For nearly 2000 years, an undeniable tension between Christians and Jews has pierced the religious landscape. While some factions have followed paths that resulted in in the expansion of the gap—replacement theology—others have spent efforts to bridge the gap between the two groups.
Israel365 has partnered with Menorah Books, a division of Koren Publishers in Jerusalem, to publish the first hard-copy edition of The Israel Bible. This new Bible, set to release to the public in June, is the world's first Bible (Tanakh) centered around the land of Israel, the people of Israel and the dynamic relationship between them. The Israel Bible is designed for both Jewish and non-Jewish readers.
Israel365 promotes the biblical significance and physical beauty of the land of Israel according to Deuteronomy 11:12 in The Israel Bible: "A land which Hashem your God cares for; the eyes of Hashem your God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even until the end of the year."
Rabbi Tuly Weisz, founder and director of Israel365 and publisher of Breaking News Israel, says that with the publishing of The Israel Bible, the Bible is "no longer source of disunity but unity between Jews and Christians."
"We're certainly living in critical times where support for Israel is more divisive than ever, and solidifying biblical support for Israel among the Christian Zionist community is more important than ever," Weisz said. "The writers of the New Testament left us with a text that is not anti-Semitic. It does not put forth a replacement position. It's amazing how that text became more misrepresented by some once the church became more Gentile."
The release of The Israel Bible, a publishing effort that began in 2015, coincides with the 70th anniversary of Israeli Independence, established in 1948.
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem Vice President David Parsons says that many different versions of the Bible have led to the assumption that Christianity is built upon the premise that God rejected the Jewish people and made a covenant with a new nation. But he says, the tide is beginning to turn.
"Now, many Christians are beginning to reject replacement theology," Parsons said. "And, they're looking for a Jewish interpretation of the Bible."
Anti-Semitism, which has existed for thousands of years, has intensified worldwide. This infectious attitude has penetrated evangelical circles with false teachings, Weisz says. The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians for land rights in the Middle East also has served to divide sentiments among evangelical Christians and has led many to adopt an anti-Israel theological position.
The liberal media also makes countless efforts to vilify the Jewish state.
"The evangelical voice on Israel is being pulled away from us by the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), which is really looking to chip away at evangelical support of Israel," Weisz said. "This Israel Bible, directed at the Christian Zionist evangelical market, can help evangelicals become more knowledgeable of what the Bible says about Israel and to whom Israel belongs, as well as the source of the Jewish right to the land of Israel."
The Israel Bible offers a unique commentary that seeks to explain God's focus on the land of Israel alongside the original Hebrew text and includes transliteration of select Hebrew verses. It also helps readers learn Hebrew while reading the Bible.
Among The Israel Bible's features are:
- An exclusive collection of maps, charts and illustrations that bring the land of Israel to life.
- Hundreds of study notes that illuminate the wisdom of Jewish sages.
- Contemporary commentary highlighting the role of the modern State of Israel in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
The Bible's official website,, conveys a heartfelt message from the publisher: "May The Israel Bible be a small contribution toward bringing about the final redemption of Israel and the world."