Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
Derek Prince Sermons: Spiritual Warfare – Casting Down Strongholds – This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. We have an enemy that takes us seriously, so we should take our enemy seriously. In this insightful message, Derek Prince explains the nature and activity of spiritual warfare.
STEVE & LAURIE MARTIN - LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE FOUNDERS My good wife Laurie and I (45 years in October 2022!), through the ministry of Love For His People we founded in 2010, give love and support for our friends in Israel and in other nations with friendship, humanitarian aid, and social media support, along with Steve's messages, and our Ahava Adventures trips to Israel. Steve has also authored and published 34 books. We live in the Charlotte, NC area. We have four adult children, spouses, and eight grandkids.
“Be Aware & Press On!” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin
June 7, 2020 Love For His People ministry in Charlotte, North Carolina USA
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10, NKJV
When I read Lana Vawser’s message this morning, a highly respected prophetic voice from Australia, and posted it on our website Love For His People, entitled “FIGHT TO STAY AWAKE!”, I said to myself, “That’s it!” The enemy of our soul has been trying to wear us out, tear us down, so that we will just stop and sleep.
Not me. I am not going to let the enemy win. I know the Lord is on my side. And yours too.
In brief she said, “As I had these beautiful divine interruptions of the Lord taking place, and the invitation to embrace, yield and lean into them, I saw a huge demonic figure enter into the vision. This demonic figure was large in stature, and in different peoples lives it would show itself differently. This demonic figure was sent on an assignment to come against believers and its assignment was to DECEIVE, to DISTRACT and to bring a DISENGAGEMENT to the DIVINE INTERRUPTIONS the Lord was bringing.
These three areas stood out to me so strongly:
1. Deception
2. Distraction
3. Slumber
This demonic figure was on assignment to cause such a slumber over many to not recognise the importance of the hour we are in. It was coming on assignment to cause distractions so there would be so much “double vision” and so much opposition to hinder God’s people from deep places of encounter with the Lord and what the Lord is saying and partnering with the wisdom and blueprint of God, and there was an overall feeling of ‘slumber’ that was coming with this assignment of the enemy to cause many to feel like they just want to ‘sleep’.”
After you have finished reading this message from me, I encourage you to read the full one of hers on our website Love For His People, entitled “FIGHT TO STAY AWAKE!”.
As for me, with the battles raging in the nations against the seen – pandemics, racial strife, media madness with fake news, political upheavals and ongoing spreading of lies – just to name a few, and the unseen in the heavenlies, the enemy of our spirit, soul, and body is not giving up, thinking he can win.
But he can’t! He won’t! The Lord has already written the last chapter of the Book, and He wins!
We must be aware that war is war. It isn’t a game that we can just shut on and shut off, as if walking away from the video game. We may think we have the choice to just “sit this one out” and let the game-changers do it all, you know, the “gifted ones”, but we can’t. We must not. We will not.
By His grace we push on, we fight on, we take our stand for righteousness, justice, continually seeking to see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Until the end has come and His throne is established on earth in Jerusalem.
We must not allow ourselves to grow weary in doing good.
Again, for encouragement, “So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10, THE MESSAGE
You may have been in this wearisome battle, in a particular area of your life, where you struggled against disappointment, job loss, family conflict, medical condition, the uncertainty of tomorrow. Haven’t we all in some form or another!
As an example, for me, for the 4th time in two months, I will press on and push forward. The enemy WILL NOT have his way in my life. I will re-schedule our trip to Israel for another time yet this year. The gates will open! The appointed time will come! That which our Lord has called us to will not be stopped by the one who hates us and continually battles against us.
“Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Stand against him, firm in your trust, knowing that your brothers throughout the world are going through the same kinds of suffering. You will have to suffer only a little while; after that, God, who is full of grace, the one who called you to his eternal glory in union with the Messiah, will himself restore, establish and strengthen you and make you firm. To him be the power forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 5:8-11, Complete Jewish Bible
My friends in faith, I encourage you to realize that the battle is not yours but the Lord’s, and He is fighting on our behalf. He has already overcome death by His resurrection from the dead, and He is the one giving us the new life and new strength, new courage, to press on and stand strong. Our Lord is roaring from Zion! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah!
Don’t give up. Don’t sleep it off. Be aware, and fight on. It will be worth it in the end.
And I will see you too at the finish line!
Now think on this.
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin, Founder/President Love For His People, Inc.
