Showing posts with label Power Up!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Up!. Show all posts

Monday, December 15, 2014

God Adores the Heart of a Praying Mother

God Adores the Heart of a Praying Mother

God loves the heart of a praying mother.
God loves the heart of a praying mother. (Lightstock)

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In the Bible, God cannot resist the prayers of a godly woman, and a godly woman cannot resist communicating with God.
Based upon more than three decades of full-time ministry, I have pondered why it seems a woman can touch the heart of God, move the hand of God, change the mind of God and attract the favor of God, it seems, faster than most men. In part, I believe, it is because men often pray once and move on, accepting whatever happens as God's will, while a woman will pray unceasingly until the breakthrough manifests.
Even in the life of Christ, one consideration worthy of discussion is this: Christ had an earthly mother but not an earthly father. His emotional connection was with His mother and His spiritual connection was with His heavenly Father.
Mary was the earthly vessel chosen to carry the physical body of the living Son of God. Mary raised Christ of Nazareth, becoming concerned about Him at age 12 when He was missing from the caravan departing from Jerusalem and found debating in the temple (Luke 2:42-52). Mary heard and saw things that she kept hidden in her heart (v. 51). Eighteen years later when Christ began his public ministry, it was His mother who inspired Him to perform His first miracle—turning water into wine, when she instructed the servants, "Whatever He [Jesus] says to you, do it" (John 2:5). It was His mother who faithfully followed His ministry, along with other women named Mary, and like any caring mother who loves her son, she was with Him at the foot of the cross during His final moments on earth.
During the six hours of Christ's intense and unbearable suffering, He looked down and saw Mary standing beside His beloved disciple, John (John 19:25-27).
Perhaps at this moment, with the agony Mary felt she recalled the personal prophecy, she received from an old rabbi at the temple shortly after Christ's birth. More than 33 years prior in Jerusalem, a few hundred yards from where she was now standing, Rabbi Simeon saw the infant Christ and told Mary that a sword will pierce through her own soul also, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed (Luke 2:35).
Christ saw His mother, a woman of flesh and blood who had given Him life, raised Him and followed His ministry, now watching the drama of the ages unfold as scene one of the redemption story was being written in His blood. Christ saw the broken heart of His mother as John led her away just before He breathed His last. Christ loves mothers and is drawn to their tears, words and prayers. After all, He lived in the house, ate her cooking, saw her clean His clothes and His room and knew she was blessed above all women.
Mary is called the wife of Joseph and when speaking of Christ she is called "His mother" eight times in Matthew (Matt. 1:18; 2:11; 13-14; 20-21; 12:46; 13:55).
Christ's Father was heavenlybut His mother was earthly and His first miracle was motivated by His mother's instructions (see John 2:4-5). When Mary approached Christ for help, He said. "My hour [to perform miracles] has not yet come. Without responding to Him, Mary turned to the servants and said, "Whatever He says to you, do it" (John 2:4-5).
At that moment Mary gave the mission statement for Christ's entire ministry. What God tells you to dojust do it. There is a certain authority that is released when a mother turns her attention to Christ and begins to speak a word that will alter the present situation and create a miracle for the future.
The spiritual authority behind the Word of God and the name of Jesus becomes the two weapons of war in any spiritual battle. In the New Testament believers are promised both power (Acts 1:8) and authority (Luke 10:19). The power promised to believers when we receive the Holy Spirit is transferable through prayer and the laying on of hands (Acts 6:6; 8:18; 13:3; 1 Tim. 4:14). Authority, however, is released by your words.
This same type of authority can be released through your prayers, when you understand you are a member of the greatest kingdom in the universe and have been given authority over all the powers of the enemy! As Rahab's act of faith—a scarlet thread in a window—forged a family legacy of protection and destiny, you can do the same with yours.
Adapted from Scarlet Threads by Perry Stone, copyright 2014, published by Charisma House. This book shows you the undeniable power of praying women and contains specific prayers and examples to help you access your own spiritual authority to break Satan's stronghold over your bloodline, pray your lost children back home, and call in their destinies in God. Click here order your copy.
Prayer Power for the Week of Dec. 15, 2014
This week recognize the authority the Lord has given you as a child of God and use the two weapons at your disposal when you pray. Continue to pray for the expansion of God's kingdom on earth and for revival to ignite in our own nation. Pray that God will use the outreach of many churches and ministries to win the lost during this season. Ask the Lord to show you how you can be most effective during this time. Remember our military and their families, those persecuted for their faith in Christ, and pray that our government and spiritual leaders will seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance. Continue to pray for Israel and surrounding territories during this season of celebration and tourism (John 3:16; Acts 1:8; Luke 10:19; John 2:4-5).
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Have You Learned to Wait on God?

