Batya Segal, after 14 years at Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda Ministries/All Nations Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, and eight years total at Derek Prince Ministries (Ft. Lauderdale and Charlotte), finishing with the last five at VFI. (Some years I split the 40 hour work week between two of them if you are a numbers person counting the years.)

The complete reason in departing my service at VFI was to start a new ministry, co-founded by my good wife Laurie and I. We called it Love For His People (officially formed in April 2010 with our USA non-profit, 501(c)3 approval) - primarily to bless the Jews of Israel, and specifically the believers, those who have come to acknowledge that Yeshua is the Messiah, HaMashiach.

As non-Jews, Gentiles, goyim, Christian Zionists (whatever label we have!), we began the organization/ministry to stand strong for the Jewish state of Israel, Yisrael - the Land of Israel - in this world of nations that continually becomes more anti-Semitic daily. We have been called, as the prophetic word in 2002 was spoken, as a "scepter for Israel."

 With both Laurie and I saved and called to be man and woman in the Lord Jesus Christ, our heart's desire is to do our part in speaking up for those who, for centuries, experienced nothing more than "hate" in the "name of Christ", from so-called Christians. That included Adolf Hitler himself, who used Martin Luther's last completely inerrant days, of non-Scriptural theology, to espouse Replacement Theology. This totally wrong belief that the "church" had replaced Israel as the one receiving the promises of the God of Israel. Today, it continues to be totally inaccurate, both historically and spiritually.

Thus, with these seven years now completed since the start of Love For His People (seven being "completion" in the Lord's number listing), it is similar to the seven ones that King Solomon took to complete the first Jewish Temple on the Mount (in Jerusalem, ISRAEL) centuries ago. As it states in the Torah, "he was seven years in building it." (1 Kings 6:38).

As a side note, this fact alone is proof enough that ALL of Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. The Jews had been given, and on many occasions even bought, the land of Israel they have now returned too.

Western Wall at Temple Mount - May 2017 - Jerusalem, ISRAEL (photo by Steve Martin)

We now begin our 9th year with the ministry of Love For His People, Inc

Israel, of course, continues to be the main objective in our support, but we also will be standing with those others who join alongside us in helping Jews make aliyah (return to Israel), speak out for the nation, and appreciate their Jewish roots as believers in Jesus (Yeshua).

We ask you to join us in our continuing efforts.

This ministry, with no staff or paid contractors, sends monthly funds to families in Jerusalem. For some of these, it has been for over seven years now. Consistently. Each month.

Our daily blog Love For His People also features my messages Now Think On This, which then are posted to our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. These messages are then printed into books (15 as of this date) on various encouraging and uplifting subjects.
Our Love For His People blog regularly shares Messianic news posted by Israel Today, with Aviel Schneider, Russ Jones, and team. Other news and prophetic ministry outlets, CharismaNews, CBN News Jerusalem, Breaking Israel News, Israel365, The Elijah List, are reposted to give you the truth, current events and relevant articles to help you grow in spirit, soul, and body.

Israel Today Editor - Aviel Schneider (Jerusalem, May 2013)

Our YouTube channel (Steve Martin) has over 1100 videos (several dozens recorded by myself in Israel over 16 trips) with over 940 subscribers; Twitter accounts, including (Steve Martin@Martinlighthous) have tweets that have gone out more than 55K at this point in time.

YouTube channel, with over 1100 videos.

Please excuse my numbers chant - I am an accountant by trade!

Again, we ask you to now join us in weekly, monthly or annual donation support. Our new association with Mobile Cause out of Los Angeles has made it very simple, safe and secure for you to do now online. Either use this link below or the Donate button on the right side column of our blog.

Here: Love For His People blog

We have been blessed by the Lord Jesus, and we would love to have you join us in blessing His chosen people.

With our shalom (peace) and ahava (love),

Steve and Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Home bookcase with published books. All available on Amazon and Kindle.

14th book, published in May 2017
Buy here in paperback or Kindle
Awesome God

Just published June 2017
Buy here in paperback or Kindle
Basic Life Principles

We appreciate your support.  This ministry blesses you as you become a blessing to the nations 
that our Lord loves and died for.
(Genesis 12:3)

Checks can be sent to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Questions? E-mail Steve Martin at

Steve at the Camel Ranch near Eilat, Israel 2009


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Praise Adonai - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations Church worship 1999

Praise Adonai 
Steve & Laurie Martin
All Nations Church worship 1999

Published on Jun 13, 2017

Praise Adonai - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations Church worship 1999
Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Charlotte, NC - Westinghouse/Granite St. location 1997-2000

Original recording - sound man John O'Leary
Video recorded by Steve Martin June 13, 2017 at 7 am in Charlotte, NC one mile from our home.

Worship team: Patti McPherson, Terry Lafferty, Gilbert Crespo, Ron Bowen, Brian Johnston, Bob Smith, John Kirwin (electric guitar), Ruth Davis, Little Big Eagle (bass guitar)

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

"Who Is Like Him Praise Adonai" - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations Church worship team 1999

"Who Is Like Him Praise Adonai" 
Steve & Laurie Martin
All Nations Church worship team 

Published on Jun 13, 2017

"Who Is Like Him Praise Adonai" - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations Church worship Charlotte - Love For His People

Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Charlotte, NC - Westinghouse/Granite St. location 1997-2000

Original recording - sound man John O'Leary
Video recorded by Steve Martin June 13, 2017 Tuesday at 7:07 am Charlotte, NC near our home.

Worship team: Patti McPherson, Terry Lafferty, Gilbert Crespo, Ron Bowen, Brian Johnston, Bob Smith, John Kerwin (electric guitar), Ruth Davis, Little Big Eagle (bass guitar)

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.