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Now Think On This #515 – in the year of our Lord 06.07.2020 – “Be Aware & Press On!”– Sunday 6:30 am in Charlotte, NC USA
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August 22, 2019 Declarations as shared by my colleague, Rachel Davis We bind political spirits and decree that they lose their ability to infiltrate the minds of God’s people and that discernment overtake their minds and God’s truth breaks through. We speak death to religious mindsets and call to attention the darkness that is masking as light (in terms of justice, gun control, immigration) for they are pushing forth Satan’s agenda for America and not God’s. We speak death to the mainstream media’s deceptive agenda and say their false narratives and plans are exposed for the socialist and communist plots that it is. We decree protection over our President and release warring angels to accomplish this protection. We decree that he will be re-elected and that God’s plans that he puts in place will grow and expand. We say that America will have a great awakening to this move and repent. We speak death to the LGBTQ agenda and decree that there are two genders and America’s children are protected from the evil plan to recreate the genders that God created. We decree exposure of the Clinton’s and Obamas and say that there will be charges and convictions of treason. We call forth into position the strong men and women who are not afraid to fight this fight, We decree justice reigns in this nation. We decree that our nation’s constitution will stay intact and that nothing can destroy it. We decree that the electoral college stays firm. We clean out Congress of the Muslim and socialist agenda and decree that patriotism returns to our nation and government. We declare protection over Trump supporters, conservatives and Christianity. We decree that God’s truth will invade this nation! AWAKEN! ARISE! ALIGN! ADANCE!
Rick Joyner is a highly respected voice not only in the Body of Christ but also in other mountains of influence.
Rick has a prolific dream here about God's champions:
It was also apparent in this dream that the resolute focus of these champions did not happen overnight. Their life was one of preparation for this time. These were the soldiers who could be ready when the King called on them because they were not overly caught up in everyday affairs. They did not allow temporal things to eclipse the eternal purposes of God in their lives. They will be ready when the Captain calls them, and that will be soon.
Now read the rest of this encouraging word by Rick Joyner as God is calling on YOU! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here. Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:
"Champions - Prepare for the Captain's Call"
Rick Joyner, Fort Mill, SC
In the first part of a dream I was given, about the coming Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, great champions were released to go after specific evil strongholds. It was their work that enabled this coming revolutionary/civil war to be "successful." For this reason, we need to understand who these people are and how they will confront the evil strongholds of this time.
The word "champion" often brings thoughts of fit and strong athletes, but few of the ones in this dream were the athletic type. They were all ages, sexes, and types. I'm nearly 70 and I was not the oldest one there. I did not see any that physically looked like a warrior, but they all did in their demeanor. None were novices—they were experienced and battle-hardened with an uncommon focus, resolve, and courage.
What Prevents You from Being a Champion?
I don't think there is anything that can prevent any Christian from being one of these champions of the faith if they are serious, resolute disciples of Christ. What prevents you from being one of these champions? Do you think you're too old? Abraham was too old when he was called, yet he became "the father of faith." Moses was 80 when he started his ministry. We are told that we have "a better covenant," so we should be able to do better than he did. (Photo via Pixabay)
I think there are only two things that can keep any serious disciple of Christ from being one of these champions: 1) they are too busy with the affairs of this life, or 2), like the ten spies that opposed Joshua and Caleb, they are more focused on how small they are rather than how big God is.
Prepared for the Captain's Call
It was also apparent in this dream that the resolute focus of these champions did not happen overnight. Their life was one of preparation for this time.
These were the soldiers who could be ready when the King called on them because they were not overly caught up in everyday affairs. They did not allow temporal things to eclipse the eternal purposes of God in their lives.
They will be ready when the Captain calls them, and that will be soon.
These champions were especially prepared for what they were about to do, but as they went forth, companies of people began to follow them. Even if we are not called to be a leader in a fight against these evil strongholds, we may be part of the company that goes after them. There are many who have been prepared to hear the sound of the trumpet call and will respond.
It's Our Turn to Engage in the Fight
When I was in the Navy, we each had a specific job to do or a duty station. If the ship was torpedoed, bombed, or suffered any kind of emergency, everyone became a part of the damage control teams. The obvious reason was that if the ship sank, all of our jobs would be gone, so dealing with the crisis became everyone's job. Our ship of state is now facing some of the biggest crises in our history, with attacks coming from within and without. Our ship of state is in danger of sinking, and almost everything we consider precious is being threatened. Therefore, getting engaged in this fight must become the main priority of all.
