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Showing posts with label National Religious Broadcasters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Religious Broadcasters. Show all posts
Monday, March 5, 2018
National Religious Broadcasters Resolve to Pray for Jerusalem and Israel - Breaking Israel News
Thursday, August 17, 2017
LoveMusic! - Wonderful Magnificent God - Don Moen live concert
Wonderful Magnificent God
Don Moen
Live concert at Regent University
Aug. 17, 2017
Dear LoveMusic! friends who love to worship the Lord Jesus too,
If anyone can help lead worshippers into the presence of the Living God, it certainly has been and continues to be, Don Moen. With such a heart to serve, which is the heart of the Lord Himself, Don has truly been a source of encouragement, passion, and strength in walking the walk we talk.
After years of receiving Don's CDs through the Integrity Music monthly program, HosannaMusic! (see the resemblance in name with LoveMusic!), it was such an honor to meet him at an NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) convention in Nashville, TN around 2007. And Don is the same, great person in person as he is when leading multitudes to the throne of the Lord.
I hope you are blessed by his ministry as I have been. Listen to Wonderful Magnificent God with your eyes closed and your heart open, and the Holy Spirit will truly reveal more of the Lord Yeshua's heart to yours.
We love you, Don! Thank you so much for your life of love and encouragement!
Ahava and shalom to all,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina
Don Moen - live concert at Regent University, Virginia
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And in more than three decades of ministry, he’s had lots of opportunity to fulfill that purpose.
His discography reflects his passion to create resources for the church that lead people into an honest and intimate relationship with the Lord. In 2002, his peers recognized that lifelong commitment and presented him with the Ray DeVries Church Ministry Award.
Don has also received a Dove Award for his work on the musical “God With Us” and has received multiple Dove Award nominations for his songs, CDs and choral resources. In addition to his writing and recording, Don makes time to tour domestically and abroad and has performed with artists such as Chris Tomlin, Twila Paris, Sara Groves and Paul Baloche to name a few. He also has served as worship leader for past National Day of Prayer events and as a music industry spokesperson, having been featured on Fox News, NPR and in USA Today.
Don has also received a Dove Award for his work on the musical “God With Us” and has received multiple Dove Award nominations for his songs, CDs and choral resources. In addition to his writing and recording, Don makes time to tour domestically and abroad and has performed with artists such as Chris Tomlin, Twila Paris, Sara Groves and Paul Baloche to name a few. He also has served as worship leader for past National Day of Prayer events and as a music industry spokesperson, having been featured on Fox News, NPR and in USA Today.
Don is as popular overseas as he is at home in the U.S. His travels for concerts and seminars have taken him to Ghana, South Africa, Singapore, the Philippines, South Korea, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Guatemala, Honduras, and elsewhere. Today, Don is President of Don Moen Productions in Nashville, Tennessee, where he resides with his wife Laura and five children. Source: Don Moen website
Lyrics:There is none like You
For all that I have found
All I want is You
For all the wonders You do
And all that You are
What I can bring to You
I offer my heart
Wonderful magnificent God
I'm humbled by the life You gave
Beautiful Redeemer You are
Worthy of my highest praise
(Repeat Verse 1 and Chorus)
What can we give to You o God
For everything You have given to us
What can we give to You o God
For everything You have given to us
What can we give to You o God
For everything You have given to us
We offer our lives to You o God
For everything You have given to us
We offer our lives to You o God
For everything You have given to us
We offer our lives to You o God
For everything You have given to us
(Repeat Chorus twice)
Wonderful, You are Wonderful
Wonderful, You are Wonderful
Wonderful magnificent God
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Heaven TV7 - direct from Jerusalem (in English and other languages)
Jonathan Hessen - Israel Bureau Chief and Editor of TV7 Jerusalem
(with Steve Martin, Love For His People, Inc.)
I had the joy of meeting Jonathan Hessen, the young Israel Bureau Chief and Editor of TV7 broadcasting from Jerusalem. This was his first year at the NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) convention in Nashville, TN Feb. 23-26, 2016. He is a sabra (born in Israel).
After comparing "notes", we found we have many common friends in Jerusalem. I promised him I would help share his work and the news network on my blog, so I am fulfilling my word. Not only in this blog posting, but I also have added the link to the Heaven TV7 on the right column of our blogspot. Please take a look!
You can also click here: TV& Israel News.
Heaven TV7 also broadcasts into Europe and Scandinavia. Again, please check out the network.
Blessings on ye head Jonathan! Hope to see you again in Jerusalem in May when we come over to Israel.'
Shalom my new friend,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Proclaiming Justice To The Nations (PJTN) dinner with Laurie Cardoza-Moore at the NRB in Nashville, TN
Proclaiming Justice To The Nations (PJTN) dinner with Laurie Cardoza-Moore at the NRB in Nashville, TN
Thursday pm, Feb. 25, 2016
Gaylord Opryland
Laurie Cardoza-Moore, PJTN
Steve and Ben Martin of Love For His People, Inc. attend the dinner as part of the NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) convention in Nashville.
