Showing posts with label New Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Man. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

Are You Cursing Your Money Without Realizing It? | 11 Key Characteristics of an Emotional Internalizer | Help Heal Your Daughter's...- New Man

Charisma Magazine Newsletter
Friday, August 4, 2017
Are You Cursing Your Money Without Realizing It?
Your money is either cursed or blessed.

11 Key Characteristics of an Emotional Internalizer
By whom do you feel empowered? To whom can you entrust something and find her competence and attitude refreshing? She just might be an emotional internalizer.

Help Heal Your Daughter's Heart With These 4 Practical Steps
If you want peace and harmony with your daughter, consider this wise advice.

Mastering the Art of Being Mentored—4 Steps to Successful Growth
So, if you want a meaningful mentoring relationship, let me offer more good advice.

Are You Willing to Take This Vital Step Toward Bravehearted Manhood?
How you respond to this question will determine your Christian walk.
MT + Love Leads Ride A Long
Love Leads podcast
Love Leads podcastListen as Dr. Steve Greene's leadership podcast comes alive with stories, teachings, and guests who lead with love. Listen now
Charisma Media
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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Positioning Yourself to Let Holy Spirit Speak to You in Your Sleep | 3 Strong Weapons to Defeat the Overwhelming Giant of Lust in Your Life - New Man

Charisma Magazine Newsletter
Friday, July 28, 2017

Positioning Yourself to Let Holy Spirit Speak to You in Your Sleep
The great botanist and inventor, George Washington Carver, was known for relying upon the Spirit for creativity. 

3 Strong Weapons to Defeat the Overwhelming Giant of Lust in Your Life
You are 100 percent responsible for every choice you make to lust.
Help Your Child Adjust Bad Attitudes With These 6 Practical Tips
A child with a negative, complaining attitude can wear down even the best dads.

Avoid a Marital 'Functionship' With This Routine-Crushing Idea
It's hard to keep the romance fresh when the kids come along.

Respond to Your Wife's Rejection With These 10 Healthy Steps
Taking things for granted often leads to resentment and possibly rejection.
Love Leads podcast
Love Leads podcastListen as Dr. Steve Greene's leadership podcast comes alive with stories, teachings, and guests who lead with love. Listen now
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© Copyright 2017 Charisma Media. All Rights Reserved.  |  600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746  |  Phone: 407-333-0600

Friday, June 30, 2017

Dad, It's Time to Cast the Spirit of Rejection Out of Your Home | Walking Out Your Scriptural Right to a Lust-Free Life - NEW MAN CHARISMA NEWS

Charisma Magazine Newsletter
Friday, June 30, 2017
Dad, It's Time to Cast the Spirit of Rejection Out of Your Home
The enemy knows that 18 is an age at which our children are highly vulnerable.

Walking Out Your Scriptural Right to a Lust-Free Life
The key is found in the Father's heart.

Are You Too Harsh With Your Kids?
Parents need to be firm, but harshness can cause significant damage.

'The 10-Minute Marriage Principle': 3 Obstacles to Your Marriage's Success
"The Ten-Minute Marriage Principle" is a marriage manual that has already been tested in real marriages even across cultures.

The Surest Way to Overcome Life's Harsh Disappointments
Self-focus can never provide a sense of purpose or fulfillment sufficient to sustain a life.

Charisma Media
© Copyright 2017 Charisma Media. All Rights Reserved.  |  600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746  |  Phone: 407-333-0600

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Here are many ways you can celebrate being single.

Photo above: Here are many ways you can celebrate being single. (Lightstock )