Have You Learned to Wait on God?

Waiting in prayer
Sometimes, waiting on God can be a difficult task. But He will never let us down. (Lightstock)

Spirit Led Woman's Power Up Logo
Mary sat in the hospital room where the doctors tried to determine what was wrong with her son. She wondered why her friend wasn't by her side. Days later she was still there as the diagnosis was made and treatment begun ... but I was still absent.
Other friends and family members came and went, some asking her where I was. She didn't know how to respond. My absence was a mystery to her at a time when she needed the support my friendship promised. She began to think that I didn't care.
She was wrong, of course. My heart ached for the worry and suffering she was going through over the welfare of her son. I was with her in spirit, sending her notes in the mail, trying to call on the phone and, of course, praying constantly. I just couldn't get away for the extended period it would take to drive to a distant hospital and back. I had obligations that went beyond the bounds of our friendship that kept me from her side, and it broke my heart to think that she didn't understand.
Perhaps the exact same scenario is what prompted Jesus' tears at the sight of His friend Lazarus' tomb. It wasn't grief over his death because Jesus knew that Lazarus' departure from this life was just a temporary situation. But He, too, had a friend named Mary who didn't understand His absence at a time when she needed Him by her side. Maybe it was heartbreak over Mary's and Martha's feelings of His supposed failed friendship that caused His grief. He hadn't come when they expected Him, and their brother had died as a result.
They didn't understand that He had a calling on His life that went beyond their friendship, a submission and obedience to duty greater than the love they shared. His absence was actually a greater expression of love for them than His presence would have been, a concept that they would eventually come to understand. But He wept over their current disappointment in Him and their misunderstanding of His mission among them.
Mary's resentment was apparent when she remained in her house despite learning that Jesus had finally come to town. Only Martha ran to meet and greet Him.
Most of us can understand Mary's feelings. Haven't we all lived through circumstances in which we thought the Lord had failed us? We've had heartfelt prayers that seemed to go unanswered and summons for His presence to which there seemed to be no response.
Hopes and dreams ... perhaps even people ... have died as a result. And so we sometimes react as Mary did when His name is mentioned. We stay where we are, and thus we miss the words of comfort that He would say to us in response.
Sometimes it takes the Marthas in our lives to get us over the miles of misunderstanding and resentment that separate us from our Lord. Marthas come in various shapes, sizes and physical forms. Once when I had given up on God, I heard Martha's voice in that of a Christian artist who sang in essence the words Martha said to Mary, "The Teacher is close at hand and is asking for you" (John 11:28, AMP).
My reaction was the same as Mary's upon hearing those words. I "sprang up quickly and went to Him" (v. 29). As I lay sobbing at His feet in the spirit, I came to the same place spiritually that she had. I decided to trust Him even when I didn't understand His methods or the purposes behind them.
Many times since that night I have waited in vain for God to move in a situation or have heard only silence when I longed to hear Him speak. But I've learned to wait on Him without doubting His affection for me, confident that His seeming negligence will ultimately result in the confirmation of His unfailing love.
"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts'" (Is. 55:8-9, NIV).
Prayer Power for the Week of October 27, 2014
This week thank God that no matter what you go through, His love never fails. Thank Him for the gift of faith to believe that all things are possible and work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Thank Him that His promises are sure. Pray for President Obama, Congress and the Supreme Court as they make decisions affecting our generation, our nation's future and the entire world. Continue to lift up the persecuted Christians around the world, especially in the Middle East. Remember Israel and pray that our government would seek God and His wisdom on how to deal with terrorism in our nation and the world. Cry out for revival, the spread of the gospel, and more laborers for the Lord's harvest (Rom 8:28; Mark 9:23; Luke 18:27).
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Monday, September 29, 2014