Standing together in support of Israel and the Jewish people, the hundreds gathered heard from Rev. Raphael Cruz (father of USA Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz), comedian Brad Stine, Rabbi Jonathan Hausman and NRB President Dr. Jerry Johnson.
Laurie Cardoza-Moore with Jeffrey Levinson of GODTV and others
Comedian Brad Stine
Rev. Raphael Cruz
Rabbi Jonathan Hausman
Photos by Steve Martin, Love For His People
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Joel Rosenberg - Apocalyptic Islam to the Jerusalem Leaders Summit (full video)
Here’s the full video of my address on Apocalyptic Islam to the Jerusalem Leaders Summit.by joelcrosenberg |
If you're interested in watching the 39-minute address I delivered at the Jerusalem Leaders Summit on the differences between Radical Islam and Apocalyptic Islam, please click here.
I'm deeply grateful to Joel Anand Samy and his team from The Heritage Foundation, National Religious Broadcasters, the Family Research Council, and other organizations who organized the Summit and invited me to participate.
- To order The Third Target — now in paperback — please click here, or go to your favorite bookstore in your community.
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joelcrosenberg | November 17, 2015 at 4:36 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:http://wp.me/piWZ7-3op
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Santorum & NRB executives showed real leadership - Joel Rosenberg
Santorum & NRB executives showed real leadership by visiting Israel amidst a hot war. They get the importance of US-Israel alliance & gravity of jihadist threat.by joelcrosenberg |
(Central Israel) -- Last week, I had the opportunity to speak to and travel through Israel with two solidarity delegations from the United States. One was organized by former Senator Rick Santorum and included businessmen, journalists and evangelical Christian pastors from across the country. The other was led by Dr. Jerry Johnson, president & CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters and included highly-respected Christian leaders such as Anne Graham Lotz, Kay Arthur, Tony Perkins and Dr. Richard Land.
I shared some of our experiences on my blog last week. But I want to add a few thoughts upon having had time to reflect further on what I saw.
Senator Santorum and the NRB executives showed tremendous leadership by visiting Israel during a hot war. Each is a long-time friend of Israel, but this was above and beyond the call of duty. These principled men and women demonstrated true love and support for America's number one ally in the Middle East. They came here even while hundreds of rockets were raining down on the Jewish state. They came when almost no one else was visiting the country. They visited troops on the frontlines. They visited Israelis personally scarred by Hamas terrorism. They met with high-level government officials. They met with everyday Israelis -- Jews and Arabs -- all over the country. They learned how the Iron Dome system works and saw its benefits. They heard the Code Red sirens go off. They ran to bomb shelters like everyone else. Most importantly, they studied the Scriptures together and prayed for the peace of Jerusalem and communicated what they saw and heard back to millions of Americans back home via radio, TV and newspaper interviews, as well as via Facebook and Twitter.
How many others did that over the past fifty days of this cruel war?
I don't know whether Senator Santorum will run for President again. I know he did remarkably well in 2012, coming in second after Gov. Romney, after winning the Iowa caucuses and a total of 11 primaries and some four million votes. He's not currently a declared candidate, and won't make his decision about 2016 until sometime next year. Therefore, what impresses me is that he is standing up for what is right, right now. He didn't come for a photo op. He came to better understand the crisis in the Middle East and explain it to the American people.
When Santorum was serving in the Senate, he took the lead in supporting Israel and advancing legislation to deal with the threats from Iran and Syria. Today, though he is out of office, he continues to demonstrate that he gets the importance of a strong US-Israel relationship; that he truly understands the threat Radical Islamic jihadists pose to the U.S., Israel and our Arab allies in the Middle East; that he sees the danger Christians, Jews and other minorities face in the epicenter. He has enormous experience on these issues, and it shows in the way he speaks about these issues and the policies for which he advocates. He's willing to speak out in a bold, principled way, regardless of whether the establishment in Washington notices or cares, and regardless of whether the mainstream media notices or cares.
Good for him. I'm impressed and grateful. May his tribe increase.
Likewise, Dr. Jerry Johnson and the folks from NRB are acting as true Christian statesmen. They love and support Israel. But they also care deeply for the plight of the Palestinian people who are being traumatized by Hamas and being caught in the crossfire of this terrible, painful war. These Christian leaders aren't succumbing to the moral relativism of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) or other liberal, apostate denominations that have abandoned the Bible and the Scriptural call to bless Israel. They are standing on the Word of God, boldly and without apology.
Good for them. I'm impressed and grateful. May their tribe increase, as well.