New Man
It's not always easy being single: third wheeling it at the movies, persevering through some awkward dates and scrambling for a good answer when well-meaning friends and family members ask if you've met anyone "special" yet.
Although it has its fair share of uncomfortable situations and weekend nights sitting on the couch in pajamas, being single does not have to be the time in your life you barely get through.
Here are a few ways to live life fully and pursue growth in your single season:
1. Go on adventures. Travel. Take road trips. There might be a day coming when you can't just pick up and leave because you'll have a family, so go places. Take your friends, take pictures, see new things, try things you're scared of, spend time with people from other cultures and fill your journal up with stories.
2. Don't overdose on romance movies and books. There's nothing like getting totally absorbed in the life of someone else who has a girlfriend or boyfriend, to send you into a whirlwind of sorrow and loneliness. It may not be romantic movies that send you into the whirlwind. It may be certain music, websites or particular places or environments. Be kind to yourself and stay away from the things that make being single more difficult.
3. Do things that make you come alive. Write, draw, paint, exercise, cook, play field hockey, program computers—whatever it is that makes time disappear and makes you glad you were born.
Pursue other interests. You can even take risks on some of them that would be more difficult to take with a spouse and children, like starting a business.
4. Get dressed up. Ladies, put on a dress, really cute shoes and some lipstick. Guys, this isn't just for the ladies. Take a shower, shave the scruff, pull out your sharpest outfit. When you're single, there are times apathy can start to sneak in because you haven't gone on a date in 65 weeks and you'd rather sit on the couch watching reruns than try to go anywhere. Getting ready and putting time and effort into your appearance shows you value yourself and you will value whatever relationships you enter in the future.
5. Be nice to your friends in different seasons. Celebrate their engagements. Buy presents for their new babies. Don't shut down your relationships with people because you're in different seasons. Someday when you're having your moment, you're going to be so glad the people you care about are there celebrating you.
6. Hang out with families. People who are happily married have a wealth of wisdom for you to learn from. Ask questions, play with their kids and watch how they treat each other. What do they love and what do they find challenging? They've been in your shoes, and you will probably be in their shoes some day, so let them help set you up for success with healthy expectations for marriage and family.
7. Learn to get really good about having fun. Become a master at enjoying the moment and the season you're in. There will always be something to worry about or something more you feel like you need. Get good at enjoying your life right now, and you will be able to fully enjoy it later. This is a unique moment in time, and you'll never be here again. Don't miss it.
8. Realize that problems don't disappear when you're married. Married or single, you're still going to be you. All your problems, addictions and bad habits go with you. If you're struggling in the area of purity or sexuality, work through it now.
The reason God gave you a sex drive before you were married is because He knew you'd have to be able to manage it when you are married.
9. Hang out with Jesus. This is the only time in your life Jesus can have this much of your time. One day you might be up all night with a crying baby or running around trying to get your kids to school and you're not going to have time for a shower, let alone a nice long quiet time with your latte and your Bible. Get deeply rooted in His love. Write His Word on your heart so you have it inside you during the busier times in life.
10. Let God tell you who you are. You're not beautiful because boys say you are; you're beautiful because God says so. You're not a handsome stud of a man because all the ladies love you; you're a man because God says you are. Get your identity from Him because He knows you, created you, and His love for you is steady, unlike the wavering opinions of people. 
There are more ways than these to make the most of your singlehood. Figure out what works best for you. The important thing to remember is there is no part of your life where you simply have to survive and not thrive.
God uses every part our lives to grow us and prepare us for the incredible things He has ahead. Chase after complete freedom and abundant life, not only in this season, but in every one to come.
Andrea Alley is an intern for For the original article,
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Sunday, January 3, 2016


You may be there. Things at home are cold. There is a tension in the air.
You and your wife have been fighting for a long time. Feelings of hopelessness or even bitterness can quickly come flooding in. The last thing you want to do at the end of a hard day is sit in your driveway not wanting to go inside because you and your wife are at odds.
When you commit your life to someone, at some point you are going to go through rocky points in the relationship. People often look at me after 33 years of marriage and assume I have a marriage with no problems.
Believe me, over the course of time, we have had our share of struggles. Everything has not always been smooth. In particular, we have had plenty of disagreements. If you have a struggling marriage, this is what I would recommend.
Focus on What God Wants
The easy thing to do is to focus on what I want over what my spouse wants. I believe our natural state is one of selfishness. If Lauren and I are facing difficulty, we always try to focus on the Lord and what He wants above all. We ask ourselves the question, "How does God want us to handle this?" It helps us to get beyond our own desires and back on the same page. I would recommend that to anyone having marital trouble.
I would also recommend watching a movie called War Room. In it, there is a couple who has a struggling marriage. It gives some great practical tips for praying for your marriage and how to fight for one another rather than against one another. When in doubt, turning toward the Lord is always the best.
For the original article, visit
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