How to Avoid the Devastation ‘Tongue Twisters’ Can Bring

Couples argument
The tongue has the power to do irreparable damage to a relationship. (iStock photo)

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The Bible tells us "when words are many, sin is not absent" (Prov. 10:19, NIV). That's because the tongue can cause quite a storm. Though only a small member of our bodies, it is very unruly and can create havoc in just moments.
Like a swirling tornado of ruinous words, a tongue twister can wipe out a relationship in seconds. One brief "touchdown" from this destructive verbal cyclone can instantly blow the roof off a peaceful household or tear down a bridge of trust that took years to construct. As dangerous and untamable as a rogue wind, the tongue, when unleashed, can create devastating—even irreparable—damage.
But what can we do about it? The Bible also declares "the human tongue can be tamed by no man. It is a restless (undisciplined, irreconcilable) evil, full of deadly poison" (James 3:8, The Amplified Bible).
Does that mean we are helpless to control it? No! Though the tongue may be as impossible to tame as the wind and waves, we do have a responsibility. In fact, the apostle James wrote, "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless" (James 1:26, NIV).
We may not be able to "tame" the tongue so that it permanently obeys us, but we are instructed to "keep a rein on" or to "rein over" the tongue. Our religion is worthless and ineffective if we cannot measure our words and discipline our tongues to speak only those things that are edifying, gracious and truthful. Sometimes keeping silent is better than even good words. "He who holds his tongue is wise," Proverbs says (Prov. 10:19).
The Bible is full of Scriptures that teach us about the incredible force of the tongue and our obligation to "reign over" it. It is clear that God is concerned about the way we speak.
But there's more. It is not just the actual choice of words God is interested in; it is the motive behind the words. The condition of the heart, which cultivates our speech, is His primary concern.
Jesus confirmed this truth in one of His dialogues with the Pharisees. He told them, "You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matt. 12:34).
Jesus didn't mince words. He let us know that if we store up evil things in our hearts, the poison will overflow into our mouths and be released through our conversations. Conversely, if we store up good things in our hearts, the flowing river of our words will be uncontaminated and full of life.
The Lord made it clear that it is not what enters into our mouths that defiles us, but what proceeds out of our mouths (see Matt. 15:11). In other words, we are not corrupt because we speak bad words; we speak bad words because of the corruption in our hearts. Our mouths and our hearts are linked together in an inseparable way. If we are unsurrendered in our hearts, we will be unsurrendered in our speech. God's solution is for us to submit both heart and tongue to Him.
That is why David wrote, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer" (Ps. 19:14). Solomon, too, acknowledged the connection between the head and the heart when he admonished: "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips" (Prov. 4:23-24).
Since the real heart of the issue then, is the issue of the heart, it is important that we guard our hearts with all diligence and continue to submit to God's probing and testing. He alone knows our true condition. As long as we seek to please Him, as David did, and allow Him to purify our hearts, we can avoid the devastation tongue twisters bring.

Prayer power for the week of 9/29/2014

This week pray that the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be pleasing to the Lord. Ask Him to create a clean heart and renew a right spirit within you. Pray that your words would be sweet and used to bring healing and restoration to others.
As you pray with a pure heart, pray for God to move upon our nation, reveal His truth, and turn it back to Himself. Thank Him for His continued protection and ask Him to expose those who devise wicked plans in opposition to His will for our nation, Israel and the rest of the world. (Ps. 19:14; Prov. 4:23-24).
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Monday, September 8, 2014