It is going to take the same kind of resolve and willingness to sacrifice to save our country that it took to found it. Our Founders risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to give us the freedoms we have been so blessed with. Many gave their lives and their fortunes for our benefit, but they are numbered among those who will always be honored. Now it is our turn to preserve what so many paid such a high price for so that this republic is not lost on our watch. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Get Ready to Mobilize
For the coming times, the most important call going out will be to disciples of Christ. We must each find our place in the great spiritual force that is being gathered. Then we must be taught, trained, equipped, and deployed. This organization will become more defined, as well as the champions called to lead it. As this transformation takes place, those who will engage in the great battles of our time will not choose where they go to church based on superficial things like if they like the preacher, the worship, the children's ministry, etc. Rather, they will gather with those they are called to fight within the great battles of our time. Effective spiritual warfare will become that important.
Again, as we see in Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for peace and a time for war. During peace, the people will have a peaceful demeanor, but during war, there is a seriousness and a fierceness that comes over all. In this life, we have always been in the most serious war of all—one for the souls of men. As the battle to save our republic unfolds, a new awareness of the battle for the souls of the people will become clear to the awakened. All of this is working to prepare the greatest spiritual force in history for the ultimate battle of the ages.
Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the Senior Pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including The Final Quest, A Prophetic History, and Church History. He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.
We are living in times of intensifying spiritual warfare. There has never been a time like this! But no matter how daunting the situation seems to be, our adversary is no match for the living God and His angel armies. It is our task and privilege to tune in to the heart of our Father and receive the download from the Holy Spirit of His divine strategies. We have to lay aside the hindrances that have been arrayed against us and pray through!
Prayer is most successful when it is shared with others. A corporate body in agreement—the ekklesia—can legislate the Word of God by His Holy Spirit and shift entire nations. Hearts gathered together to seek the face of the Lord will be used by Him.
God has called the End-Time Handmaidens and Servants to gather each year for our World Convention (an event for all ages), and this is the 41st time we are gathering! Every year it has been a time of "the bride making herself ready." The Lord calls each time to "come away, My beloved," as the Bridegroom of the Song of Solomon. And this year as we come apart with Him, we are expecting more than ever to receive the grace to arise and shine in His glorious light!
This bridal call reaches from the heart of the Bridegroom into the heart of the warrior-bride. She knows she is called to align herself with the heart of her King and press the battle to the gates of hell to deliver the captives from deception. His Glory will reveal His divine strategies for these times, and we will agree together in worship and intercession as the Holy Spirit leads through anointed preaching, teaching and prophetic exhortation. Of course that bridal company includes both men and women, even as we are all given the power to become sons of God as we believe on His name.
We feel that this year we are being called to gather to receive an outpouring of His Glory to equip us to effect change in the nations through persistent prayer. It's time for the outpouring! It's time for the harvest! He may send us there by physical travel, on our knees in intercession, or even by "Philip's Airlines" translation. That face-to-face meeting with Him causes us to lay aside everything that has kept us from the fullness of our destiny. You won't ever want to tell Him no again once He has held you in His divine glory embrace, for He will impart to you the vision of His heart for your place and purpose in His divine plan!
Our Father is looking for that bridal company of those who have surrendered their individuality to allow His Son to live His life through them, becoming one with His character through the fruit of His Holy Spirit, and letting Him "dress Himself" with your personality. Are you allowing Him to help you make yourself ready? Nothing of this earth carries the value of that relationship! Nothing compares with Him! Nothing should stand in your way to keep you from following after Him!
We hope that you will bring your individual anointing and join us to form the amazing corporate anointing that we experience each year at the World Convention. It is worthy to note that fasting increases your anointing when you are seeking the Lord for His purposes to be accomplished in your life. And when people who have fasted and received that increase in anointing gather together, the corporate anointing goes off the charts! The glory of the Lord's presence in worship is breathtaking, and the depth of the preaching of the Word of God is life-changing. Let's believe God together in prayer for each person whom He calls to take faith and willingly and joyfully obey His prompting and come to receive Divine Strategies for These Times!
As we gather July 1-5, 2019, at the Holiday Inn and Northwest Arkansas Convention Center in Springdale, Arkansas (originally known as Shiloh), we expect to:
Receive divine strategies for intercession.
Worship the Lord together in the beauty of His holiness.
Be transformed by God's presence as we allow His glory to permeate our spirit.
Enter into a new level of anointing.
Connect with God's purpose for our lives.
Restore our godly passion and spiritual balance.
Receive God's heart for the nations.
Become better equipped to be used by God to change the world.
Build eternal relationships in the body of Christ.