One last thought for now: I strongly agree with the point Senator Santorum makes in his new op-ed (see below) -- supporting Israel should not be a partisan issue. It should be a bipartisan commitment. Sadly, the President has brought US-Israel relations to its lowest point in 66 years. This deeply concerns me. That's why I'm working on building friendships with Democrats as well as Republicans who support Israel and understand the issues here in the Middle East, or want to. To the extent time permits, I will do my best to help any leader who cares about these issues and is trying to do the right thing. That's why I joined the Santorum and NRB delegations, and why I'll help others in the future.
Please join me in thanking Rick, Jerry Johnson, and all who joined their delegations for showing true leadership and the courage of their convictions "at such a time as this."
Op-ed in the Manchester (NH) Union Leader by former Senator Rick Santorum, published on August 27, 2014
On May 14, 1948, the United States of America was the first nation to officially recognize the newly reborn State of Israel. It was morally right and strategically wise that we did so, and we have been blessed as a nation ever since with a true friend in the Middle East.
It happened to be a Democrat, President Harry Truman, who understood the Jewish people’s right and need to return to their ancient homeland to be safe and free, especially in the wake of the Holocaust. To his great credit, Mr. Truman refused to follow the counsel of those in his own administration, even his own secretary of state, who said it was foolish for America to support a strong, safe and free Jewish state.
Yet while it was a Democrat in the White House who set into motion America’s alliance with Israel, it is another Democrat in the White House who has brought U.S.-Israel relations to their lowest point in 66 years.
This great alliance should not be a partisan issue. Indeed, support for Israel on Capitol Hill is one of the few issues that bring both parties together. Yet the President is an outlier, consistently creating new tensions and divisions with Israel, even while she is under attack by a virulent and ruthless enemy.
This should not be. Most Americans see Israel not simply as an ancient nation but a modern miracle, a true partner on many fronts, from manufacturing to agriculture to the development of state-of-the-art weapons systems like the Iron Dome. They also see a vibrant democracy and a real partner in the war with terrorists.
Yet it has become painfully apparent that our current President does not agree.
I came to Israel last week to show solidarity with her people and government, in part because I am embarrassed by the actions of my own government. The White House should never pressure an ally to accept flawed, biased ceasefire proposals in a war with terrorists who are hell-bent on annihilating them.
The U.S. government should never hold back arms from — or micromanage arms transfers to — an ally fighting for her life.
No administration should try to force an ally to divide her own capital city and surrender the sovereignty of that capital to an enemy sworn to obliterate her.
Nor should any administration leak to the media policy or personal disagreements with an ally, especially during war time.
Yet this is exactly what is happening.
The delegation of American business leaders, pastors and journalists I brought to Jerusalem join me in standing with Israel because we see a friend under attack and feeling increasingly alone. While we were there, Hamas fired more than 150 rockets at Israeli civilian population centers, bringing their total rocket attacks to more than 4,000 in the past seven weeks. My colleagues and I were in Jerusalem on Tuesday evening when the Code Red sirens sounded. A rocket was headed for the Holy City and we had to rush into bomb shelters with our Israeli friends. Yet the world repeatedly criticizes and condemns Israel for exercising her right to self-defense.
Imagine if Washington, D.C., or St. Louis or San Diego were under rocket attack. Would we not strike back hard and relentlessly at those firing the rockets? Would we take kindly to foreign leaders who told us to stop defending ourselves even as the terrorists kept shooting at us?
The most moving part of our visit was meeting with the precious parents of Gil’Ad Shaer, one of the teenage boys Hamas kidnapped and murdered in June. As we sat in their home we heard their story and saw their grief. But we also saw their determination not to let the jihadists destroy their country or their hope for the future.
America must stand with such brave souls. After all, Israel’s fight against radical Islam is our fight too. If we do not defeat the terrorists in the Mideast, they will strike America at home.
Our commitment to Israel does not mean we are blind to the pain and challenges the Palestinians in Gaza face. To the contrary, we care deeply about them and seek their freedom from tyranny.
The Palestinians of Gaza absolutely need to be liberated....from the cruel occupation of Hamas. The Palestinians of Gaza need to be set free from Hamas’ reign of terror and barbarity. This should be a major priority of the U.S. government.
Unfortunately, American foreign policy today is in complete disarray. Incompetence reigns in the White House and State Department and has for six years. Our friends no longer trust us. Our enemies no longer fear us. This is a recipe for disaster.
“Leading from behind” is not leadership at all. The President’s steady retreat from the Mideast is creating a dangerous vacuum jihadist forces are moving to fill from Syria to Iraq to Gaza.
We can and must do better. Democrats should start by putting serious pressure on the President to truly and fully support Israel and to stop pressuring her to make bad deals with dangerous foes. Republicans can start by repudiating isolationist voices in our party and those who call for ending all military aid to Israel.
Now is the time to stand unified for Israel.
Rick Santorum is a former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
joelcrosenberg | August 28, 2014 at 7:19 am
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