Perry Stone: A Revelation of Your God Gear


Perry Stone: A Revelation of Your God Gear
Armor of God
In the New Testament-era time of Christ and the apostles, the spiritual teachers used practical, everyday persons, places, objects and real-life examples to help their listeners and readers understand and visualize spiritual truths and concepts. 
A few common examples used through the New Testament are:
  • Farming—illustrations of farming such as planting, protecting and harvesting grains and fruits (Matt. 13:18-32).
  • Fishing—catching men, mending nets, and dealing with storms (Matt. 4:18-20; 13:47-50).
  • Running—a foot race, winning the prize, not giving up, and laying aside weights and sins (Heb. 12:1-2).
  • Warring—a soldier who is equipped with armor to fight and defeat enemies (Eph. 6:10-20).
Perhaps you enjoy those promises of reaping and sowing and prefer to remain in the farming scriptures. For those who like athletic activities, you can relate to the run-the-race admonition in Heb. 12:1-2 because you desire to win the prize. However, if you are an active Christian, you are to be continually prepared for a surprise spiritual conflict that attacks your health, wealth or family—similar to the assault the enemy leveled against Job (see Job 1-2).
We must all understand that this conflict is the battle of the ages, and each soul that falls in battle, wounded and unable to stand, is a victory in the kingdom of darkness.
Anyone who is a Christian is also a soldier. After ministering to hundreds of thousands of believers, I have observed four basic types of soldiers in the body of Christ:
1. First there are those who know nothing about the armor of God. They live from one battle to the next, survive from one beating to the next, and anticipate one defeat to the next. They are the ones who have a desire to serve God but their conflicts bring a defeatist mentality, as they are uncertain as to how to win in a conflict.
2. The second category is those who know something about the armor but refuse to wear it. To them Eph. 6:13-18 is a beautiful poetic passage penned by the apostle in prison. However, their belief is that we must all learn how to deal with our own problems in our own wisdom and strength and not overly concern ourselves with some form of invisible spiritual warfare.
3. The third category comprises the soldiers who pick and choose their protection, wearing some but not all of the armor. They enjoy a spiritual victory occasionally, answered prayer from time to time, a healing during certain seasons, but they often leave areas of their lives exposed to the darts of the enemy. They may attend church for many years, but suddenly they drop off the radar and no one sees them in the Sunday services because the enemy hit them in an unprotected moment.
4. The fourth category of Christian warrior is those believers who wear the entire armor of God and actually know what it represents and how to use it. These Christians have battles just as everyone else, but despite battles and wars, they continue to survive and even thrive during raging conflicts.
It is interesting that Paul would write a detailed discourse on the spiritual battle of a believer against demonic rebels to the Ephesian believers. The city was known for its prostitutions (including temple prostitutes), public bathhouses and idol worship, which dominated the city. Crowds of more than 10,000 people often filled the stadium for gladiator fights.
This was the setting Paul had observed when reminding the saints that their battle was not with flesh and blood but against satanic spirits ruling in high places (Eph. 6:12). This God gear is invisible to the natural eye, yet it is activated through our knowledge of the Word and our faith and trust in God's promises.
You may not see the armor with your natural eyes, just as Job did not see a "hedge" around him with his natural eyes (Job 10:10), but the adversary knows if you are fully clothed or partially naked, and he knows if you truly believe or if you are going to "fake it till you make it."
As a soldier, you would never go to war without proper training, weapons and protective gear. The Bible is our training guide; our life experiences and spiritual walk become our boot camp; and the temptations, trials and attacks we face are all a part of the warfare. As a Christian engaged in spiritual conflicts, you must never leave home without your mind and heart covered and fully clothed with the warfare gear. Paul said, "Put on the whole armor" (Eph. 6:11). The armor of God—never leave home without it!
Crack-Armor-Stone.jpgAdapted from There's a Crack in Your Armor by Perry Stone, copyright 2014, published by Charisma House. If you are engaged in a physical, mental, or spiritual battle, this book is for you. It will show you how to protect and effectively wield your spiritual armor. To order your copy click here.
Prayer Power for the Week of 9/8/2014
This week determine to put on the whole armor of God on a daily basis. Then take your position to stand in faith against all the wiles of the devil. Your prelude to any battle is praise, so begin your prayer time with praise. Exalt God and declare Him worthy of praise and victorious in your life. As this school year begins around the country, lift up our children, youth and young adults.
Pray for godly instructors to teach and direct them in the ways of integrity. Ask God to protect all those doing His work in educational institutions, as well as our local, state and national leaders. Continue to pray for revival to break out in our churches, communities and across the nation. Pray concerning Israel, the conflicts in the Middle East, Africa and the Ukraine (Eph. 6:11-18).
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Monday, August 25, 2014

