Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Planned Parenthood Spending Hundreds of Thousands to Block Kavanaugh From SCOTUS - ACLJ STAFF CHARISMA NEWS

President Trump and SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh (CBS YouTube channel)

Planned Parenthood Spending Hundreds of Thousands to Block Kavanaugh From SCOTUS

Taxpayer-funded Big Abortion is spending a small fortune to buy anti-Judge Brett Kavanaugh ads.
We told you how the pro-abortion left was losing its collective mind at the president's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court. This was not surprising given the fact that Judge Kavanaugh is an incredibly intelligent jurist with a proven record of unwavering commitment to the rule of law.
Judge Kavanaugh is also the thing that perhaps scares the left the most: a man of faith.
Big Abortion immediately went into panic mode, lighting up their base on social media with fearmongering and warnings that Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation would spell the end of their world.
Now, just weeks from the start of September's Senate confirmation hearings for Judge Kavanaugh, sources report Planned Parenthood has launched a desperate six-figure campaign to buy anti-Judge Kavanaugh advertisements.
Planned Parenthood announced this media buy in conjunction with its new #DearSenators initiative. #DearSenators is yet another Planned Parenthood website where it is sharing stories it claims are from supporters who would be affected by the confirmation of a pro-life justice such as Judge Kavanaugh —whom they disingenuously call "unfit to serve" on the Supreme Court.
The ads will specifically be aimed at several senators, including Republicans Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, both considered swing votes in the past.
Pricey anti-Kavanaugh television commercials will run in Main and Alaska, and digital ads will be run across the country.
Of course, the rub is since Planned Parenthood receives a half-billion dollars in taxpayer support every year, the American people are subsidizing and essentially paying for these ads—along with the hundreds of thousands of abortions Planned Parenthood performs each year—whether they like it or not.
We just told you about Planned Parenthood's massive new online propaganda campaign called "Unstoppable" to activate its supporters and attack life. This initiative—featuring flashy imagery and pop music by pro-abortion artists and celebrities—urges followers to sign a "manifesto" essentially stating they support taxpayer funded abortion and will stand against pro-life candidates and lawmakers.
Big Abortion knows its empire is crumbling, which is exactly why it's mounting this new campaign to rally their troops and put them on the offensive. These campaigns cost money. And we know where Planned Parenthood gets its funding—the American taxpayers.
This foolishness has to stop. The American people should not be forced to pay for one more abortion, let alone Planned Parenthood's deceptive pro-abortion ad campaigns.
The ACLJ is directly engaged in numerous cases to defund Planned Parenthood and cripple the Big Abortion machine—including an amicus brief we recently filed at the Supreme Court to defund and defeat Planned Parenthood. We need you to take action with us. 
For the original article, visit

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Planned Parenthood will lay off staff and close clinics if it loses tax funding - Live Action News

Planned Parenthood will lay off staff and close clinics if it loses tax funding
After losing in court earlier this month, Planned Parenthood is seeking an emergency injunction in its appeal to stop the Department of Health and Human Services from adding the Protect Life Rule — because, they say, they would be “irreparably harmed” by it. Read more



A euthanasia case in the Netherlands made international headlines last year after it came to light that a woman was euthanized against her will. Now, the doctor who killed her is finally being held responsible. Read more

Jeremiah Thomas is 16, pro-life, and is currently battling cancer. And he is receiving scores of hate messages after he dared to call for the abolition of abortion in Texas as his final wish. Read more

The bill passed the California Senate, but is yet to make its way through the State Assembly. It would require — not just allow, but require — public universities to sell abortion pills to pregnant women on campus. Read more

Modern feminists claim that women need abortion to be legal as a matter of “choice.” Women should be able to choose when they become a mother, the argument goes, though a woman is already a mother at the moment of fertilization. Read more

Three doctors told my parents to abort me… but three other doctors were willing to fight for my life. Read more

A neuroscientist has found that at least 20 percent of people thought to be in a vegetative state are completely aware of what’s happening around them and to them, but they are unable to respond or move. Read more

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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