Friday, November 20, 2015

How to Recognize Signs of Insecurity in Your Wife - B.J. FOSTER/ALL PRO DAD CHARISMA NEWS

Can you recognize your wife's insecurities? How do you handle them?
New Man
In my first year of marriage, I remember lying down on the couch and turning on the television, ready to unplug and relax. That's when my wife came in with a form she needed to fill out.
She started asking me questions about it. Slightly annoyed, I shot back one-word answers. That's when she got upset and told me she needed help. Escalating things, I shot back, "It's a simple form. Why would you need my help?" She ran out of the room, crying.
I was left there wondering what had just happened. I thought, "It's not like I'm smarter or know that stuff more than you. You don't need me. You got it. I just want to relax."
I couldn't understand why she was so adamant about my help or why she got so upset. Immediately, it came to my mind that when she was a kid she struggled with dyslexia. She overcame it, but the experience of not grasping things that seemed to come easily to her classmates left her with a deep insecurity.
The story she was telling herself was vastly different than what I was saying. She heard, "It's a simple form. You're stupid if you can't fill that simple form out. And yourstupidity is annoying me."
The signs of insecurity were there, but I missed them. If I had taken a moment to stop and consider why she wanted my help, it would have changed the entire evening. Her childhood wound was looking for my reassurance.
I could have provided healing, empowerment and security. Instead, I produced the opposite. Understanding our wives' insecurities will help us build them up rather than validate the untrue stories they tell themselves. Here are some common insecurities of our wives.
1. Measuring Up 
The Enjoli perfume commercial from the 1980s says, "I can hang the wash on the line, feed the kids, get dressed, pass out the kisses and get to work by 9 to 5. I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan and never let you forget you're a man."
Noted TED speaker Brene Brown while referencing that commercial said, "For women it's 'Do it all. Do it perfectly, and never let them see you sweat.'" She then went on to quip, "I don't know how much perfume that commercial sold, but I guarantee you it moved a lot of antidepressant and antianxiety meds." Women are mostly insecure about how they measure up, constantly comparing themselves with other women who they perceive as better. They feel as though they are never good enough. The following are different areas where this insecurity most prominently plays out.
"I'm not a good enough MOM." Many suffer from mom guilt. They feel like their kids got the short end of the stick because they are not good enough. The birthday party that isn't as good as their kid's friends', homemade Halloween costumes that aren't perfect, not knowing exactly what to say to make things OK, preparing meals, helping at school, being there and available to every need at all times are some of the things their brains obsess over. Comments and questions from us can feel like severe judgment.
"I'm not a good enough WIFE." The house is disorganized and messy. If they don't fulfill their husbands sexual desires, he will go elsewhere. They may see themselves as exceedingly needy, overly emotional or too (fill in the blank) to be married. Or they may feel as though they don't live up to your mother.
"I'm not beautiful enough." This one should come as no surprise. She feels like you fell in love with the way she looked when you met. When her looks or weight change, you will want to move on to someone else.
That story is deeply ingrained in many and may even cause them to dismiss compliments from their husbands to the contrary. That's why husbands even glancing at an attractive woman can set off fireworks. It's a subtle reinforcement in their minds that there is something better out there for their husband to chase.
"My opinion isn't valuable." Those who struggle with this one don't view themselves as smart as other people. It could stem from many sources, such as being shut down by people, particularly in childhood. They may have had controlling people around them in their life. Be mindful of cutting them off mid-sentence. Ask for their opinion and hear them out fully.
2. Worthiness of Love
Much of the insecurity I think is born out of this place. Many unfortunately think they are unworthy of love. They don't feel OK with who they are and live with the belief that when their husbands really come to know who they are, they won't want to be with them. This one creates an incredible amount of pain and brings with it a powerful defense mechanism. They may lash out and cut their husband off first to save themselves from rejection.
If your wife is being cold and distant, before assuming the worst, look for this one. She is probably protecting herself from some hurt. Maybe even from something that happened long before you even met.
B.J. Foster is the content manager for All Pro Dad and a married father of two. For the original article, visit
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