How God Reveals His Power When You Offer Praise, Thanksgiving and Joy

joyful woman
(© Ersler/

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The only sacrifices mentioned in the New Testament are the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving and the sacrifice of joy.
I don't know about you, but this was liberating news for me. I don't have to sacrifice by begging, confessing, memorizing prayers and Scriptures, fasting, going to all the church services, keeping a serious face all the time, or abstaining from certain things. God loves us and He loves our worship and praise and our thanksgiving and joy.
To sacrifice is to offer something to God. To sacrifice means, "to give up something of value, to make an offering, to surrender, to kill, to give up, to dedicate, consecrate, devote, and to benefit." A sacrifice will cost your time, focus, killing the flesh, surrendering your will for a higher cause. The benefit we receive can never be calculated. Every sacrifice we make is compensated and backed up by all of God's promises and treasures.
When we bring our sacrifices of praise, thanksgiving and joy to God, we are telling Him that we wish to die to our own desires and knowledge, and we desire to love and trust Him completely.
It is in the holy atmosphere of praise and worship that healing, miracles and transformation of the soul begin to manifest, and God's glory starts cleansing and changing our carnal nature into the nature and character of Christ. 
We are literally praying with our heart, soul and spirit. The result is always an impartation of God's infinite blessings, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. When you truly understand this truth you will begin to regain and restore all that Satan has stolen from you. Demons cannot resist the praise of the children of God.
When you feel discouraged, and a spirit of confusion tries to invade your thinking, if you begin to offer a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving you will find that the peace of God will cover you as a shield of protection and the angel of the Lord will encamp all around you and deliver you (see Ps. 34:7).
Two years ago I was in Mexico with my husband waiting at a stoplight, when suddenly the side door of our van was abruptly opened and a gunman thrust a gun into the driver's face demanding that he give him jewels and cash. He flashed the gun at my husband and me also, demanding that we strip of jewels and cash. The light was still red and he wanted us to quickly obey his commands before the light turned green. He managed to get away with two watches, and though he demanded that I take off my jewels, I was miraculously unable to take off my diamond earrings and wedding rings. The light changed, and the assailant was gone.
We were told that many had died in the middle of traffic in similar situations, but our lives were protected by divine intervention. I immediately realized that on that same morning I had offered a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving and declared, "No weapon formed against us shall prosper."
God protects His children from all manner of situations, attacks, and accidents. We should never leave the house without offering a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.We cannot be afraid to pray with boldness, even if our knees are shaking. Our actions will determine the outcome of every situation.
Joy means, "delight, pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, ecstasy, elation, happiness, joyfulness, thrill, wonder, triumph and jubilation." The sacrifice of joy is the most difficult sacrifice to offer to God. When you're sad and afflicted, going through storms and difficulties in life, or when sickness afflicts our bodies, then it becomes a real sacrifice to lift our voices and offer a sacrifice of joy. But let me share a secret with you.
The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh. 8:10). Strength is power. Strength is emotional toughness and resistance. Strength is defensive ability. Strength is effectiveness to succeed and achieve. Strength makes you progressively better. We offer this type of sacrifice singing melodies, dancing, reciting psalms, and declaring aloud those things that are not as though they are, smiling, laughing, clapping our hands, and rejoicing in what the Lord says about us.
Every morning I feel God's goodness invade my atmosphere. My home is peaceful. Healing greets every visitor. God is a merciful Father and desires to bless you with healing and wholeness. It is by His grace (kindness, blessing, mercy, generosity, divine favor) that we receive all good things. Grace is a gift. God desires our love. He wants to passionately love us. The more we draw closer to the Holy Spirit, the more we learn to love God with all our heart. Father God wants to shower us with an outpouring of His miraculous healing and blessings.
Offer Him the sacrifice of praise, thanksgiving and joy and see what He does in your life.
Adapted from Satan, You Can't Have My Miracle by Iris Delgado, copyright 2012, by Charisma House. This book will help you reach into the supernatural realm of the Spirit and bring the miraculous into your life today. It's filled with practical principles, amazing testimonies, and Scripture-based prayers that will inspire you to believe God for the impossible in your life. To order a copy click on this link:
Satan, You Can't Have My Miracle
This week take time in your personal walk to consciously offer the Lord your praise, thanksgiving and joy-especially during this busy time. Allow the Lord's peace to permeate every aspect of your life and carry it with you wherever you go. Thank Him for ordering your steps and ask Him to invade your atmosphere to reflect His presence when you reach out to those in need. Remember President Obama and those working with him concerning our major security and financial issues. Continue to pray for our military and Israel during this volatile time. Neh. 8:10
To enrich your prayer life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate Scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt: Prayers that Rout DemonsPrayers that Bring HealingPrayers that Release Heaven on Earth and Prayers that Break Curses. To order any or all of these click here.
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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Key to Overcoming Fear by SANDRA CLIFTON, D.MIN.