"I don't want to know the age" LIVE ACTION Lila Rose

Lila-Rose-circle 1.pngLA Logo.jpg

Live Action released two videos today showing Planned Parenthood employees, caught on camera at 15 different facilities across the country, willing to cover up child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking.
Recorded in 2008 and 2011, today’s videos include an investigation of child statutory rape reporting as well as child sex trafficking aiding and abetting at Planned Parenthood, adding to the mounting body of evidence that the corporation’s culture of cover up is systemic and widespread. 
It’s critical with the narrative of #MeToo and #Time’sUp that America knows Planned Parenthood is part of the problem when it comes to perpetuating sexual abuse - not the solution.
These investigative videos show a corporation that is so intensely focused on profiting from the killing of preborn children, that it is willing to exploit the pain of abuse victims as a part of its corporate culture. Watch these videos, and all of the videos in our docuseries, by clicking the link below.
As these videos show, along with the decades of court cases and testimonials of former Planned Parenthood employees we released last week, the evidence is overwhelming: Rather than reporting suspected abuse to authorities, Planned Parenthood has repeatedly looked the other way.
Because of Planned Parenthood’s atrocious record of returning victims to their abusers to suffer yet more abuse, it’s clear there is a widespread culture of covering up abuse for profit at the abortion giant.
We must show more people the truth of how Planned Parenthood profits from killing more preborn children by enabling sex abuse - and convince our representatives to take action to defund the abortion giant.
Please share these videos today - only your action can help stop the cycle of abuse.
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For life,
Lila Rose
President & Founder 
Live Action
Live Action  2200 Wilson Blvd.  Suite 102 PMB 111,  Arlington,  VA  22201 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Report: Trump Debates Cutting Federal Funds to Planned Parenthood - CBN News Emily Jones

Report: Trump Debates Cutting Federal Funds to 
Planned Parenthood
CBN News Emily Jones
President Donald Trump is considering cutting federal funds to abortion providers such as 
Planned Parenthood, according to a new report from Axios.

Axios reports Kellyanne Conway discussed the decision with President Trump on Friday, in 
hopes of fulfilling his campaign promise to defund Planned Parenthood so long as the organization 
continues to provide abortions.

The proposed measure would effectively change Title X, which provides federal grants to family 
planning programs. Title X has a budget of $289 million and provides funding for approximately 
Reagan-era policy that prevented health care providers from receiving Title X funding if they 
provided abortions. That policy was only in effect for a couple of weeks before it was later rescinded 
by the Clinton administration.

Planned Parenthood is outraged by the proposal.

"This would have devastating consequences, and essentially dismantle the nation's program for 
affordable birth control and reproductive health care, which 4 million people rely on. This policy 
is dangerous – it would keep women from having information, and from getting the best health 
care possible," Dawn Laguens, Planned Parenthood's executive vice president said in a statement.

A source close to the policy discussions told Axios it would be "political suicide" for Trump to 
abandon his campaign promise.

"I just don't understand why they would betray a core campaign promise during a midterm election 
year where there are a lot of key House and Senate races where this is a winning issue in light of the
polling," the source said.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Pro-Life Rallies Declare War on Planned Parenthood's New Abortion Agenda - ERIC SCHEIDLER CHARISMA NEWS

More than 130 pro-life rallies will be held this weekend at Planned Parenthood locations. (Getty Images)

Pro-Life Rallies Declare War on Planned Parenthood's New Abortion Agenda

On April 28, pro-life rallies will be held at more than 130 Planned Parenthood locations throughout the United States, marking the third annual National Day of Prayer and Protest Against Planned Parenthood.
This nationwide day of prayer and protest is being coordinated by #ProtestPP, a coalition of more than 75 national, state and local pro-life organizations, in response to Planned Parenthood's aggressive new agenda.
In February, Planned Parenthood executive vice president Dawn Laguens declared that the organization is "going on the offense," pursuing abortion expansion plans in "all 50 states." This month, Planned Parenthood announced their participation in the "Win Justice" project, devoting $30 million to advancing their agenda in the November elections.
"Planned Parenthood is on the warpath," said Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, and one of three national #ProtestPP co-directors, "but too few Aurora residents know the truth about this controversial organization—including the fact that they've cornered 35 percent of the U.S. abortion market. Planned Parenthood makes about $190 million a year in abortion—three-fifths of their clinic income."
Monica M. Miller, another of the national #ProtestPP co-directors and head of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society commented: "Planned Parenthood claims American women rely on them for healthcare, but in reality, four out of five women will never set foot in one of their centers. Planned Parenthood provides about 2 percent of manual breast exams, less than 1 percent of pap tests and zero mammograms. They've also been caught shielding child predators, defrauding Medicaid and harvesting fetal tissue for profit."
The protests to be held April 28 will also call on federal authorities to stop Planned Parenthood's taxpayer funding. The effort to fully defund the organization of all federal tax dollars—about $430 million annually—has stalled in Congress. But an effort is now underway to revise Title X family planning rules to block Planned Parenthood as a recipient and deprive them of some $60-80 million annually.
The co-directors of #ProtestPP emphasized that every dollar taken from Planned Parenthood would be redirected to healthcare providers that are not involved in abortion.
"The effort to defund Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with taking healthcare away from poor women and families," explained #ProtestPP co-director Mark Harrington, who leads the pro-life group Created Equal. "It's about taking tax dollars away from the nation's largest abortion chain."
#ProtestPP is a coalition of more than 75 local, state and national pro-life groups, headed by three national pro-life activist organizations: Citizens for a Pro-Life SocietyCreated Equal and the Pro-Life Action League