Fearful Woman - The Key to Overcoming Fear

The Key to Overcoming Fear

“OK, background players,” announced the assistant director through the bullhorn, “this scene is supposed to be hairy and scary. You’re trapped in a bad flight that has hit rough air. You are victims—got that?”
At the time I was working as a screen extra for a TV movie. It was early morning, and I was fresh and eager to give my all to the “hairy and scary” scene. “Lights, camera, action!”
Soon the mock airplane was alive with victims—with some (including me) gyrating violently in our seats, creating the illusion of turbulence. Gripping the sides of my passenger chair, I imagined a series of worst-case scenarios to help me with the scene: What if the bumps get worse? How worse? Would I survive?
“Cut!” yelled the voice through the megaphone. “Nice job of fear—but let’s do it again, only with more fear.”
Hours and many retakes later, I emerged tired and drained. Days later when faced with a real-life crisis, a dental emergency, I found myself imagining: What if I need surgery? How can I afford it? Will I financially go under? Again, I wound up tired and drained from the worst-case scenarios going through my head.
Over the years from reading God’s Word, I have discovered that you and I are to be “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5, NKJV). In fact, Jesus has admonished us not to worry about tomorrow (see Matt. 6:25-34).
As we head into new seasons, I invite and challenge you not to imagine worst-case scenarios, but instead to turn to God—a good God whose perfect love casts out all fear (see 1 John 4:18), a loving God who desires the best for you and me (see 3 John 2).
Starting today let the Lord be your vine, the source from which you derive all strength to face the day (see John 15:1-8). Instead of building fear from within yourself, why not build your faith in a Sovereign God who has all in His powerful hand? You will emerge more than a conqueror through Him who loves you (see Rom. 8:37).
This week thank the Lord for His love and goodness.  Ask Him to help you put aside fear and worry and to concentrate on His ability to provide every need and fulfill all His promises. Pray for revival to sweep across our nation and touch every city, state and national office. Pray that God’s people would recognize the seriousness of this hour and gather in fasting and prayer regarding the future of our nation.  Pray for our military and especially the families of the victims who died in the recent Ft. Hood shooting. Continue to pray for those who lost loved ones in the disappearance of flight 370, as well as the victims of the mudslides in the state of Washington. Pray for wisdom and protection for our president and those working with him for our security and safety. Remember Israel, the persecuted church and those continuing to serve our country in all branches. 2 Cor. 10:5; I John 4:18; John 15:1-8
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Monday, February 17, 2014

When We Fall Short, His Work at the Cross Is More Than Enough by MICHAEL BROWN

Michael Brown

When We Fall Short, His Work at the Cross Is More Than Enough

Yes, it is finished! The divine mission has been accomplished! Jesus has done it! Every sin has been paid for, every evil deed judged, and the full and total price of our redemption purchased at the cross. That is the power of the blood of Jesus. That is the glory of the Son of God. That is the depth of the Father’s love—and it was all for you and for me so that forever we could be with Him and even share in His nature. Who could imagine such a story of love?
Jesus perfectly lived the life He had to live and perfectly died the death He had to die. It is finished! It is with good reason that John G. Lake (1870-1935) said, “In all of your preaching and teaching you must always leave people with the consciousness of the triumph of Christ.” Yes! Amen!
It’s time we put our focus on the cross, where Jesus the Messiah “suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,” where God “made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God,” where the Father canceled “the record of debt that stood against us with legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross” (1 Pet. 3:18; 2 Cor. 5:21; Col 2:14).
It was at the cross that the Lord “disarmed the [demonic] rulers and authorities and put them to open shame,” triumphing over them through Yeshua’s death and resurrection (Col. 2:15, ESV). And it was there at the cross that Jesus “himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds [we] have been healed. For [we] were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of [our] souls” (1 Peter 2:24-25).
The story really is too good to be true, and to exaggerate it is to cheapen it. See what Paul wrote 2,000 years ago in Romans 5:6-10, 15, 17, and note those words, “much more”! Everything about the cross shouts, “Much more!” Surely that “much more” is more than enough for us!
We sinned. He died.
We were guilty He was punished.
We deserved death. He gave his life.
We rejected Him. He accepted us.
We drove the nails in His hands. Those nails saved our souls!
And now, in Him, we have everything we need. And now, through Him, we can do the Father’s bidding. And now, with Him, we can go and change the world. Isn’t this more than enough?
Our sins have been dealt with once and for all at the cross, and we need never look for another sacrifice or offering for our guilt. When we fall short, we look back to the cross, and the same blood that saved us cleanses us afresh, and we go forward, free from condemnation and guilt, living lives that please the Lord.
And there’s something else that we now understand. When He died, we died with Him, and we too have been raised in newness of life, considering ourselves dead to sin and alive to God (Rom. 6:6-12). That is the power of the gospel!
And when Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father, He sent the Spirit down to us, now to dwell within us, to guide us and instruct us, turning us from error and leading us into truth, communing with us in holy fellowship and empowering us for holy service. This is the all complete, all comprehensive grace of God, and all of it was purchased at the cross, where the Savior of the world perfectly accomplished the Father’s mission, declaring, “It is finished!”
Because of that we have a glorious calling! (See 2 Peter 1:3-4). He has now promised that nothing in the universe can separate us from His love and that He Himself will keep us strong to the end, as we “continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that [we] heard” (Col. 1:23), confident that the God “who began a good work in [us] will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:6), and putting our trust in the one “who is able to keep [us] from stumbling and to present [us] blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen” (Jude 24-25).
Is this not enough? Is this not much more than enough?
That’s why for the next trillion years, just as eternity is getting started, we will glory more and more in the finished work of the cross, finally understanding just what Paul meant when he said, “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Gal. 6:14). May this be our boast as well.
Hyper-GraceAdapted from Hyper-Grace by Michael Brown, PhD, copyright 2014, published by Charisma House. This book gives you a true understanding of the grace of God as not only His unmerited favor, but also His ongoing empowerment and continued working on our behalf. It will help you discern between a true and false message of grace and keep you scripturally grounded and on the right track in your spiritual journey. To order your copy click here.
This week meditate on what Christ did for you on the cross, and spend time thanking God for this ultimate sacrifice of immeasurable love. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Pray that God will direct each day and give you opportunities to share His love and gospel with those who desperately need Him. Lift up those suffering from the effects of recent winter storms and look to connect with those offering help, ministry and provision. Continue to pray that our nation’s leaders will recognize their need for God’s wisdom, guidance and counsel. Pray for more laborers for the harvest, for Israel to fulfill God’s purpose and for worldwide revival to spread. Ps. 100; Col. 1:23; Phil. 1:6.
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